Reconsider, motion to, not in order in cases of bills introduced on Mon- Refer, motions to, order in which question to be taken on... Reports of committees, not acted on at first session, to be acted on after Reports of the Court of Claims to be continued from Congress to Con gress-placed on calendar, &c. (See requiring assent of the Senate, to be laid on the table one 143 calling on executive officers for information to lie one day. 53 32 orders, votes, &c., requiring the President's approbation, 10 passed one house and lost in the other, notice to be given, 12 not to be presented to the President on the last day of the 17 of State and Territorial legislatures, when they may be in- 130 Riders, engrossed bills not to be amended by 126 5 145 motion to suspend, may be entertained every Monday, one hour 145 104 pending, or motion to suspend, no dilatory motion, except one to 161 these, to govern present and succeeding Congresses, unless other- 147 S. Saturday, private bills take precedence on Rule. 128 Secret session, relating to first and fourth set apart for private bills not objected to 129 consider messages from .... messages to and from, (joint rule). during the rebellion, (joint rule) Senate, all orders to be laid on the table one day which require the assent bills and resolutions, when to be read 137 22 143 54 54 5,41 messages from, to be repeated at Clerk's desk.... Srg ant-at-arms to be elected at the commencement of each Congress.. 10 158 10 to pay mileage, upon the report of the Committee on Speaker shall take chair every day at hour to which House adjourned... may speak to points of order in preference to other members.... may name members to perform the duties of the Chair for the day- 5 67 73 shall sign all acts, addresses, and joint resolutions. 8 shall have power to order the galleries and lobby to be cleared - Speaker, while question is being put by, or he is addressing the House, members to keep their seats, and not hold private conversation. shall state motions when made and seconded to sign checks for pay and mileage of members.. to appoint chairman of the Committee of the Whole..... election of, to be conducted in accordance with these rules .... Speaker, pro tempore, may be named by the Speaker for the day....... 54th rule.............. weekly statement of, to be prepared by Clerk Special orders, all debate on, shall be confined to measure before com mittee.. general appropriation bills may be made, at any time... State legislatures, when joint resolutions of, may be introduced Stationery, allowance of, to members and delegates.. Stenographers, relative to... 135 Tie votes, made so by the vote of the Speaker, defeat the proposition .110, 111 4 7 U. Unfinished business, at adjournment, when to be resumed.. all other, when to be resumed... 51,56 56 V. Viva voce, election to be held by Vote, separate, may be taken on each item of internal improvement bill. 10 121 not to be given by a member who is interested or without the bar... 29, 30 every member present shall vote unless excused.. to be given viva voce in the election of officers Voting, manner of........... who are to be excluded from.. 31 10 4 29,30 Rule. Voting, how members are excused from 31 members not to visit the Clerk's desk while vote is being taken. 65 149 W. Warrants, writs, &c., to be signed by the Speaker..... Ways and Means, duties of Committee of.... may report bills at any time. Witnesses, how to be subpoenaed ... .... fees of, for attendance and mileage.. Writing, motion to be reduced to, if desired words excepted to to be reduced to. Y. Yeas and nays, one-fifth of the members present may order, (Constitu- 8 151 151 8 138 39 62 names of members not voting by, to be entered on journal 149 |