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with the said [parish, &c.] are very extensive and in bad repair, and that a considerable part of the statute duty arising within the said [parish, &c.] hath been called forth and required to be applied in the repair of certain turnpike roads lying within the said [parish, &c.] which are in good condition, and have a considerable revenue for their support, arising from the tolls collected thereupon; and we having duly summoned C. D., the surveyor of the said turnpike road, to appear before us to show cause why the said statute duty called forth and applied by him to the repair of the said turnpike road, should not be withdrawn therefrom and applied to the repair of the other highways within the said [parish, &c.] and upon hearing the said C. D., and receiving an account of the revenues and debts of the said turnpike road, and of the state and condition of the repair of the said turnpike road and highway respectively; and it appearing to us, upon full consideration had thereupon, that part of the statute duty hitherto employed by the said [parish, &c.] for the repair of the said turnpike road may be conveniently dispensed, without endangering the securities for the money advanced upon the credit of the tolls thereof, and that such statute duty is wanted for the repairs of the other highways within the said parish; We, in pursuance of the power given to us by the Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of King George the Fourth, "For regulating turnpike roads," do order, that from and after the- - day of- - next, there shall be only [one] day's statute duty performed by the inhabitants of the said [parish, &c.] upon the said turnpike road within the same, and that the remainder of the statute duty shall be performed upon the other highways within the said [parish, &c.]

[If there are more turnpike roads than one, or the whole statute duty shall be thought fit to be taken away, this form must be varied to fit those cases; the summons to the surveyors will be very easily formed from this order.]

No. LXXVI. Certificate of the above order to the justices of the peace at their Quarter Sessions.From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 249.

I, A. B., clerk to the trustees mentioned in the above order, do hereby certify to the justices of the peace for the [county] [riding] (division) of, at their General Quarter Sessions of the peace, that the above is a true copy of the order made by the said trustees (a) for the purposes therein mentioned. Dated this - day of-.

A. B.

No. LXXVII. Agreement by subscription for advancing money to make and repair a turnpike road or highway. From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 306.

We, whose names are subscribed, do agree to advance and pay the several sums written by us opposite to our names, unto-, to be laid out and expended in the making and repairing a certain highway leading from to, after an Act of Parliament shall be obtained for making the same turnpike road, upon having the tolls to be collected upon such turnpike road assigned and made over to us as a security, for the respective sums so to be advanced by us, together with interest for the same after the rate of per centum per annum; which sums we do hereby severally agree to pay by instalments in the following manner, viz. one-fourth part thereof on theday of - next, one other fourth part [&c., &c., &c.] Dated this day of.

(a) Sic.

No. LXXVIII. Warrant from a justice of the peace to enter the toll-gate house and remove the persons therein. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 224.

County of To the [constable, headborough, or tithingman, of, in the said county.

to wit.

Whereas complaint hath been made unto me A. B. esq., one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, upon the oath of, and other evidence now produced to me, that C. D., who now inhabits the turnpike or toll-gate house at, upon the turnpike road leading from-to-, and was appointed to collect the tolls there, hath been duly discharged by the trustees of the said turnpike road, from any further collecting or receiving the tolls arising at the said gate, and hath refused, and still doth refuse to quit the possession of the said house; and the said C. D. having been summoned to appear before me this day, to show cause why he should not be removed from the said house, and having shown no sufficient cause for that purpose [or, not having appeared, I do hereby authorize and require you, with such assistance as shall be necessary, to enter into the said toll-house or turnpike-house, and the buildings belonging thereto, in the day-time, and to remove the said C. D. and all such persons as shall be found therein, together with his and their goods, out of such house and buildings, and to put E. F., the person lately appointed by the trustees to collect such tolls, into the possession thereof, for which this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this - day of.

[This form may be varied to suit the case of the widow or family of a deceased collector.]

No. LXXIX. Bond from the surveyor. From Sched. to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 223.

We, A. B., surveyor of the turnpike roads, under an No. LXXVI. Certificate of the above order to the justices of the peace at their Quarter Sessions.From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. - Vide ante, p. 249.

I, A. B., clerk to the trustees mentioned in the above order, do hereby certify to the justices of the peace for the [county] [riding) (division) of, at their General Quarter Sessions of the peace, that the above is a true copy of the order made by the said trustees (a) for the purposes therein mentioned. Dated this of.


A. B.

No. LXXVII. Agreement by subscription for advancing money to make and repair a turnpike road or highway. From Schedule to Statute 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 306.

We, whose names are subscribed, do agree to advance and pay the several sums written by us opposite to our names, unto-, to be laid out and expended in the making and repairing a certain highway leading from to, after an Act of Parliament shall be obtained for making the same turnpike road, upon having the tolls to be collected upon such turnpike road assigned and made over to us as a security, for the respective sums so to be advanced by us, together with interest for the same after the rate of- per centum per annum; which sums we do hereby severally agree to pay by instalments in the following manner, viz. one-fourth part thereof on theday of - next, one other fourth part [&c., &c., &c.] Dated this day of.

(a) Sic.

No. LXXVIII. Warrant from a justice of the peace to enter the toll-gate house and remove the persons therein. From Schedule to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 224.

County of To the [constable, headborough, or tithingman, of, in the said county.

to wit.

Whereas complaint hath been made unto me A. B. esq., one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, upon the oath of, and other evidence now produced to me, that C. D., who now inhabits the turnpike or toll-gate house at -, upon the turnpike road leading from to, and was appointed to collect the tolls there, hath been duly discharged by the trustees of the said turnpike road, from any further collecting or receiving the tolls arising at the said gate, and hath refused, and still doth refuse to quit the possession of the said house; and the said C. D. having been summoned to appear before me this day, to show cause why he should not be removed from the said house, and having shown no sufficient cause for that purpose [or, not having appeared,] I do hereby authorize and require you, with such assistance as shall be necessary, to enter into the said toll-house or turnpike-house, and the buildings belonging thereto, in the day-time, and to remove the said C. D. and all such persons as shall be found therein, together with his and their goods, out of such house and buildings, and to put E. F., the person lately appointed by the trustees to collect such tolls, into the possession thereof, for which this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of-.

[This form may be varied to suit the case of the widow or family of a deceased collector.]

No. LXXIX. Bond from the surveyor. From Sched. to Stat. 3 Geo. 4. c. 126. Vide ante, p. 223.

We, A. B., surveyor of the turnpike roads, under an

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