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FIRST: As to the trustees and other officers for the management of turnpike roads:-their appointment-several duties and respective liabilities.

I. As to Trustees (a).

Qualification of Trustees.-By Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. s. 62, No person who shall hereafter be chosen or appointed a trustee, shall be qualified or capable of becoming and acting as trustee in the execution of any Act for making, repairing, or maintaining any turnpike road, unless he shall be in his own right, or in the right of his wife, in the actual possession or receipt of the rents and profits of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £100, above reprizes ; or shall be heir apparent of a person possessed of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £200, above reprizes; and unless he shall, before he shall act as such trustee, take and subscribe the oath or affirmation following, before any two or more of the trustees appointed or to be appointed by or in pursuance of such Act, who are hereby authorized and empowered to administer the same, in the words or to the effect following; (that is to say,)

I , do swear [or, being one of the people called Quakers, do solemnly affirm, that I truly and bona fide am, in my own right [or, in the right of my wife], in the actual possession and enjoyment of [or, in the receipt of rents and profits issuing out of] freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £100, above reprizes, [or, am heir apparent of who to the best of my knowledge is seised of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £200, above reprizes,] [or, that I am possessed of a personal estate of £10,000, clear of all debts and incumbrances, as the case may be.] So help me God.

(a) The appointment of the trustees is always made by the local Turnpike Act. But they

terms contained in these general Acts; by which, also, justices of the peace are appointed to be

[or, being a Quaker, omit the words " So help me God."]

By Section 63, Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from acting as a trustee of any turripike roads, any part of which are or shall be situate within ten miles of the Royal Exchange in London, who shall be possessed of personal property to the amount or value of £10,000, after payment of his debts.

Persons acting under prior Acts, not to re-qualify.By Stat. 4 Geo. 4. c. 95. s. 35, It is enacted, That where any person shall, previously to the 1st day of January, 1823, have been duly qualified, and shall have been then acting as a trustee according to the provisions of former Acts, it shall be lawful for such person to continue to act as a trustee under such Acts, without re-qualifying; even although such person shall not be possessed of the amount of property required by the above clauses.

Such trustees losing their qualification, to cease to act. By Sect. 36, of the same Act, it is provided, That if any trustee who shall have been acting as such, previously to the 1st day of January, 1823, shall have lost or parted with subsequently thereto, or shall hereafter lose or part with, by sale, assignment, bankruptcy, insolvency, or otherwise, the qualification in respect of which he acted FIRST: As to the trustees and other officers for the management of turnpike roads:-their appointment-several duties and respective liabilities.

I. As to Trustees (a).

Qualification of Trustees. -By Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. s. 62, No person who shall hereafter be chosen or appointed a trustee, shall be qualified or capable of becoming and acting as trustee in the execution of any Act for making, repairing, or maintaining any turnpike road, unless he shall be in his own right, or in the right of his wife, in the actual possession or receipt of the rents and profits of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £100, above reprizes ; or shall be heir apparent of a person possessed of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £200, above reprizes; and unless he shall, before he shall act as such trustee, take and subscribe the oath or affirmation following, before any two or more of the trustees appointed or to be appointed by or in pursuance of such Act, who are hereby authorized and empowered to administer the same, in the words or to the effect following; (that is to say,)


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do swear [or, being one of the people called Quakers, do solemnly affirm, that I truly and bona fide am, in my own right [or, in the right of my wife], in the actual possession and enjoyment of [or, in the receipt of rents and profits issuing out of] freehold or copyhold

(a) The appointment of the trustees is always made by the local Turnpike Act. But they

terms contained in these general Acts; by which, also, justices of the peace are appointed to be

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lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £100, above reprizes, [or, am heir apparent of who to the best of my knowledge is seised of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £200, above reprizes,] [or, that I am possessed of a personal estate of £10,000, clear of all debts and incumbrances, as the case may be.] So help me God.

[or, being a Quaker, omit the words " So help me God."]

By Section 63, Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from acting as a trustee of any turripike roads, any part of which are or shall be situate within ten miles of the Royal Exchange in London, who shall be possessed of personal property to the amount or value of £10,000, after payment of his debts.

Persons acting under prior Acts, not to re-qualify.By Stat. 4 Geo. 4. c. 95. s. 35, It is enacted, That where any person shall, previously to the 1st day of January, 1823, have been duly qualified, and shall have been then acting as a trustee according to the provisions of former Acts, it shall be lawful for such person to continue to act as a trustee under such Acts, without re-qualifying; even although such person shall not be possessed of the amount of property required by the above clauses.

Such trustees losing their qualification, to cease to act. By Sect. 36, of the same Act, it is provided, That if any trustee who shall have been acting as such, previously to the 1st day of January, 1823, shall have lost or parted with subsequently thereto, or shall hereafter lose or part with, by sale, assignment, bankruptcy, insolvency, or otherwise, the qualification in respect of which he acted

FIRST: As to the trustees and other officers for the management of turnpike roads:-their appointment-several duties and respective liabilities.

I. As to Trustees (a).

Qualification of Trustees. -By Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. s. 62, No person who shall hereafter be chosen or appointed a trustee, shall be qualified or capable of becoming and acting as trustee in the execution of any Act for making, repairing, or maintaining any turnpike road, unless he shall be in his own right, or in the right of his wife, in the actual possession or receipt of the rents and profits of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £100, above reprizes ; or shall be heir apparent of a person possessed of freehold or copyhold lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of £200, above reprizes; and unless he shall, before he shall act as such trustee, take and subscribe the oath or affirmation following, before any two or more of the trustees appointed or to be appointed by or in pursuance of such Act, who are hereby authorized and empowered to administer the same, in the words or to the effect following; (that is to say,)

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I do swear [or, being one of the people called Quakers, do solemnly affirm,] that I truly and bona fide am, in my own right [or, in the right of my wife], in the actual possession and enjoyment of [or, in the receipt of rents and profits issuing out of] freehold or copyhold

(a) The appointment of the trustees is always made by the local Turnpike Act. But they

terms contained in these general Acts; by which, also, justices of the peace are appointed to be

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