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" ... or be removed by certiorari, or any other writ or process whatsoever, into any of her Majesty's courts of record at Westminster or elsewhere^ any law or statute to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. "
A Treatise on the Law Relating to Highways - Page 325
by Robert Wellbeloved - 1829 - 646 pages
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Statutes at Large ...: (43 v.) ... From Magna charta to 1800

Great Britain - 1767 - 674 pages termination toproceeding to be had or taken in purfuance of this a6l (hall be be final, quafhed or vacated for want of form, or removed by Certiorari^ or any other writ or procefs whatfoever, except as herein before mentioned, into any of his Majefty's courts of record at...
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The Statutes at Large: From Magna Charta to ... 1869 ...

Great Britain - Law - 1767 - 674 pages termination to proceeding to be had or taken in purfuance of this act (hall be be final, quafhed or vacated for want of form, or removed by Certiorari^ or any other writ or procefs whatfoever, except as herein before mentioned, into any of his Majefty's courts of record at...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1820 - 626 pages
...the Decision final, said Justices therein shall be final, binding and conclusive ; and no Proceedings to be had or taken in pursuance of this Act, shall be quashed or vacated for want of Form only, or be removed by Certiorari, or arty other Writ or Process whatsoever, into any of His Majesty's...
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The Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer, Volume 5

Richard Burn - Justices of the peace - 1820 - 758 pages
...Decision of justices therein shall be final, binding, and conclusive; and no justices in proceedings to be had or taken in pursuance of this act, shall be «!sslous to °e quashed or vacated for want of form only, or be removed by na ' cerliorari, or any...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1822 - 900 pages
...or Proceedings to be made or had by or before any Justice of the Peace or other Magistrate by virtue of this Act shall be quashed or vacated for Want of Form, and that the Order of such Justice or other Magistrate shall be final ; and that no Proceedings of...
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The Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer, Volume 1

Richard Burn - Justices of the peace - 1823 - 660 pages
...sonable, and the decision of the said justices therein shall be final, Costs. binding, and conclusive; and no proceeding to be had or taken in pursuance of this act shall be quashed or vacated for want of form only, or be removed by Certiorari, or any other writ or process whatsoever, into any of HM's courts...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1823 - 1230 pages
...appeal to the next subsequent Quarter Sessions, and that no such Proceedings so to be had or taken shall be quashed or vacated for Want of Form, or removed by Certiorari, or any other Writ or Process, into any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or elsewhere in England or Walts, nor shall...
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A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown: Or, A System of the ..., Volume 2

William Hawkins - Pleas of the crown - 1824 - 806 pages
...Proceedings not " final and conclusive to all intents and purposes; and that no quashed for « proceedings to be had or taken in pursuance of this act shall be ^Tremoveablc " nuas^e^ or vacated for want of form, or removed by certiorari, &c. ' " or any other...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's ..., Volume 3

Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Richard Vaughan Barnewall, Sir Cresswell Cresswell - Law reports, digests, etc - 1825 - 974 pages
...not to issue, the words of the 13 G. 3. c. 78. s. 81. being clear and positive, " that no proceedings to be had or taken in pursuance of this act shall...certiorari, or any other writ or process whatsoever, (except as 1825. therein before mentioned,) into any of his majesty's The KINO courts of record at...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of ..., Part 150, Volume 5

Great Britain. Court of King's Bench - Law reports, digests, etc - 1825 - 862 pages
...appeal shall be finally determined; and then it declares, that no proceedings had in pursuance of the act shall be quashed or vacated for want of form, or removed by certiorari. Now it is quite clear that this is not a case in which an appeal lies; and if so, then the certiorari...
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