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Majesty's name, to command you to levy the said sum of by distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B.; and if the same shall not be paid within the space of four days next after such distress by you taken, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the same, that you do then sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained; and out of the money arising by such sale, that you do pay unto C. D. the surveyor of the highways for the said [parish, &c.] of, the said sum of, to be employed for the purposes aforesaid; and that you do return the surplus thereof to the said A. B. (the reasonable charges of taking, keeping, and selling the said distress being first deducted); and if sufficient distress cannot be found of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. whereon to levy the said sum of, that then you certify the same to me, together with this warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the day of -.

No. XXIX. Order of the justices, at their Special Sessions, for the repairs of certain highways which most want repair. - From Schedule to Statute 13 Geo. 3. c. 78. - Vide ante, p. 169.

Middlesex. At a Special Se

At a Special Sessions held at, in the in the said county, the

day of, by justices of the peace for the said county, acting within the said [hundred.]

To the surveyors of the highways for the [parish, &c.] of in the said [hundred.]

It appearing to us, that the highway lying between and-, within your liberty, is very founderous and in bad repair, and being of great public use, we do hereby order, that you repair or cause the same to be repaired before the day of next. Given under

No. XXX. Information upon oath by the surveyors of the highways of a parish where private persons are liable to repair, that due notice had been given them of the order of two justices made on them for such repair at a Special Sessions, and that such repairs notwithstanding have not been made within the time as limited, in order that the magistrates or one of them, may present such highways, &c. Vide ante, p. 170.

County of Whereas information was made unto J. P. and K. P. esquires, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, by S. H., one of the surveyors of the highways of the parish ofin the said county, at a Special Sessions held at - in and for the hundred of - in the said county, on the

- day of last, that the public streets, causeways, pavements, and highways of -, a town in the said parish of, in the county aforesaid, were very ruinous, broken, and in great decay, and that the several occupiers of houses in the said town of were used, and had been immemorially accustomed, and ought to repair the same, each severally before his own premises. And whereas in pursuance of an Act passed in the 13th year of King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to explain, amend, and reduce into one Act of Parliament, the Statutes now in being for the amendment and preservation of the public highways, within that part of Great Britain called England; and for other purposes," the said two justices did then and there make an order (a) under their hands and seals, bearing date the day of, in the year of our Lord 18-, directing the several persons hereinafter mentioned (amongst others) to repair their said streets, causeways, pavements, and highways respectively so out of repair in the said town and parish, on or before the day of, in the year of our Lord 18-. The said S. H. and T. H. the other surveyor of the highways of the said parish of, respectively make oath that they the said surveyors of the highways of the said parish,

did give due notice of the said order to the several persons therein named; that some of the said persons have observed and obeyed the same; but that on an examination and inspection this morning, they find the streets, causeways, pavements, and highways, of the following persons, in the said town of, and parish highways aforesaid, still unrepaired, and therefore they pray that the said streets, causeways, pavements, and highways, so out of repair, together with the persons liable to repair the same, may be severally and respectively presented by some one of his Majesty's justices of the peace at the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace ace for the said county of, pursuant to the Statute in that case made and provided.

[blocks in formation]

J.W., occupied by W. J.)

The same John B. (bounded, &c.) 24 0-80

&c. &c.

And the said S. H. and T. H. further depose, that the several parts or portions of the streets so out of repair belonging to the said John B. to repair, being detached from each other, are bounded as before mentioned.

Sworn before me, this - - day
of, 18-.

J. P.

S. H.

No. XXXI. Warrant of distress for not scouring ditches, &c.-Vide ante, p. 172.

To the constable of the parish of, in the county


Forasmuch as A. O. of the parish of, No. XXX. Information upon oath by the surveyors of the highways of a parish where private persons are liable to repair, that due notice had been given them of the order of two justices made on them for such repair at a Special Sessions, and that such repairs notwithstanding have not been made within the time as limited, in order that the magistrates or one of them, may present such highways, &c.-Vide ante, p. 170.

County of Whereas information was made unto J. P. Sand K. P. esquires, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, by S. H., one of the surveyors of the highways of the parish ofin the said county, at a Special Sessions held at - in and for the hundred of in the said county, on the

day of last, that the public streets, causeways, pavements, and highways of -, a town in the said parish of, in the county aforesaid, were very ruinous, broken, and in great decay, and that the several occupiers of houses in the said town of were used, and had been immemorially accustomed, and ought to repair the same, each severally before his own premises. And whereas in pursuance of an Act passed in the 13th year of King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to explain, amend, and reduce into one Act of Parliament, the Statutes now in being for the amendment and preservation of the public highways, within that part of Great Britain called England; and for other purposes," the said two justices did then and there make an order (a) under their hands and seals, bearing date the day of, in the year of our Lord 18-, directing the several persons hereinafter mentioned (amongst others) to repair their said streets, causeways, pavements, and highways respectively so out of repair in the said town and parish, on or before the day of, in the year of our Lord 18. The said S. H. and T. H. the other surveyor of the highways of the said parish of, respectively make oath that they the said surveyors of the highways of the said parish, did give due notice of the said order to the several persons therein named; that some of the said persons have observed and obeyed the same; but that on an examination and inspection this morning, they find the streets, causeways, pavements, and highways, of the following persons, in the said town of, and parish highways aforesaid, still unrepaired, and therefore they pray that the said streets, causeways, pavements, and highways, so out of repair, together with the persons liable to repair the same, may be severally and respectively presented by some one of his Majesty's justices of the peace at the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace for the said county of, pursuant to the Statute in that case made and provided.

[blocks in formation]

J.W., occupied by W. J.)

The same John B. (bounded, &c.) 24 0–80

&c. &c.

And the said S. H. and T. H. further depose, that the several parts or portions of the streets so out of repair belonging to the said John B. to repair, being detached from each other, are bounded as before mentioned.

[blocks in formation]

No. XXXI. Warrant of distress for not scouring ditches, &c. Vide ante, p. 172.

To the constable of the parish of, in the county


[blocks in formation]

Forasmuch as A. O. of the parish of, in the said county of, is convicted before

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