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Writing materials denied them in prison, yet they write
voluminously, 89. Publications:
Visible Church," March, 1589, p. 90.
Letters and Conferences," 1590, p. 91.

"The Destruction of the
"A Collection of certain
"A Brief Discovery of


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the False Church," Dec. 1590, p. 93. "A Plain Refutation of
Mr. Giffard's Book," 1591 - Interesting history of this book,
and the conversion of Rev. Francis Johnson, 98. The hard-
ships endured by the Separatists, and the slanders vented
against them, 100. Of the church of England, 101. How a
minister should be called and ordained, 102. Right of ordina-
tion in the church - A publishing of a contract between the
church and the minister, 103. Consequence of denying the
power of the individual church to ordain, 104. Three other
works, 104. Rev. George Giffard, 105, note. "A Platform to
drive away Prelatism," the last pamphlet published by Barrowe,
1593, p. 106. Greenwood's "Answer to Geo. Giffard's Pretended
Defence of Read Prayers Bitterly severe on Giffard and the
conforming puritans, 106. Indignantly refutes the charge of
being a "Brownist," 107. "A Brief Refutation of Mr. Gif-
fard's supposed Consimilitude between the Donatists and us,"
1591, p. 107. Giffard's argument against separation refuted —
"A Few Observations, etc., about Stinted Prayers and De-
vised Liturgies," 108. The Scriptural argument for pre-
scribed forms of prayer demolished, 109. Giffard's "slanders
and railings," in calling them Brownists and Donatists, 111.
Barrowe's earnest appeal to Attorney Egerton for a conference
- The bishops refuse it, 117. A petition to Burleigh, August,
1592, by fifty-nine "poor Christians, in sundry prisons,"
escapes Whitgift's spies, 113, and note, compared with p. 84,
note. Their sufferings - Ten died in prison, 114. Another
petition, to the privy council, from Separatists then at liberty

Their doctrinal agreement with the church of England,
their loyalty, reverence for superiors and "innocency in all
good conversation" "The Romish [church of England]
prelacy and priesthood, their only special adversaries," 115.
Inquisitorial visits of certain bishops and puritans to the pris-
oners, 116. The last effort of Barrowe and Greenwood for life
and liberty-An affecting and interesting letter to an "Honor-
able Lady and Countess of Barrowe's kindred, 117. Sum-
mary of the sufferings, and estimate of the characters of Bar-
rowe and Greenwood, 124.

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John Penry kindred in spirit and suffering with Barrowe and

Greenwood-Born in Wales, 1559- Educated at Cambridge

and Oxford, 128. Accused of being an arrant papist" at

Cambridge, but on doubtful authority - Abuse of him by

Nash ("Curry-Knave "), 129, and note. Licensed to preach,

but declined ordination on puritan grounds, 130. Desire to

evangelize Wales - Moral destitution of that country, 131.

Appeals to parliament for Wales - Denounces Whitgift, 132,

and note. Arrest and imprisonment - Examination - De-

clares mere readers not preachers, 133. This pronounced

"an execrable heresy Whitgift's threat - Penry released

with a reprimand - Marries Helen Godley, and removes to

Northampton, 184. In 1528 at Mouldsey, superintending the

puritans' secret printing press The decree of the Star

Chamber against free printing, 135. Penry's work on the

"Wants and Disorders of Wales" the first book printed on

this press

Robert Walgrave, the head printer, 136, and note.

"The Martin-Marprelate Tracts appear - Diligent search

for the press and the printers - Penry's house searched, and

his papers plundered, Jan. 29th, 1588-9, p. 137. Udal's hard

case, 138, note. "Master D. Some attacks Penry, 139.

Proclamation against "seditious and schismatical books,"

Feb. 13th, 1588-9, p. 140. Aimed particularly at the Marprelate

tracts, popular and effective pasquinades - Udal, Field, Throg-

morton, Wigginton, especially Penry, suspected of writing

them, 141. Not a particle of proof that Penry wrote a line of

them, 142. Testimony of Wigginton, Throgmorton, and

Udal on this point, 144. These tracts bitterly libellous, but

not indecent, as were some of the prelates' answers, 147. Nash

and Lilly, the bishops' tools, 148. No match for Martin

Bancroft, the archbishop's tool, 149. The sober puritans never

approved of the Marprelate Tracts, 150. The scurrilous an-

swers procured and approved by the bishops, 151. The author

of the tracts unknown, 153 Martin's apology and explana-

tion, 154.

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Penry in Scotland, 1588-9- The puritans' printing press dis-

covered, 155. A warrant for Penry's arrest - Particulars

about the "Pilgrim Press," note, 156. Penry returns to Eng-

land Sept. 1592, and joins the London Separatists - Discov-

ered and arrested, 157. Examined before Justice Young-

Attempts to draw him into private conferences in prison, 158.

Refuses all these, but offers to hold a public discussion, 159.

Another examination of Penry-Refuses the ex officio oath,

159. Satisfied that his death is determined on - - Hallam calls

courts of justice in those days caverns of murderers," 160,

and note. Farewell letters to his wife and daughters, 161.

Another examination, April 10th, 1593 — Details: God's word

his standard of belief- Agrees with the English Reformers

and martyrs - Dislikes the ecclesiastical offices of the church,

164. A man might preach before he was in office - Had de-

clined office in the Separatist church, that he might preach in

Wales Protests his loyalty Claims only his rights under

the Great Charter, 166. The Separatists the greatest enemies

of the Romanists Was ready for a public conference on any

terms, 167. A written statement of his belief, 168. Letter to

the persecuted church in London, 169. Alludes to their de-

sign to emigrate - The first indictment against him quashed by

his able argument, 170. Indicted for words never published,

never legally uttered - The indictment in full, 173. The in-

justice and cruelty of convicting, as a traitor, for unpublished

words - But two parallel cases in English history, Rev. Ed-

ward Peacham's, 181- and Algernon Sidney's, 183. The

forlorn condition of one on trial for treason in those times,

184. Penry's protestation to the queen Explains the cir-

cumstances under which the words charged on him in the in-

dictments were penned, 185. His Christian spirit, 188. Sen-

tenced, May 25th, and executed, unexpectedly, May 29th,

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