or bar of any other road adjoining or near to the road under their care and management; and the trustees so farming the tolls may collect and receive the same, or may reduce the said tolls so farmed, or may discontinue the same, as they shall see fit. By Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. s. 57, All contracts and agreements to be made or entered into for the farming or letting the tolls of any turnpike roads, signed by the trustees letting such tolls, or any two or more of them, or by their clerk or treasurer, and the lessee or farmer, and his sureties, of such tolls respectively, shall be good, valid, and effectual to all intents and purposes, notwithstanding the same may not be by deed or under seal. By Section 58, During such time as the tolls or any part or parts thereof shall be leased to any person or person whomsoever, it shall be lawful for the lessee or lessees, farmer or farmers thereof, or such other person or persons as he, she, or they shall, by writing or writings under his, her, their hand or hands, authorize or appoint, to demand and take such tolls so leased, demised, or farmed, and to use all such means and methods for the recovery thereof in case of non-payment or evasion, as any collector of such tolls appointed under or by virtue of any Act of Parliament for the making of turnpike roads, or by this Act, is authorized and empowered to use:-And such lessee or lessees, farmer or farmer, or other person or persons as aforesaid, so demanding and taking such tolls, shall be subject to the like pains, penalties and forfeitures, and shall be liable to the like actions and prosecutions, as any collector of such tolls appointed by the FIFTHLY: As to extra tolls in respect of narrow wheels, and over-weight. I. Regulations as to the breadth of the wheels of By Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. s. 7, It is enacted, That from and after the 1st of January, 1823, the trustees appointed by virtue and under the authority of any Act made or to be made for making or maintaining any turnpike road, shall and they are hereby required to demand and take, or cause to be demanded and taken, for every waggon, wain, cart, or other such carriage, having the fellies of the wheels thereof of less breadth than 4 inches at the bottom or soles thereof, or for the horse or horses or cattle drawing the same, one-half more than tolls which are or shall be payable for any carriage of the same description, having the wheels thereof of the breadth of six inches; and for every waggon, wain, cart, or other such carriage, having the fellies of the wheels thereof of the breadth of 41⁄2 inches, and less than six inches at the bottom or soles thereof, or for the horse or horses or other cattle drawing the same, one-fourth more than the tolls or duties which are or shall be payable on any carriage of the like description, having the wheels thereof of the breadth of six inches, by any Act now in force, or hereafter to be passed, for making or maintaining any turnpike road, before any such waggon, wain, cart, or other carriage respectively, shall be permitted to pass through any turnpike-gate or gates, bar or bars, where tolls shall be payable by virtue of any such Acts. By Section 9, Where any waggon or cart shall have surface, and the nails of the tire of such wheels countersunk and be (a) cylindrical, (that is to say,) of the same diameter on the inside next the carriage as on the outside, so that when such wheels shall be rolling on a flat or level surface, the whole breadth thereof shall bear equally on such flat or level surface, and shall have the opposite ends of the axle-trees of such waggon, cart, or other carriage, so far as the same shall be inserted into the respective naves of the wheels thereof, horizontal, and in the continuance of one straight line, without forming any angle with each other, and in each pair of wheels belonging to such carriage, the lower parts, when resting on the ground, shall be at the same distance from each other as the upper parts of such wheels, it shall be lawful for the trustees of any turnpike road, at a general meeting, if they shall think fit so to do, to make an order for every such waggon and cart to pass through any toll gate or bar, under the superintendence of the trustees making such order, upon paying only so much of the tolls and duties as shall not be less than two-thirds of the full toll or duty payable by any Turnpike Act, on such waggon, cart, or other carriage, and the horse or horses or cattle drawing the same. Power to measure wheels; and penalty on drivers refusing.-By Section 11, It shall be lawful for any trustee of any turnpike road, and for every collector or his deputy, or other person acting by or under the authority of the trustees of any turnpike road, or of their lessee of tolls, to measure and examine, or cause to be measured and examined, the breadth and construction of the wheels of every waggon, cart, or other such carriage passing on such turnpike road; such measurement and examination to take place, if the trustee, or other authorized persons making the same shall so require, previously to such waggon, cart, or other carriage being allowed to pass through any toll-gate or bar at which toll shall be payable: And if any owner or driver of any such waggon, cart, or other carriage, shall turn or drive out of the road, in order to avoid or evade the measuring of the wheels of such waggon, cart, or other carriage, or if any such owner, driver, or any other person, shall refuse to allow the wheels of any such waggon, cart, or other carriage to be measured, and the construction thereof examined, or shall attempt to pass through any toll-gate or bar before such measurement and examination shall be made (the same having being required), or shall in any way hinder or obstruct any such trustee, or other authorized person, in making such measurement and examination, every such owner, driver, or other person so misbehaving shall, for every such offence, forfeit any sum not exceeding £5:- And it shall not be lawful for any such waggon, cart, or other carriage, not permitted to be measured or examined as aforesaid, to pass along any turnpike road: And if any collector or his deputy, or any other person appointed to collect the tolls, shall allow the same to pass before such measurement and examination shall be made (the same having been required), every collector, deputy, or other person shall, for every such offence, forfeit any sum not exceeding £5. Exemptions from such additional toll. -By Statute 4 Geo. 4. c. 95. s. 19, Nothing in Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. or this Act contained, relating to the breadth of the wheels of carriages, or to the regulations of weight, or surface, and the nails of the tire of such wheels countersunk and be (a) cylindrical, (that is to say,) of the same diameter on the inside next the carriage as on the outside, so that when such wheels shall be rolling on a flat or level surface, the whole breadth thereof shall bear equally on such flat or level surface, and shall have the opposite ends of the axle-trees of such waggon, cart, or other carriage, so far as the same shall be inserted into the respective naves of the wheels thereof, horizontal, and in the continuance of one straight line, without forming any angle with each other, and in each pair of wheels belonging to such carriage, the lower parts, when resting on the ground, shall be at the same distance from each other as the upper parts of such wheels, it shall be lawful for the trustees of any turnpike road, at a general meeting, if they shall think fit so to do, to make an order for every such waggon and cart to pass through any toll gate or bar, under the superintendence of the trustees making such order, upon paying only so much of the tolls and duties as shall not be less than two-thirds of the full toll or duty payable by any Turnpike Act, on such waggon, cart, or other carriage, and the horse or horses or cattle drawing the same. Power to measure wheels; and penalty on drivers refusing.-By Section 11, It shall be lawful for any trustee of any turnpike road, and for every collector or his deputy, or other person acting by or under the authority of the trustees of any turnpike road, or of their lessee of tolls, to measure and examine, or cause to be measured and examined, the breadth and construction of the wheels of every waggon, cart, or other such carriage passing on |