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Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, upon the oath of G. H. a credible witness, for that the said A. B. hath [here set forth the offence, describing it particularly in the words of the Statute, as near as may be] contrary to the Statute in that case made and provided, by reason whereof the said A. B. hath forfeited the sum of, to be distributed as herein is mentioned, which he hath refused to pay: These are therefore in his Majesty's name to command you to levy the said sum of

by distress of the goods and chattels of him the said A. B.; and if within the space of four days next after such distress by you taken, the said sum of, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the same, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained; and out of the money arising by such sale, that you do pay (a) one half of the said sum of - to E. F. of, who informed me of the said offence, and the other half of the said sum of - to J. K. the surveyor of the highways for the [parish, township, or place], where the said offence [neglect or default] happened, to be employed towards the repair of the said highways, returning the overplus, upon demand, to him the said A. B. (the reasonable charges of taking, keeping, and selling the said distress being first deducted); and if sufficient distress cannot be found of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. whereon to levy the said sum of, that then you certify the same to me, together with this warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the - day of

C. D.

No. LXI. Return of the Constable to be made upon the warrant of distress when there are no effects. From Schedule to Statute 13 Geo. 3. с. 78. - Vide ante, pp. 168. 510.

I, A. B. constable of the (parish, &c.) of - in the county of, do hereby certify and make oath, that by virtue of this warrant, I have made diligent search for the goods of the within-named-, and that I can find no sufficient goods whereon to levy the within sum of as witness my hand, the

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day of

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Α. Β.

No. LXII. Commitment for want of Distress. From Schedule to Statute 13 Geo. 3. c. 78. - Vide ante, pp. 168. 510.


To the (constable) of --, in the said county, and to the keeper of the common gaol [or, the house of correction] at --, in the said county.


Whereas A. B. of in the said county, yeoman, was, on the day of - convicted before me, C. D. esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, upon the oath of E. F. a credible witness, for that he the said A. B. [here set forth the offence] contrary to the Statute made in the 13th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, " For the amendment and preservation of the highways," by reason whereof the said A. B. hath forfeited the sum of --: And whereas on the

day of, in the year aforesaid, I did issue my warrant to the [constable] of --, to levy the said sum of -- by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of him the said A. B. and to distribute the same according to the directions of the said Statute: And whereas it duly appears to me, upon the oath of the said [constable], that the said [constable] hath used his best endeavours to levy the said sum on the goods and chattels of the said A. B. as aforesaid, but that no sufficient distress can be had whereon to levy the same; These are therefore to command you, the said [constable] of aforesaid, to apprehend the said A. B. and him safely convey to the common gaol [or, house of correction], at --, in the said county, and there deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept: And I do hereby also command you, the said keeper, to receive and keep in your custody the said A. B. for the space of three months, unless the said sum shall be sooner paid, pursuant to the said conviction and

warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the of, in the year of our Lord --.

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In the case of a commitment for the want of payment of money due by an assessment, it must be to receive and keep in your custody, until he shall have paid the said sum of, and the further sum of --, being the costs and charges occasioned by his neglect in paying the


No. LXIII. Notice of Appeal to the Quarter Sessions. From Schedule to Statute 13 Geo. 3. c. 78.- Vide ante, p. 515.

A. B. Take notice, that I intend to appeal to the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace, to be holden for the county, &c. of -, against an order [conviction, or other proceeding, as the case may be, particularly specifying the purport of such order, &c. and assigning the grievance, and cause of complaint.) Dated the day of

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C. D.



No. LXIV. Order of trustees for erecting a weighing engine.-From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 277.

AT a meeting of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the year of the reign of his Majesty King George the-, for [state the title of the Act,] held at -, the- day of -. In pursuance of the powers given to us by an Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads (b)," we do hereby order that an engine proper for the weighing of carriages of the constructions and weights specified in the said Act be forthwith erected at or as near as conveniently may be to the toll-gate or bar now erected upon the said turnpike road at; and that A. B. the [treasurer, clerk, or] surveyor of the said turnpike road, do contract with some proper person [or, with C. D. in case the trustees shall think fit to name the person] for the making and erecting such engine, and do inspect and take care that the same is properly done; And we do order the gate-keeper at the said gate or bar for the time being, to attend the said weighing engine, and carefully to weigh all carriages passing loaded upon the said road, at the place where such engine shall be erected, together with the loading thereof, and to take the several additional tolls or rates for overweight, and give tickets of the weight of such carriages and loading, when required by the driver thereof, and also to enter in a separate book, to be kept by him for that purpose, an account of every carriage so weighed, which shall, with the loading, exceed the weights allowed by the said Act, and account to us for the money received for all such over-weight.

(a) The whole of the Forms contained in this Part of the Appendix are taken from the Statute Book, and should, therefore, be carefully followed in all proceedings. See ante, p. 323. Whereever the proceeding or offence is provided for by a later Act than that of 3 Geo. 4. c. 126, (which

such later Act and its title must be substituted for or added to that of 3 Geo. 4. c. 126, as the case may require.

(b) And of an Act passed in the 9th year of the reign of his said Majesty, "To amend the Acts for regulating turnpike roads."

No. LXV. Table of weights allowed in winter and summer to carriages directed to be weighed (including the carriage and loading.)-From Sched. to Stat. 4 Geo. 4. c. 95. - Vide ante, p. 272.

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For every cart with wheels of less

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