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shall be kept in repair by the said trustees out of the said tolls as aforesaid, so long as the said Turnpike Act shall continue, upon the said A. B. paying into the hands of their treasurer the sum of, upon the- in every year, which the said A. B. doth hereby for himself and his heirs agree to pay accordingly so long as the said road shall be so repaired by the said trustees as aforesaid.

[Or, if it shall be agreed that A. B. shall keep the road in repair upon having an annual allowance in money or statute duty from the said trustees, let the agreement be varied and adapted to the case].

LXXII. Magistrates' Summons.-From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 244.

To the surveyors of the highways of the parish of, in the county of .

Upon application made by -, surveyor of the turnpike roads from, appointed by the trustees for putting into execution an Act of Parliament passed in the year of the reign of his Majesty King George the-, intituled, "An Act," &c. by order of the trustees for the said road to us, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county; we do hereby summon you, the surveyors of the highways of the parish or place of, in the said county, to deliver a list to the said -, as such surveyor as aforesaid, at his house, situate in the said county, within days after the service of this summons, of the names of the several persons, inhabitants of the said parish or place, and who are by law subject and liable to do statute work for the present year upon the road situate in the said parish or place, or to the payment of any money in lieu of or as a composition for such statute work, distinguishing the nature of the work to be done, whether with teams or draughts or otherwise, and also the amount of the respective sums to be paid; and we the said justices do hereby require you to make such lists of names, in such manner and under such regulations and restrictions as is or are directed by any law or statute now in force and effect for

And in case you shall refuse or wilfully neglect to give in such list as aforesaid, or shall knowingly or wilfully give in a false or imperfect list, you so offending will, for every such offence, forfeit and be liable to pay a sum not exceeding £10. Given under our hands and seals, this

day of --.

No. LXXIII. Notice to be given to surveyors of highways. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. — Vide ante, p. 245.

To the surveyors of the highways of the parish or place of --, in the county of -.

I do hereby give you notice, that the list delivered by you to me as surveyor of the turnpike road from to, in the said county of --, of the names of the several persons who within your said parish or place are by law liable to do statute work for the present year, or to the payment of money in lieu of or as a composition for such statute work, will be laid before two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, in pursuance of the directions of the Act passed in the year of his Majesty King George the-, intituled, " An Act," &c. on the - day of —, at, in the said county, in order that such two justices may adjudge and determine what part or proportion of the statute work for the said year shall be done upon the said road, and also what proportion of the composition-money shall be paid to the trustees of the said road, or to their treasurer. And I do hereby give you further notice, that I shall apply to the justices for [one-half, one-third, as the case may be, of the statute duty from your parish for this year, which according to the list delivered by you will be (say) - days in the whole in composition-money. If you object to this division, you will in course appear, but if not, the same will be confirmed by the justices, if they think proper. Dated this - day of -,

Surveyor of the said turnpike road.

No. LXXIV. Justices' order, apportioning statute labour and composition.-From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 245.


We, two of his Majesty's justices of the to wit. peace acting in and for the county of, upon application by -, the surveyor appointed by the trustees of the turnpike road from - to- in the said county, in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, passed in the year of the reign of his Majesty King George the, intituled, "An Act for -," do adjudge and determine that the inhabitants of the parish of, in the said county of, shall do part or proportion of the statute work for the ensuing year upon such turnpike road in the said parish of, being a parish in which the said road lies, and that - - proportion of the money received by the surveyor or surveyors of the highways of such parish or place, in lieu of or as a composition for such statute work, shall be by him or them paid to the said trustees of the said turnpike road, or to their treasurer, or other person authorized by them to receive the same, on or before the- day of; the names of the several persons appointed to do such proportion of the statute work on the said turnpike road appear in the Schedule to this order. Given under our hands, the day of-.


No. LXXV. Order of justices at a Special Sessions, to take part of the statute duty from turnpike roads, for the benefit of other highways in the said parish, &c.-From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 249.

County of) At a Special Sessions held by the justices of peace for the said county, acting in the [hundred] of, within the said county, at, on the day of

to wit.

Whereas application and complaint upon oath has been made unto us by A. B., surveyor of the [parish, &c.]

with the said [parish, &c.] are very extensive and in bad repair, and that a considerable part of the statute duty arising within the said [parish, &c.] hath been called forth and required to be applied in the repair of certain turnpike roads lying within the said [parish, &c.] which are in good condition, and have a considerable revenue for their support, arising from the tolls collected thereupon; and we having duly summoned C. D., the surveyor of the said turnpike road, to appear before us to show cause why the said statute duty called forth and applied by him to the repair of the said turnpike road, should not be withdrawn therefrom and applied to the repair of the other highways within the said [parish, &c.] and upon hearing the said C. D., and receiving an account of the revenues and debts of the said turnpike road, and of the state and condition of the repair of the said turnpike road and highway respectively; and it appearing to us, upon full consideration had thereupon, that part of the statute duty hitherto employed by the said [parish, &c.] for the repair of the said turnpike road may be conveniently dispensed, without endangering the securities for the money advanced upon the credit of the tolls thereof, and that such statute duty is wanted for the repairs of the other highways within the said parish; We, in pursuance of the power given to us by the Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads," do order, that from and after the day of next, there shall be only [one] day's statute duty performed by the inhabitants of the said [parish, &c.] upon the said turnpike road within the same, and that the remainder of the statute duty shall be performed upon the other highways within the said [parish, &c.]

[If there are more turnpike roads than one, or the whole statute duty shall be thought fit to be taken away, this form must be varied to fit those cases; the summons to the surveyors will be very easily formed from this order.]

No. LXXIV. Justices' order, apportioning statute labour and composition. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 245.

We, two of his Majesty's justices of the to wit. peace acting in and for the county of —, upon application by -, the surveyor appointed by the trustees of the turnpike road from - to - in the said county, in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, passed in the year of the reign of his Majesty King George the, intituled, "An Act for -," do adjudge and determine that the inhabitants of the parish of, in the said county of, shall do - part or proportion of the statute work for the ensuing year upon such turnpike road in the said parish of, being a parish in which the said road lies, and that proportion of the money received by the surveyor or surveyors of the highways of such parish or place, in lieu of or as a composition for such statute work, shall be by him or them paid to the said trustees of the said turnpike road, or to their treasurer, or other person authorized by them to receive the same, on or before the day of; the names of the several persons appointed to do such proportion of the statute work on the said turnpike road appear in the Schedule to this order. Given under our hands, the day of -.


No. LXXV. Order of justices at a Special Sessions, to take part of the statute duty from turnpike roads, for the benefit of other highways in the said parish, &c.-From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 249.

County of) At a Special Sessions held by the justices of peace for the said county, acting in the [hundred] of, within the said county, at --, on the

to wit.

day of -.

Whereas application and complaint upon oath has been made unto us by A. B., surveyor of the [parish, &c.]

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