On Revolutionary Claims, to consist of five members.... On District of Columbia, to consist of seven members.... On the Pacific Railroad, to consist of nine members. On Mines and Mining, to consist of seven members.... No. 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 To Audit and Control the Contingent Fund, to consist of three members 34 On Printing, to consist of three members.... On Engrossed Bills, to consist of three members.. On Enrolled Bills, to consist of three members... STANDING committees, the Senate will proceed, by ballot, severally to appoint the chairman of each committee, and then, by one ballot, the other members necessary to complete the same; and a majority of the whole number of votes given shall be necessary to the choice of a chairman of a standing committee. All other committees shall be appointed by ballot, and a plurality of votes shall make a choice. In the appointment of the STANDING committee shall first be put. When motions are made for reference of the same subject to a select committee and to a standing committee, the question on reference to the...... 34 34 34 336 335 STATES, not referred to the Committee on Printing. Motions to print documents from the legislatures or conventions lawfully called of the..... 34 STRIKE out and insert shall not be divided. A motion to....... 12 STRIKE out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor a motion simply to strike out, nor shall the rejection of this prevent a motion to strike out and insert. A motion to..... SUBJECT or matter shall have been referred to a committee, any other subject or matter of a similar nature may, on motion, be referred to such committee. When any ..... SUM first put. In filling blanks the largest.. 1221 35 13 SUSPEND the 16th and 17th joint rules, &c., always in order, &c. A motion to 53 SUSPENSION or amendment of a rule. One day's notice to be given of a motion for the..... 53 T. TABLE, and read before being debated. A motion made and seconded shall be reduced to writing, if desired, delivered in at the.... TABLE, &c. (See Rule.) When a question is under debate no motion shall be received but to lie on the..... 10 11 No. 24 26 TABLE. A brief statement of the contents of petitions, &c., to be made TIME first put. In filling blanks the longest 21 13 222 TITLES of bills, and parts affected by amendments, inserted on the journal. 32 TREATIES. Proceedings on... TREATIES which may be laid before the Senate shall also be kept secret TREATIES, &c., shall be returned or delivered from the office of the Secre- TWICE in any one debate. No member shall speak more than 28 38 39 43 33 44 TWO-THIRDS of the members present are necessary to carry the affirmative, U. 23 UNANIMOUS consent of the members present. On the third reading of any 15 V. VERBAL statement of contents of a petition, &c., to be made before being 24 VICE-PRESIDENT, or President of the Senate pro tem., shall have the right No. 23 28 14 .... 16 VOTE, unless for special reasons he be excused. On every question taken VOTE may be made before the subject has gone out of the possession of the VOTE of the Senate. Special orders shall have precedence over general VOTE of the Senate shall be entered on the journal. Every..... VOTES on that side which prevailed may move for a reconsideration, which W. WITHDRAWN by the mover before decision, amendment, or ordering of the 10 WORDS of a Senator called to order shall be taken down in writing, to 7 7 WRITING, if desired by the President. A motion made and seconded shall 10 Y. No. YEAS and nays are ordered, a motion cannot be withdrawn by the mover without leave of the Senate. When the YEAS and nays, and on a call of the house, the names of the members shall be taken alphabetically. In taking the...... YEAS and nays shall be called for by one-fifth of the Senators present, each shall answer, without debate, unless excused for special reason. When the...... 10 16 16 YEAS and nays are taken, no member shall vote after the decision is announced from the Chair. When the.. YEAS and nays. 17 Every question shall be put by the President of the Senate, and the members shall signify their assent or dissent by answering aye or no, or by...... 22 YEAS and nays are being called, &c. Messengers are introduced in any state of business, except while the.. 46 OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U. S., THE JOINT RULES OF THE TWO HOUSES, AND OF SO MUCH OF JEFFERSON'S MANUAL AS UNDER THE RULES GOVERNS THE OF THE UNITED STATES, LAWS OF CONGRESS, AND THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE, AND THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF ITS MEMBERS. COMPILED BY JOHN M. BARCLAY, JOURNAL CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U. s. ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1868. |