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MATTHEWS, Governor (Indiana), II., 357.
MATTHEWS, Stanley, prominent in the anti-
Grant movement of 1871, I., 31; his hostility
to Grant's administration in 1872, 59; 227;


MAUCK, A. O., I., 383.

MCCARRON, killed by "Mollie Maguires," I., 295.
MCCLURE, John, sides with Baxter in the elec-

tion of 1872, I., 136; presides over the
Arkansas Supreme Court, 140.
MCCOMB, Colonel H. S., his connection with the
Credit Mobilier, I., 105.

McCook, Rev. H. C., II., 231.

MCCRARY, G. W., advocates congressional con-

trol of interstate commerce, I., 282.
MCCULLOCH, Hugh, on the Tilden-Hayes elec-
tion, I., 214, 215; recommends retirement of
greenbacks, 274; appointed Secretary of
the Treasury, 351.
MCDONALD, J. E., I., 227.
MCENERY, John, heads a fusion ticket in Loui-

siana, I., 80; elected by a majority of 7,000,
83; takes the oath of office in spite of
opposition, 85; retains his organization
though powerless, 152; his officials in-
stalled, 157; Grant refuses to recognize,
157; nominated on pro-lottery ticket, II.,


MCGREW, W. A., I., 227.
MCHENRY, Henry D., I., 227.
MCHUGH, Dooley, I., 296.

MCKINLEY, William, II., 115; 164; 172; foreign

feeling against, 187; at opening of Chicka-
mauga Military Park, 357, 359.

MCKINLEY TARIFF BILL, The, its effect upon
the Pan-American Conference, II., 25; 115;
policy embodied in, 176; helps to defeat
Republicans in 1890, 187; the issue in cam-
paign of 1892, 242.

MCLEAN, John R., II., 164.
MCNEIL, General John, I., 31.
MCPARLAN, James, I., 299, 300.
MEACHAM, Peace Commissioner, shot by In-
dians, I., 179; his wonderful escape, 180.
MEADE, General George G., routs the Fenians
at Campobello, I., 4.

MEADE, Captain Richard W., at Yorktown
Centennial, I., 387.

MELVILLE, George W., on Jeannette Expedi-

tion, II., 28; wonderful escape of, 31; his
heroic search for DeLong, 32; accom-
panies Greely Relief Expedition, 37; 49.
MERCHANT MARINE, The, decline of, in America,
I., 17: 351, 352.

MERRIAM, Governor (Minnesota), II., 220.
MERRITT, Edward A., nominated for New York

surveyorship, I., 245; confirmed, 246; 323.
"MESSIAH CRAZE," The, II., 200 et seq.
MEXICO, her fine exhibit at New Orleans in 1884,
II., 61.

MICHIGAN, State of, few constitutional changes
in, II., 146.

MILES, General Nelson R., his opinion of Cus-
ter's campaign, 1., 190, 191; his opinion of
the "Messiah craze," II., 202; 231.

MILITIA, great increase in efficiency of, II.,
339; armories of, dubbed " Plutocracy's
Bastiles," 340.

MILL RIVER DISASTER, The, I., 183; responsibil-
ity for, 184, 185.

MILLER, Justice Samuel F., on Electoral Com-
mission, I., 218.

MILLER, Warner, I., 327; President of Nica-
ragua Canal Co., II., 15.

MILLS, Roger Q., his tariff bill, II., 117; 160.
MINNESOTA, State of, rejects negro suffrage

amendment in 1867, I., 119; few constitu-
tional changes in, II., 147; relief from, for
Russian famine sufferers, 220 et seq.; Popu-
lists in, 243; condition of militia in, 339.
MISSISSIPPI, State of, slowness of reconstruction

in, I., 21; more fortunate than other States
in its reconstructionists, 118; whites in,
unanimous for Fifteenth Amendment, 119;
carpet-baggers' extravagance in, 125, 126;
race hostilities in, 142 et seq.; asks vainly
for Federal aid, 147; carpet-baggers in, 148
et seq.; comparatively good financial condi-
tion of, 151; Constitutional Convention in,
II., 147; political suppression of negroes in,
150 et seq.; evolves the "Mississippi Plan,"
152; condition of militia in, 339; location
of "black belt" in, 364; live stock in, 369;
decrease of negroes in northeastern portion
of, 378.

"MISSISSIPPI PLAN," The, I., 40; details of, II.,


MISSOURI, State of,

reënfranchisement of
Southerners a burning question in, I., 31;
the James gang in, 381; Constitutional
Convention in, II., 147.

Missouri, The, carries supplies to Russian
famine sufferers, II., 222 et seq.
MISSOURIS, The, "Messiah craze among, II.,
201; severalty land holdings by, 349.
MIZNER, Mr., unjust punishment of, in Bar-
rundia affair, II., 186.

MoDocs, The, outbreak of, I., 175 et seq.; mas-
sacre the Peace Commissioners, 179 et seq.;
leaders of, captured and hung, 181.

MOIETY LAWs, The, I., 62.

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tering expedition, 20; applied to England's
occupation of Corinto, 310; Olney's vigor-
ous proclamation of, 317.
MONTANA, State of, organized as a Territory by
1870, I., 97; farming population of, 97:
gambling spirit in, 98 ; 'land sharks" in,
101; Pullman strike extends to, II., 337.
"MOREY LETTER," The, I., 314.
MORGAN, Edwin D., I., 351.

MORGAN, Senator John T., II., 21; 126.

MORMONS, The, rise of, II., 210; emigrate to
Utah, 211; stamping out of polygamy
among, 212 et seq.

MORRILL, Governor (Kansas), II., 357.
MORRILL, Justin S., I., 246; at Grant's funeral,

II., 130; introduces anti-polygamy bill, 212.
MORRILL, Lot M., hampered by ill-health in
Treasury operations, I., 265.

NATIONAL DEBT, The, amount of, after the
war, I., 16; 267; rapid reduction of, 268;
decrease of, during 1870 and 1880, 351.





I., 286; its opposition to contraction of the
currency, 290.

NATIONAL MILITARY PARK, The, opening of, at
Chickamauga and Chattanooga, II., 356;
description of, 357; opening ceremonies at,
357 et seq.

MORRISSEY, John, secret meeting in his house to NAVY, The U. S., poor condition of, after the

oppose the Tweed Ring, I., 14.

MORRISON, W. R., I., 227.

MORSE, S. F. B., II., 280.

MORTON, Levi P., I., 323; nominated for Vice-

President, II., 158; 231; at opening of
Chickamauga Military Park, 357.
MORTON, Oliver P., urges the adoption of the

Fifteenth Amendment, I., 21; his bitterness
towards the South, 30; 31; opposes negro
suffrage as late as 1865, 119; votes against
conviction in Belknap trial, 202; move-
ment to nominate, 210; foresees contested
election problems, 213; on Electoral Com-
mission, 218.

MORTON, BLISS & Co., II., 64.
MOSES, Governor F. J., defeated by Chamber-

lain in South Carolina, I., 135; Governor
Chamberlain refuses to commission, 136.
MOST, Johann, imprisoned, II., 145.
MOTLEY, John Lothrop, removed by Grant from

British mission, I., 56, 90; shares Sumner's
extreme views upon the British question,


"MUGWUMPS," The, II., 81.

MULLIGAN, James, II., 64; in the " Mulligan Let-

ters episode with Blaine, 65.
"MURCHISON LETTER," The, II., 160 et seq.
"MY DEAR HUBBELL " LETTER, The, I., 324; 340.
MYER, General Albert J., organizes the U. S.
Weather Bureau, I., 18.

NANSEN, Dr. F., II., 55.

NASH, Beverly, advises the blacks to affiliate
with the whites, I., 117; his rash speech,


NAST, Thomas, his Tweed Ring cartoons in
Harper's Weekly, I., 14; one of his carica-
tures used in identifying Tweed in Spain,




war, I., 17; building up of, II., 97 et seq.
NEBRASKA, State of, admitted to statehood be-
tween 1860 and 1870, I., 97; constitutional
changes in, II., 147; relief from, for Rus-
sia, 222; settled condition of, in 1890, 274.
NEGROES, proportion of, to total population in
1870, I., 1; vote of, courted by both sides,
in collision with all that was best at the
South, 114; their votes bought as they
themselves had been, 116; lose their
chance for affiliation with Southern whites,
117; considered an inferior race by South-
erners, 118; suffrage for, originally pro-
posed at the South, 119; attitude of, after
the war, 120; incompetence of, 121 et seq.;
in the South Carolina Legislature of 1873,
often maltreated by political oppo-
nents of their own color, 129; practically
disfranchised throughout the South, II.,
150 et seq.; good effect on, of severe laws,
152; Northern papers agree in declaring
suffrage for, a mistake, 155; Booker T.
Washington on progress of, 360; their fine
exhibit at the Atlanta Exposition, 362; dis-
tribution of, throughout the South, 363
et seq.; backward condition of, in "black
belts," 364; political suppression of, 374;
unquestionable evidences of brightness of,
375; their defects of character, 376; their
increase less rapid than that of the whites,
377; alarming mortality among, 378; mi-
grations of, 378; their tendency toward
cities, 379; the future of, 379; find their
best friends in their old masters, 380.
NELSON, Bishop, II., 359.
NELSON, Lord, II., 14.
NELSON, Justice Samuel, one of the High Com-
missioners at Washington in 1871, I., 46.
Neptune, The, II., 34.
NEVADA, State of, admitted to statehood be-
tween 1860 and 1870, I., 97; receives an

overflow from the West, 98; Populists in,
II., 243; backward condition of, in 1890,


"NEW DEPARTURE," The, I., 35, 231; effects of,
in the South, II., 57-

NEW HAMPSHIRE, State of, Constitutional Con-
ventions in, II., 147.

NEW JERSEY, State of, few constitutional
changes in, II., 146.

NEW MEXICO, Territory of, population of, in
1870, I., 2; Pullman strike extends to, II.,

NEW ORLEANS, City of, anarchy in, I., 155 et
seq.; negroes in, on the side of peace, 159,
160; the Democratic coup of 1875 in, 161 et
seq.; violence in State House in, 162; clergy-
men of, appeal to public opinion, 165; Ex-
position of 1884 at, II., 57 et seq., 228; Mafia
in, 177 et seq.; Italian prisoners murdered
in, 179 et seq.; Lottery Company in, 208 et


New South, The, II., 355.

NEW YORK, City of, its population in 1870, I., 5;

the Tweed Ring in, 11. et seq.; the Gold
Conspiracy and Black Friday in, 43 et seq.;
excitement in, over Tilden-Hayes election,
214; Hayes removes prominent officials in,
243; Panic of 1873 in, 254 et seq.; labor strife
in, in 1886, II., 145; Henry George's mayor-
alty contest in, 145, 146; centennial of
Washington's inauguration in, 170 et seq.;
heads relief work for Russia, 222; Expo-
sition of 1853 in, 227; still first in population
in 1890, 274; bridge between it and Brook-
lyn, 277; Salvation Army work in, 296;
Lexow investigation in, 319; startling ex-
posures of political corruption in, 320 et
NEW YORK, State of, rejects negro suffrage
amendment in 1868, I., 119; Immigration
Commission in, 289, 290; Conkling's work
for Garfield in, 314 ;Conkling's claim to con-
trol appointments in, 323; Conkling's final
defeat in, 327; excitement in, during elec-
tion of 1884, II., 89; few constitutional
changes in, 146; Constitutional Convention
in, 147; at World's Fair, 251; a Roman
Catholic "district," 324; fine showing of
militia in, 339; represented at Atlanta Ex-
position, 362; property values in, in 1870,
compared with the South, 367.

New York, The, at opening of Kiel Canal, II.,

NEWCOMB, Raymond L., on Jeannette expedi-
tion, II., 28.

NEWFOUNDLAND, Island of, American fishermen

attacked at, II., 119.
NEWTON, Sir Isaac, II., 263.
NEWTON, General John, blows up obstructions

in Hell Gate, II., 103.

a cantilever, II., 277.
NICARAGUA, plans for a canal across, II., 9:
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with, 9; the Hise
Grant to United States by, 9; canal schemes
in, revived after the Civil War, 10; tempo-
rary failure of the canal project in, 12; it re-
appears upon failure of Panama scheme,
14; canal construction company formed, 15:
route of the canal and estimate of its earn-
ings, 16 et seq.; slowness of work on the
canal, 18; Great Britain's occupation of
Corinto in, 310; the Bluefields affair with,


NICHOLLS, Governor F. T., Democratic candi-
date in Louisiana, I., 225; II., 183; vetoes
Lottery Bill, 209.

Nina, The, II., 264.

NINDEMAN, on Jeannette Expedition, II., 32.
Nipsic, The, in Samoan hurricane, II., 216 et


"NOBS," The, I., 362; 373.

NORMAN, Lieutenant, on Greely Relief Expe-
dition, II., 45.

NOROS, on Jeannette Expedition, II., 32.
NORTH CAROLINA, State of, admitted to repre-
sentation in Congress, I., 20; free negroes
permitted to vote in, till 1835, 119; reckless
financiering by carpet-baggers in, 124; ne-
groes practically disfranchised in, II., 150;
phosphate beds in, 372.

"Messiah craze" in,
II., 200; Populists in, 243; Pullman strike
extends to, 337.

NORTH POLE, expeditions in search of, II., 27 et

of, in 1870, I., 2; land grant to, 103.
pute with England over, I., 92; decided by
Emperor William of Germany in favor of
the United States, 95.

Northwestern Miller, The, turns public interest
to Russian famine sufferers, II., 220.
Nueve de Julio, The, II., 232.

[blocks in formation]

OHIO RIVER, The, unprecedented floods along,
I., 388.

OKLAHOMA, Opened to settlers, II., 196 et seq.;
marvellous growth of, 199.

O'LEARY, Mrs., II., 249.

O'LEARY, Mayor Richard, his proclamation
after attack on Vicksburg, I., 144.
Olga, The, in Samoan hurricane, II., 216 et seq.
OLIVER, H. W., I., 352.

OLNEY, Richard, his boldness as Secretary of

State, II., 317.

PANIC OF 1893, The, II., 301 et seq.
PARK, Engineer, warns people at Johnstown,
II., 204.
PARKHURST, Charles H., joins Society for the
Prevention of Crime, II., 318; his brave
fight against political corruption in New
York, 319; universal praise of, 322.
PARSONS, Albert R., II., 142; hanged, 143.
PATERNALISM, tendency towards, by Federal
Government, II., 113.

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GERS, The.

OMAHA, City of, its great increase in size PATTISON, Robert E., II., 187.

between 1880 and 1890, II., 274.

Omaha, The, II., 131.

OMAHAS, The, severalty land holdings by, II.,


ONE-EYED JIM, hung with other Modocs, I.,

Onward, The, II., 125.

OREGON, State of, Indian troubles in, I., 175:

disputed returns from, in Tilden-Hayes
election, 220; few constitutional changes
in, II., 147; Populists in, 243; condition of
militia in, 339.

Oregon, The, II., 98.

Oreto, The. See Florida, The.

PAVY, Doctor Octave P., death of, on Greely
Expedition, II., 43.

PAYN, David L., II., 198.

PAYNE, Henry B., on Electoral Commission, I.,

PAYNE, John Knowles, II., 231.

PEACE JUBILEE, held in Boston to celebrate the
end of the war, I., 4; Mr. Gilmore's inter-
national, 5.

PEARSON, Mr., appointed Postmaster in New
York City, I., 328.

PEARY, Lieutenant Robert E., his trip across
Greenland in 1892, II., 51 et seq.; forced to
turn back in 1894, 52; his brilliant exploit
in 1895, 55.

OSAGES, The, "Messiah craze" among, II., PEARY, Mrs. Robert E., accompanies her hus-


OSBORN VS. NICHOLSON, case of, I., 112.

OSGOODBY, George, II., 160.

OTTENDORFER, Oswald, I., 228.

OTTOES, The, II., 349.


PACKARD, S. B., Republican candidate for Gov-

ernor in Louisiana, I., 225

PACKARD, U. S. Marshal, takes possession of
the State House in New Orleans, I., 83.
PALMER, John M., I., 227; II., 238; 358.
PALMER, Mrs. Potter, II., 246.
PALMER, T. W., II., 228.

PANAMA, De Lesseps's attempt to cut a canal
across, II., 9; gross mismanagement in con-
struction of Canal, 13; Canal officials
prosecuted and imprisoned, 14; Prestan
rebels in, 92; railway across, monopolized
by Southern Pacific Railway, 344; the
Railway taken up by San Francisco mer-
chants, 346.

slight results of, 26.

PANIC OF 1873, The, causes of, I., 253; a second

Black Friday, 256; wild scene in the Stock
Exchange, 257; methods of alleviation
adopted by New York Clearing House,
262; universality of, 262; its lingering ef-
fects, 263.

band, II., 51; her valuable observations,


PELTON, Colonel, I., 215.

PENDLETON, George H., introduces Civil Service

Reform Bill, I., 341.

PENN, D. B., in Louisiana political troubles, I.,
156 et seq.
PENNSYLVANIA, State of, unsettled condition of
its western part, I., 2; labor troubles in
mining districts of, 293; "bosses" and
"scabs" shot down in, 294; Homestead
strike in, II., 235; Titusville fire in, 238; at
World's Fair, 251; fine showing of militia
in, 339; represented at Atlanta Exposition,
362; its property values in 1890, compared
with the South, 367; its coal and iron wealth
compared with that of Alabama, 371.

PENSIONS, used as a campaign slogan in 1880, I.,
313; great corruption in allotting, II., ;
Cleveland's attempt to check indiscrimi-
nate, 112; alarming increase in, 174, 175.
PERU, complication with, in 1881, II., 70; the
Peruvian Co. in, 71.

PETROLEUM, rapid increase in production of,
after the war, I., 2.

PHELAN, James D., II., 346.

PHELPS, William Walter, II., 82.

PHELPS, DODGE & Co., terrorized by revenue
agents, I., 62.

PHILADELPHIA, City of, its population in 1870, I.,
5; Centennial Exposition in, 196 et seq., 227;
its ancient buildings, 196, 197; Exposition of
1865 in, II., 227; its rank in population in
1890, 274; Salvation Army lands at, 296.
PHILLIPS, Wendell, candidate for Governor in
Massachusetts on a fusion ticket, I., 286.
PHONOGRAPH, The, II., 284.

PIERREPONT, Edwards, refuses Ames's petition
for Federal aid, I., 147.

PINCHBACK, P. B. S., his election to the Louisi-
ana Senate declared illegal, I., 80; succeeds
Warmoth as Governor for the unexpired
term, 84; recognized by the President as
lawful executive of Louisiana, 85.
PINGREE, Mayor Hazen S., II., 333-
PINKERTONS, The, at Homestead, II., 235 et seq.;
investigation of employment of, 237.

Pinta, The, II., 264.

PITTS, Captain, II., 186.

PITTSBURG, City of, great riots in, in 1877, I.,

industries more or less discussed in cam-
paign of 1880, 313; adroit management by
advocates of, in the House, 353; wide-
spread demand for extreme, II., 114; the
Republican watchword in 1892, 242; con-
tended for by members of both parties, 304.
Proteus, The, II., 34 et seq.; 45.
PROVOST, Bishop Samuel, II., 171.

PUBLIC LANDS, grants of, for agricultural col-
leges, I., 283.

PULLMAN, George M., II., 332.
PULLMAN, Town of, II., 330, 331.

PULLMAN STRIKE, The, II., 331 et seq.; caused by
company's refusal to arbitrate, 333; Sov-
ereign orders abandonment of, 336; effects
of, 337; questions arising from sentences
of leaders in, 341, 342; public sympathy
for, in California, 343.

PUTNAM, William L., on Fisheries Commission
of 1887, II., 123.

304 et seq.; loss of life and property, 305, QUAY, Matthew S., charges against, II., 187;

PLAISTED, Harris M., I., 314.

PLATT, Thomas C., at the interview between
Garfield and Conkling, I., 323; resigns
from Senate, 327; II., 73; 232.

PO-KA-GON, Simon, II., 249.
POLAND, Judge Luke P., I., 242.
POLITICAL CLUBS, growth of, by 1888, II., 159.
POLYGAMY, gradual stamping out of, II., 212

et seq.

POPULATION, centre of, in 1870, I., 1; size of, 1;
increase between 1870 and 1880, 351; its
tendency toward the cities, II.,
274; résumé
of increase in, 274; centre of, in 1890, 274.
POPULISTS, The, strength of, in 1892, II., 242,


PORK, removal of foreign embargo on Ameri-
can, II., 176.

PORTER, Admiral David D., at Grant's funeral,
II., 132; death of, 189.

POTTAWOTOMIES, The, chiefs of, at World's Fair,

II., 249.

POTTER, Bishop Henry C., II., 171.
POWDERLY, Terence V., II., 139.
Powhatan, The, II., 131, 132.

PRATT, Commissioner, retirement of, I., 241.
cerning, brought up during Garfield's ill-
ness, I., 343, 344; legislation on the subject,
348, 349: all contingencies in, provided for,


"PRESS-GAG LAW," The, I., 242.
PRINCE, L. B., I., 245.
PROHIBITIONISTS, The, fuse with the Labor

Party in Massachusetts in 1870, I., 286.
PROTECTION, various claims as to its effect upon
shipbuilding, I., 17; nothing bolder than
incidental, urged in 1870, 30; to home


'QUILLS," The, I., 11.

QUINTANA, Señor, separates from members of
Pan-American Conference, II., 22.

RAILROADS, mileage of, doubled during 1860-70,
I., 2; regulation of, by States, II., 148;
increase of, between 1880 and 1890, 274;
elevated, 278; Boston underground, 279:
reckless legislation for, 367.

RAIN-IN-THE-FACE, in the Custer fight, I., 189.
RALSTON, Sergeant, death of, on Greely Expe-
dition, II., 43.

RANDALL, Samuel J., I., 227; at Grant's funeral,
II., 130.

Ranger, The, II., 186.

RANSOM, Senator Matthew W., at Grant's
funeral, II., 130.

RAWLINS, General John A., death of, I., 29.
REA, Alexander, murdered by "Mollie Ma-
guires," I., 296.

READING, City of, riots in, in 1877, I., 305.
"READJUSTERS," The, I., 354.

REAL ESTATE CONGRESS, The Chicago, II., 292.
REBEL BRIGADIERS," The, joy of, over Cleve-

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