'Justice is the common concern of mankind.'-BURKE, vol. v. p. 275, Thoughts on the French ⚫ Rectè a viris doctis inter desiderata relatum est, jus Naturæ et Gentium, traditum secundum VOL. I. Second Edition. LONDON: BUTTERWORTHS, 7 FLEET STREET, Law Publishers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty; HODGES, FOSTER, & CO., GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. PREFACE ΤΟ THE SECOND EDITION. I. THE FIRST EDITION of this volume, which was published in 1854, has been for some time out of print. The third volume, which closed the Commentaries on Public International Law, was published in 1857 (a). In the preface to that volume a summary of the historical events which in the interval of these three years (1854 to 1857) had affected International Law was given. I propose to place that summary in the present preface, adding to it a brief notice of historical events of the like character which have happened during the second interval of thirteen years (18571870). These events have not induced me to change the opinions which I had expressed in this volume as to the cardinal principles of International Law. On the contrary, I venture to think that they furnish a strong corroboration of them. The "violence, oppression, and sword-law," which at this moment prevail in part of Europe, ought not (a) The fourth volume, on Private International Law, was published in 1861. |