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of the 20th May, was the necessary result of the free adherence of Switzerland to the principles manifested by the Powers who signed the Treaty of Alliance of the 25th March.

The Powers acknowledge with satisfaction that the conduct of Switzerland, under these trying circumstances, has shown that she knew how to make great sacrifices to the general good, and to the support of a cause, which all the Powers of Europe defended, and that in fine Switzerland has deserved the advantages which have been secured to her, whether by the arrangements of the Congress of Vienna, by the Treaty of Paris, of this day, or by the present act, to which all the Powers in Europe are invited to accede.

In faith of which, the present Declaration has been concluded, and signed at Paris the 20th November 1815. The signatures follow in the alphabetical order of the Courts.


The Prince de METTERNICH.

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The Prince de HARDENBERG.
The Baron de HUMBOLDT.

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No. 20.-B.


Extract of the Protocol of the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia.

Paris, November 3, 1815.

THE neutrality of Switzerland shall be extended to the territory which is to the north of a line drawn from Ugine, comprehending that town, to the south of the lake of Annecy, and thence to the lake of Bourges, as far as the Rhone, on the same principles as it has been extended to the provinces of Chablais and Faucigny, by the 92d Article of the final Act of the Congress of Vienna.

In order to enable the King of Sardinia to partake, in a fair proportion, of the advantages which result from the present arrangements with France, it is agreed, that the part of Savoy which remained with France in virtue of the Treaty of Paris of the 30th May 1814, shall be reunited to the dominions of His said Majesty, with the exception of the parish of Saint

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Julien, which shall be made over to the Canton of Geneva.

The Cabinets of the Allied Courts will use their good offices, in order to induce His Sardinian Majesty to make over to the Canton of Geneva, the parishes of Chesne, Thouex, and some others, which are necessary to disengage the Swiss territory of Jussy, in return for the retrocession, on the part of the Canton of Geneva, of the territory situated between the road of Erron, and the lake, which had been ceded by His Sardinian Majesty, in the Act signed the 29th March 1815.

The French Government having consented to withdraw its frontier line of Custom-houses, from the limits of Switzerland on the side of the Jura, the Cabinets of the Allied Courts will use their good offices, in order to engage His Sardinian Majesty also to withdraw them on the side of Savoy, at least one league from the Swiss frontier, and without the "Voirons” of Salève and the hills of Sion and Waache.

No. 1.


entre la Grande Bretagne et la France, Signé à Paris, le 20 Novembre 1815.

Au Nom de la Très-Sainte et Indivisible Trinité.

L ES Puissances Alliées, ayant, par leurs efforts réunis et par le succès de leurs armes, préservé la France et l'Europe des bouleversemens dont elles étaient menacées par le dernier attentat de Napoléon Buonaparte, et par le systême révolutionnaire reproduit en France pour faire réussir cet attentat;

Partageant aujourd'hui avec Sa Majesté TrèsChrétienne le désir de consolider par le maintien inviolable de l'autorité royale et la remise en vigueur de la Charte Constitutionnelle, l'ordre de choses heureusement rétabli en France, ainsi que celui de ramener entre la France et ses voisins les rapports de confiance et de bienveillance ré · ciproque, que les funestes effets de la révolution et du systême de conquête avaient troublés pendant si long-temps;

Persuadées que ce dernier but ne saurait être atteint que par un arrangement propre à leur assurer de justes indemnités pour le passé et des garanties solides pour l'avenir,

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