No. LXVI. Agreement between trustees of different turnpike roads, for erecting one weighing engine for the use of such roads. From Sched. to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 280. At a meeting of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the - year of the reign of King George the—, "For" [state the principal part of the title of the Act], and also of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the year of the reign of King George the —, "For" [&c. as above], held at -, the day of -, for the purpose of agreeing upon and ordering a weighing engine at the joint expence of the trustees, for the use of the said several turnpike roads, pursuant to the powers given by an Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads; It appearing to us, that a weighing engine may be erected at, [describing the spot where it can be most conveniently placed], which will accommodate both the said turnpike roads, according to the true intent and meaning of the said Act; We do therefore order, &c. [ as in the form above mentioned], and we do hereby agree and order, that the expences of making and erecting the said weighing engine, and the sum of, which we do hereby agree and order shall be paid to the toll-gatherer attending the said toll-gate for the time being weekly for his extraordinary trouble in attending the said weighing engine, shall be advanced and paid by the treasurers of the said several turnpike roads, in the shares and proportions following; videlicet, that the treasurer of the road shall pay [one-half], [two-third], [three-fourth], parts thereof, [as the trustees shall agree], and the treasurer of the road shall pay the remaining (onehalf], [one-third], or [one-fourth] part thereof; and that the money to be received at the said weighing engine by forfeitures for over-weight shall be paid to the said respective treasurers in the like proportions, and applied by them for the use of the said respective turnpike roads, No. LXVII. Notice of a meeting of trustees, for ordering a side-gate to be erected.-From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 256. Notice is hereby given, that the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the - year of the reign of King George the —, "For" [state the material parts of the title of the Act], will meet at the house of, at, on the day of - next, at the hour of -, in the noon, in order to consult about erecting a toll-gate on the side of the said turnpike road, at or near a place called highway there, leading to of -, across a certain Dated the day A. B. clerk to the said trustees. No. LXVIII. Order of the trustees for erecting a sidegate. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126.— Vide ante, p. 256. At a meeting of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the - year of the reign of King George the --, "For" [here state the material parts of the title of the Act], being assembled this newspa day of --, to enforce the directions of an Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads," (as far as the same respects the erecting of side-gates.) In pursuance of public notice given in writing upon all the toll-gates erected on the said road, and also in the pers circulated in this part of the country, for fourteen days now last past, we do order that a toll-gate shall be erected on the side of the said turnpike road, at or near a place called -, across a certain highway there leading to --, and that the following toll be taken at the said gate, videlicet [here insert the particular tolls No. LXVI. Agreement between trustees of different turnpike roads, for erecting one weighing engine for the use of such roads.- From Sched. to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 280. At a meeting of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the - year of the reign of King George the "For" state the principal part of the title of the Act], and also of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the year of the reign of King George the- "For" [&c. as above ], held at, the day of, for the purpose of agreeing upon and ordering a weighing engine at the joint expence of the trustees, for the use of the said several turnpike roads, pursuant to the powers given by an Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads;" It appearing to us, that a weighing engine may be erected at, [describing the spot where it can be most conveniently placed], which will accommodate both the said turnpike roads, according to the true intent and meaning of the said Act; We do therefore order, &c. [ as in the form above mentioned], and we do hereby agree and order, that the expences of making and erecting the said weighing engine, and the sum of, which we do hereby agree and order shall be paid to the toll-gatherer attending the said toll-gate for the time being weekly for his extraordinary trouble in attending the said weighing engine, shall be advanced and paid by the treasurers of the said several turnpike roads, in the shares and proportions following; videlicet, that the treasurer of the road shall pay (one-half], [two-third], [three-fourth], parts thereof, [as the trustees shall agree], and the treasurer of the road shall pay the remaining [onehalf], [one-third], or [one-fourth] part thereof; and that the money to be received at the said weighing engine by forfeitures for over-weight shall be paid to the said respective treasurers in the like proportions, and applied by them for the use of the said respective turnpike roads, No. LXVII. Notice of a meeting of trustees, for ordering a side-gate to be erected.-From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 256. Notice is hereby given, that the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the year of the reign of King George the, "For" [state the material parts of the title of the Act], will meet at the house of, at -, on the day of - next, at the hour of -, in the noon, in order to consult about erecting a toll-gate on the side of the said turnpike road, at or near a place called -, across a certain No. LXVIII. Order of the trustees for erecting a sidegate. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126.Vide ante, p. 256. At a meeting of the trustees of the turnpike roads, under an Act passed in the year of the reign of King George the --, "For" [here state the material parts of the title of the Act], being assembled this day of --, to enforce the directions of an Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads," (as far as the same respects the erecting of side-gates.) In pursuance of public notice given in writing upon all the toll-gates erected on the said road, and also in the newspapers circulated in this part of the country, for fourteen days now last past, we do order that a toll-gate shall be erected on the side of the said turnpike road, at or near a place called -, across a certain highway there leading to --, and that the following toll be taken at the said gate, videlicet [ here insert the particular tolls No. LXIX.-Notice for letting tolls. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 263. - - Notice is hereby given, that the tolls arising at the toll-gate [or, toll-gates, if more than one), upon the turnpike road at --, called or known by the name of the gate, will be let by auction to the best bidder, at the house of --, at --, on the day of next, between the hours of - and -, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads," which tolls produced the last year the sum of, above the expences of collecting them, and will be put up at that sum; whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time pay one month in advance (if required) of the rent at which such tolls may be let, and give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the trustees of the said turnpike road, for payment of the rest of the money monthly [or in such other proportions as shall be directed]. A. B. clerk to the trustees of the said turnpike road. No. LXX. Order of trustees for reducing the tolls.From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 254. - year At a meeting of the trustees of the turnpike or more We, whose names are subscribed, being of the trustees acting under the said Act, being now assembled for reducing the tolls authorized to be taken by and under the said Act, pursuant to public notice given for that purpose in the - newspapers circulated in this part of the country, and also affixed upon all the |