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Highness, in the lifetime of His Royal Highness, and to be paid quarterly; and the first quarterly payment to be made at the end of three calendar months after such Her decease, when the said annuity, payable during Their joint lives, is to determine.

Art. 4. The son or daughter, or descendant of the said marriage for the time being, next in succession to the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after the Princess Charlotte Augusta, shall be brought up in such manner as His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or His successors, may be pleased to direct, and no children of this marriage shall be allowed to marry without the consent of His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or His Successors for the time being.

Art. 5. It is understood and agreed that Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta shall not, at any time, leave the United Kingdom without the permission, in writing, of His Ma→ jesty, or of the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, and without Her Royal Highness's own consent.

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And in the event of Her Royal Highness being absent from this Country, in consequence of the permission of His Majesty, or of the Prince Regent, and of Her own consent, such residence abroad shall, in no case be protracted beyond the term approved by His Majesty, or the Prince Regent, and consented to by Her Royal Highness. And it shall be competent for Her Royal Highness to return to this Country before the expiration of such term, either in con

sequence of directions for that purpose, in writing, from His Majesty, or from the Prince Regent, or at Her own pleasure.

Art. 6. This Treaty shall be ratified by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, on the behalf of His Majesty, and by His said Serene Highness, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in ten days, or sooner, if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

Done at London the thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.


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It is hereby expressly declared, that no Article or Provision, contained in the Treaty of Marriage signed this day, shall, in any manner, be taken, or deemed to affect, or prejudice any right or prerogative of His Majesty, His heirs or successors, touching or concerning the education or marriages of any of the children or descendants of Her Royal Highness Princess VOL. II.-1816. 3 Z

Charlotte Augusta, or the education or marriages of any of the Royal Family or Their descendants.

The present Additional Article shall have the same force and effect, as if it were inserted, word for word, in the Treaty of Marriage signed this day. It shall be included in the ratification of the said Treaty.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (L. S.) BARON DE JUST.

(L. S.)
(L. S.) ELDON, C.



(L. S.)


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(L. S.)

(L. S.)

(L. S.)




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America, Copy of a Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, for regulating the Commerce between the two Countries, 318.

Declaration annexed to the Convention, allowing

the exclusion of American Vessels from communication with the Island of St. Helena, 324.

Austria, Copy of the Convention between Great Britain and Austria, concerning the custody of Napoleon Buonaparte, 311;-Translation of ditto, 314. Vide notes, page 317. Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Austria, signed at Paris 20th of November 1815, 29;-Translation of, 50.

Treaty between Great Britain and Austria respecting` the Ionian Islands, 221-Translation, 95. Vide note, page 101.


Baden, Accession of the Grand Duke of to the General Treaty of the Allied Powers, signed at Vienna 25th of March 1815, 341..

, Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Baden, 398.

-Bavaria, Accession of the King of Bavaria to the General Treaty of the Allied Powers, signed at Vienna, 345. Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Bavaria, 401.

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Cobourg, Prince of, Treaty of Marriage between him and the Princess Charlotte of Wales, 531.

Additional Article

to, 537.

3 Z 2

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Denmark, Accession of the King of Denmark to the General
Treaty of the Allied Powers, signed at Vienna, 348;-
Translation, 351.

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Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Den-
mark, 403.


France, Papers relating to the Convention for the evacuation
of Paris, Extract of a Dispatch from the Duke of
Wellington, inclosing the Military Convention, 473.
Military Convention for the evacuation of Paris, 473 ;—
Translation, 477. Copy of Dispatch from Earl Bathurst
to the Duke of Wellington, relating to the 12th Article
of the Convention, 481. The Duke of Wellington's
Reply, 482.

Papers concerning the case of Marshal Ney, 487

to 527.

Definitive Treaty between France and the Allied
Powers, signed at Paris 20th of November 1815, 1,—
Translation, 133.-Additional Article to, relative to the
Abolition of the Slave Trade, 143,-Translation of, 11.
Convention relative to the payment of the Pecuniary
Indemnity, to be furnished by France to the Allied
Powers, 144;-Translation, 13. Convention relative
to the occupation of a Military Line in France, by an
Allied Army, 149;-Translation, 18. Additional Ar-
ticle to, 156;—Translation, 25. Tariff annexed to the
Convention relative to the occupation of a Military
Line, 157;-Translation, 27. Convention relative to
the examination and liquidation of the Claims of British
Subjects against the French Government, 166 ;-
Translation of, 35. Additional Article to, 1783-
Translation of, 48. Note from the Ministers of the
United Cabinets to the Duke de Richelieu, communicat-
ing the Treaty of Alliance, 185 ;-Translation of, 57.
Extract of a Protocol for regulating the dispositions
relative to the Territories and Places ceded by France,
by Articles I, II and III of Treaty, 188;-Translation
of, 60, Protocol respecting the distribution of the
to the Allied Powers,
Pecuniary Indemnity to be paid
192;—Translation, 64. Table of the Allotment, 199;

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