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to by Congress, 36; influence of the Ku-
Klux-Klan on, 38, 39; general restoration of
franchise to whites, 40; political disabili-
ties of Southerners removed, 79; Federal
supervisors appointed in all election pre-
cincts, 79; necessarily carried out by those
living in the South, 114; not agents, but
system of, to be condemned, 118; Union
and Loyal leagues during, 121; extrava-
gant expenditures in South Carolina dur-
ing, 122; reckless financial operations
during, 124 et seq.; Governor Ames's
opinion on, 151.

RED CLOUD, visits Washington, I., 170; protests
against white trespassers in Black Hills,
174; declares Indians are "succeeding
backwards," 186; his views on the "Mes-
siah craze," II., 202.

RED CROSS SOCIETY, The, work of, in Russian
famine, II., 224.

REED, Thomas B., at Grant's funeral, II., 130;
his novel rulings as Speaker of the House,
172, 173.

"REFORM PARTY," The, the Democrats' nom

de guerre, I., 35.

REID, Whitelaw, caricatures of, I., 74.
Reina Regente, The, II., 232.

REITER, Commander, unjust punishment of, in
Barrundia affair, II., 186.

RELIGIONS, World's Parliament of, II., 292.
RENO, Major Marcus A., fails to support Custer,
I., 187, 188; his responsibility for the defeat,

REPUBLICAN PARTY, The, in full power in 1870,

I., 23; strife among its members, 24; its
lack of positive policy, 30; first signs of
split in, 31; strong influence of Horace
Greeley upon, 58; split in, in 1884, II., 77;
crushing defeat of, in 1890, 187; "tidal
wave" in favor of, two years later, 225.
"RESTORATION," supposed at first to cover the
ground in case of the seceding States, I.,


campaign of 1876, I., 263; passage of the
Act, 264; Sherman's resolute pushing of,
265; opposed by Democrats, 265; absolute
success of, 266.

REVELS, Hiram R., his letter on the Mississippi
troubles, I., 148.

REVENUE LAWS, necessity for reform in, I., 62.
RICE, Sergeant, death of, on Greely Expedition,

II., 42.

RICH, GOVERNOR (Michigan), II., 357.
RICHARDSON, W. A., his irregular contracts with

Sanborn, I., 236; resigns, 237; in the panic
of 1873, 259; his failure to act promptly,

RIDDLE, his wonderful escape from the Modocs,
I., 177, 180.
ROBERTSON, William H., defeats Conkling's
plans, I., 310; appointed New York Collec-
tor, 323.

ROBESON, George M., succeeds Borie as Secre-
tary of the Navy, I., 29.

ROCHAMBEAU, Marquis de, at Yorktown Cen-
tennial, I., 386.

ROEBLING, John A., II., 277.

ROEBLING, Washington A., II., 277.
ROGERS, in Pan-Electric scandal, II., 108.
Rogers, The, II., 29.


ROOSEVELT, Theodore, nominated for New
York Collectorship, I., 245; II., 72; sup-
ports Blaine, 82.

ROOT, John W., II., 249.

ROSE, William R., II., 291.

ROSECRANS, General W. S., II., 358.
"ROUGHS," The, I., 11.

RUDINI, Marquis di, demands indemnity for
murdered Italians, II., 183.

RUSSIA, great famine of 1891 in, II., 219; Ameri-
can relief for, 220 et seq.; her friendly feel-
ing for the United States, 224; unpopular
extradition treaty with, 310.

SACKVILLE-WEST, Sir Lionel, on Fisheries Com-

mission of 1887, II., 123; his indiscreet let-
ter in 1888, 162; his recall asked for, 163.
SAFFORD, Governor A. P. K., his letter on the
Indian troubles in Arizona, I., 172.

ST. ARMAND, Town of, occupied by Fenians,
I., 4.

ST. GAUDENS, Augustus, II., 257.
ST. JOHN, John P., II., 89.

ST. LOUIS, City of, its population in 1870, I., 5;
in 1890, II., 274.

St. Louis, The, II., 100.

ST. PAUL, City of, great increase in its size be-
tween 1880 and 1890, II., 274.

SALOR, Private, death of, on Greely Expedition,
II., 43.

SALVATION ARMY, The, II., 296, 297.
SAMOA, Island of, United States interests in, II.,
215; terrible hurricane in, 216 et seq.; an-
archy in, 219.

SAN FRANCISCO, City of, Kearneyism in, I., 369
et seq.; extortionate transportation rates to
and from, II., 344; merchants of, form a
traffic association, 346.

SANBORN, John D., irregular Treasury contracts
with, I., 236, 237.

SANFORD, Henry S., II., 2; 4.

RICKS, Judge, his contract-labor decision, II., SANGER, Thomas, murdered by "Mollie Ma-


guires," I., 300.

Santa Maria, The, II., 264.

SANTO DOMINGO, Island of, efforts of President
Grant to annex, I., 48 et seq.; failure of the
treaty with, 53, 54; a Commission reports
favorably on annexation of, 56.

SARGENT, Senator A. A., I., 369.

SATOLLI, Cardinal, II., 324.

SEWARD, W. H., anxious to settle the " Alabama
Claims," I., 88; causes the United States
to be represented at Paris Conference as a
gold country, 277.

SHANDLEY, Justice, illegal registration from
house of, in 1868, 1., 12.
SHARPE, George H., I., 243.

SHEARD, Titus, II., 72.

SATURDAY CLUB, The, protests against Grant's SHARPE, Jacob, prosecuted for bribery, II., 105.
removal of Motley, I., 56.
"SCALAWAGS," The, antecedents and character
of, I., 114, 115; outrages committed by,


SCAR-FACED CHARLEY, in Modoc War, I., 176
et seq.

SCHECHOFFSKY, Princess, II., 246.

SCHENCK, Robert C., one of the High Commis-
sioners at Washington in 1871, I., 46; in-
troduces bill to contract currency, 250.
SCHLEY, Winfield S., commands Greely Relief
Expedition, II., 37; 50.

SCHNAUBELT, Rudolph, II., 142.

SCHNEIDER, Private, death of, on Greely Expe-
dition, II., 43.

SCHOFIELD, General J. M., retained by Grant as
Secretary of War, I., 29; at Inaugural Cen-
tennial, II., 171; 358.

SCHURZ, Carl, prominent in Missouri politics, I.,
his open opposition to the reëlection of
Grant, 59; appointed chairman at the
convention of "Come-Outers," 68; carica-
tures of, during campaign of 1872, 74; con-
demns Federal action in Louisiana matters,
166; prominent in anti-Grant movement in
1876, 205; appointed Secretary of the In-
terior, 224; 275; enforces competitive ex-
aminations in the Interior Department,
336; II., 81.

SCHWAB, Michael, sentenced to life imprison-
ment, II., 143.

SCLOPIS, Count, member of Geneva Tribunal,

I., 90.

SCONCHIN, hung with other Modocs, I., 181.
Scorr, Captain, seizes the David J. Adams in

Digby Harbor, II., 120.

SCOTT, R. K., extravagance in South Carolina
during Governorship of, I., 128.

SCOTT, Thomas A., II., 64; 84.
SCRANTON, City of, riots in, in 1877, I., 305.
Sea King, The. See Shenandoah, The.
SEAL FISHERIES, The, dispute over, II., 125 et
seq.; ratification of a treaty concerning,
126; report of Board of Commissioners on
the dispute over, 126.

SEDGWICK, John, espouses Greeley's cause, I.,


SEMINOLES, The, condition of, in 1874, I., 169;
II., 196; "Messiah craze" among, 201.
SEVERALTY LAND SYSTEM, The, applied to In-
dian tribes, II., 347 et seq.

Shenandoah, The, claims for depredations by,

I., 88.

SHEPHERD, appreciation of his services as Gov-
ernor of District of Columbia, I., 62.
SHERIDAN, Philip H., in command of the Mili-
tary Department of the Gulf, I., 161; his
report on the Louisiana situation, 162 et
seq.; vainly prohibits trespassing in Black
Hills, 174; II., 50; at Grant's funeral, 132;
death of, 189.

SHERMAN, John, his opinion of Grant's adminis-
tration, I., 24, 27; his opinion of the Fif-
teenth Amendment, 37, 38; his severe criti-
cism of Greeley, 68; his letter to his brother
on the political situation, 71; his vote in
the Belknap trial, 202; suggests Hayes's
nomination, 211; appointed Secretary of
the Treasury, 224; 227; on the Hayes-
Tilden election, 228; his opinion of Hayes's
character, 229; his account of the New
York Civil Service removals, 244, 245:
his opinion on resumption, 249; his finan-
cial ability, 264; pushes through resump-
tion, 265 et seq.; requests addition of "Alli-
son tip" to the Bland Bill, 278; Sher-
man silver purchasing law passed in 1890
but repealed in 1893, 279; mentioned as a
presidential candidate in 1880, 308; blames
Foster for his defeat, 311; 329; II., 21; 62;
at Grant's funeral, 130; 158; unfounded
charges against, 164; censures Foraker,
165; declares Jefferson Davis a traitor,

SHERMAN, General W. T., his fears for Grant,
I., 28; his surprise at the nomination of
Grant and Greeley, 70; urges that political
power should be given to "the young men
who served in the rebel army," 131; his
views on the situation in the South, 132;
on the Indian troubles, 171; his letter to
his brother in the Belknap matter, 201;
removes to St. Louis to be free from Bel-
knap, 202; at Yorktown Centennial, 387;
on the "Rebel Flag" order, II., 113; at
Grant's funeral, 132; death of, 189; his
criticism of Jefferson Davis, 194, 195.
SHERWOOD, Lieutenant, killed by Modocs, I.,

SHIELDS, General James, II., 192.

SHIPBUILDING, American, at a low ebb after the
war, I., 17.

"SHIPTON, Mother," prophecy of, I., 309.
SICKLES, General Daniel E., demonstration

against, in Madrid during the Virginius
excitement, I., 48.

SILVER, demonetization of, I., 275; legislation

concerning, before 1873, 276; grievance of
advocates of, 277; Congress hesitates to
authorize free coinage of, 278; purchases
of, under Bland-Allison Act, 279; increased
purchase of bullion under Sherman

Law of 1890, 279; end of acquisition of, by
United States in 1893, 279; free coinage of,
suspended in India, II., 301; no longer
purchased by United States, 303.
SIMMONS, Mr., I., 236.
SINCLAIR, Captain, I., 386.

SIOUX, The, insurrection of, I., 186 et seq.;

opening of their reservation in South
Dakota to settlers, II., 200; "Messiah

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SMITH, GOULD, MARTIN & Co., firm of, I., 40.
"SOAP," political, I., 317; II., 167.

New York City, II., 318.

SOLOMON, Hardy, I., 215.

at Knoxville, II., 356.

SOUTH, The, belief at the North in incorrigible-

ness of, I., 30; sentiment in favor of reën-
franchisement of, 31; acceptance by, of
the facts of the war, 35; evils caused in,
by reconstruction, 36; impossibility of
permanent military government in, 38;
removal of political disabilities reduces
rancor of, against the North, 78; Federal
supervisors of elections in, 79; race troubles
in, 79; bitterness towards the North, III;
desolation of, 113; moral and social stag-
nation in, 114; determination in, to keep
down the negro, 118; constant race con-
flicts in, 121; reckless extravagance of re-
constructionists throughout, 124 et seq.; ex-
aggerated reports of violence in, after 1874,
129; left to itself after Hayes's administra-
tion, 354; feeling in, towards disfranchising

negroes, II., 150; the New
356 et seq.;
Atlanta Exposition proves universal prog-
ress of, except in "black belts," 363; phe-
nomenal increase of values in, from 1880
to 1890, 367; manufactures at, 369; flour
and pig iron from, 370; apparently un-
limited resources of, 371; development of,
due to Southerners, 372; loyalty at, 372,
373; serious treatment of liquor question
at, 373; the great problem presented by
the negroes in, 374; decrease of the blacks
in, 379; feeling of old slaveholders at, for
their former slaves, 380; immense white
immigration to, 380.

SOUTH CAROLINA, State of, admitted to repre-
sentation in Congress, I., 20; voices the
"New Departure" in its Convention of
1870, 35; writ of habeas corpus suspended
in, 79; negro legislators in, after the war,
122; illiteracy of officials in, 124; reckless
extravagance in, 128, 129; terrible financial
condition of, 132; taxpayers of, appeal to
the President, 132; Chamberlain's adminis-
tration in, 135; returns from, in Tilden-
Hayes election, 219; Constitutional Con-
vention in, II., 147; political suppression
of negroes in, 150, 151; Convention of 1895
in, 152 et seq.; the "Mississippi plan'
adopted in, 156; the Tillman movement
in, 243; location of "black belt" in, 364;
phosphates in, 372; its dispensary system
for the sale of liquor, 373; its stringent
legislation against lynchings, 374.

SOUTH DAKOTA, State of, Sioux reservation in,
opened to settlers, II., 200; "Messiah
craze" in, 200 et seq.; condition of militia
in, 339-
monopoly in California, II., 344 et seq.;
proposal to refund its debt, 345.
SOVEREIGN, James R., II., 336.
SPAIN, barbarities of, in Cuba, I., 47; trouble
with, from Virginius affair, 48.
SPEAKMAN, Mr., murdered by Spaniards in Cuba,
I., 47.

SPEER, Judge Emory, II., 359.
SPEYERS, Albert R., Fisk's broker in Black Fri-
day transactions, I., 44.
SPIES, Augustus, II., 142; hanged, 143.
SPRAGUE, Charles, I., 320.
STAEMPFLI, Jacques, member of Geneva Tribu-
nal, I., 90.

STALLO, J. B., I., 228.
"STALWARTS," The, I., 327.

STANLEY, Henry M., his African explorations,
II., 2, 3; honors paid to, 3.
STANWOOD, Jacob, II., 64.

"STAR ROUTE FRAUDS, The," I., 336 et seq.; only
one man ever punished for, 341.

STATE CONSTITUTIONS, general revision of, II.,
146 et seq.

"STATE SUICIDE," the question of, I., 18.
STATES' RIGHTS, important decisions concerning,

I., III, 112.

STEAMBOAT FRANK, in Modoc War, I., 179.
STEARNS, Governor (Florida), I., 218.
STEARNS, Mr., II., 280.

STEUBEN, Baron von, at Yorktown Centennial,

I., 386.

STEVENS, Minister John L., his actions in
Hawaii, II., 312.

STEVENS, Thaddeus, his extreme views on re-
construction, I., 18; one of the first in the
North to advocate negro suffrage, 119.
STEVENSON, Vice-President Adlai, II., 357.
STEVENSON, Job E., I., 227.

STEVENSON, J. W., I., 227.

STEWART, A. T., proposed for the Treasury,
portfolio, I., 29; liable to a heavy revenue
forfeiture, 62.

STOUGHTON, E. W., I., 227.

STRIKE OF 1877, I., 303 et seq.; results and end
of, 306; Kearneyism in California a re-
flex of, 362.

STRIKES, public sympathy with, I., 292; perma-

nent commission to investigate, recom-
mended, II., 343.

STRONG, Justice William, appointed to Supreme

Court and votes to reverse Hepburn vs.
Griswold decision, I., 67, 270; on Electoral
Commission, 218.

STRONG, William L., elected Mayor of New
York on a fusion ticket, II., 322.
constructed States agree never to revoke
universal, 20; Chief Justice Chase on
Congressional restriction of, 36, 37; res-
toration of, to disfranchised Southerners,
40; granted to negroes up to 1835 in Ten-
nessee and North Carolina, 119; tendency
to widen, in North and West, II., 150;
negro generally admitted a failure,


SUGAR, bounty on, II., 176; its prominence in
campaign of 1892, 242; again in 1894, 304,


SUGAR TRUST, The, II., 305; 308, 309.
SUMNER, Charles, his extreme views on recon-
struction, I., 18; condemns Grant's foreign
policy, 32;
his opposition to Grant's scheme
for the annexation of Santo Domingo, 53;
quarrels with Grant, 54 et seq.; Grant's
opinion of, 55; declares Grant's course is
leading to a "dance of blood," 56; op-
poses Grant's reelection, 59; in favor of
radical measures in the South, 69; Curtis
considers his speech unpardonable, 71;

applies to the President Lord Durham's
letter to Brougham, 75; his feelings grow
more lenient to Southerners, 78; famous
speech of, on Johnson-Clarendon Treaty,
89; one of the first in the North to advo-
cate negro suffrage, 119.

SUMNER, W. G., I., 228.

Sun, The New York, publishes Credit Mobilier
story during campaign of 1872, I., 95, 106.
SURPLUS, The, financial problem on account of,
II., 115, 116; Republican treatment of, 174;
great growth of, 176.
Swatara, The, II., 131.

SWAYNE, Justice Noah H., dissents from Su-
preme Court's decision in "Slaughter
House Cases," I., 112.

Tallapoosa, The, I., 386.

TAMASESE, elevated to Samoan throne by Ger-
mans, II., 216; deposed, 219.
TAMMANY HALL, hostile members kept out of,
by Tweed policemen, I., 11; its support
injures Greeley in 1872, 75; corruption of,
II., 318.
TARIFF, The, not a party policy in 1870, I., 30;
small influence of, in campaign of 1880,
312; Commission appointed, 352; re-
duction in, recommended, 353;- Act of
1883, 353; controversy over, 354; Repub-
lican party advocates raising, II., 114:
growing feeling in favor of reduction of,
116, 117; the issue in 1888, 165 et seq.; Re-
publicans advocate a prohibitive, 176;
unchanged in 1890, 187; the issue in the
campaign of 1892, 242; Democratic revision
of, in 1894, 304;
law passed by that
party, 306.

Tartar, The, II., 232.
TATNALL, Josiah, II., 219.
TAYLOR, Abner, I., 227.

TAYLOR, Bayard, recites an ode at Philadelphia
Centennial, I., 198.

TELEGRAPH, The, II., 279 et seq.
TELEPHONE, The, II., 282.

TELLER, Henry M., appointed Secretary of the
Interior, I., 351; II., 58.
TEMPERANCE, women's crusade for, II., 293 et
seq., steps towards, in the South, 373.
TENNESSEE, State of, loyal government in, rec-

ognized by Lincoln, I., 18; free negroes
permitted to vote in, up to 1834, 119; in-
crease in debt of, during reconstruction,
125; violence against negroes in, 129; Con-
stitutional Convention in, II., 147; political
suppression of negroes in, 150 et seq.; con-
vict labor troubles in, 239 et seq.; location
of "black belt" in, 364; live stock in, 369;
marble and building stones in, 372; de-
crease of negroes in country portions of,


Tennessee, The, II., 49.

TENURE OF OFFICE ACT, The, repeal of, II., 106.
TERRY, General Alfred, in Sioux War of 1876,
I., 186 et seq.; claims that Custer disobeyed
orders, 190 et seq.

TEST OATH, The, I., 20.
TEXAS, State of, slowness of reconstruction in,
I., 21; effect of reconstruction acts on fi-
nances of, 125; location of "black belt" in,
II., 364; bad condition of negroes in, 367;
large grain crops in, 368; live stock in,
369; marble and building stones in, 372.

Thetis, The, II., 36; 40; 44: 49.

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THOMAN, Leroy D., appointed to Civil Service TRUMBULL, LYMAN, denounces the abuses in the

Commission, I., 342.

THOMAS, Peace Commissioner, murdered by In-

dians, I., 177 et seq.

THOMPSON, Mrs. Joseph, II., 359.

THORNTON, Sir E., one of the Commissioners in

Treaty of Washington, I., 46.

Thornton, The, II., 125.

"THREE CENT WAR," The, I., 283.
THURMAN, Allen G., protests against forcing the

Fifteenth Amendment upon reconstructed
States, I., 22; 167; moves to impeach Bel-
knap, 202; on Electoral Commission, 218;
II., 81; nominated for Vice-President, 157;


Ticonderoga, The, II., 97.

TILDEN, Samuel J., active in prosecuting

Tweed, I., 15; 207; nominated for Presi-
dent, 211; doubt as to his election, 214 et
seq.; his opponent declared elected, 220;
his ideas on resumption, 263; declines
nomination in 1880, 312.
TILLMAN, Benjamin R., II., 153 et seq.; 243.
Times, The New York, Tweed attempts to buy

the stock of, I., 14; publishes evidence
against the ring, 14; in Tilden-Hayes elec-
tion, 214.

TIN, prominence of the

campaign, II., 242.

TISDELL, N. P., II., 8.

industry in 1892

TOLSTOI, Leo, II., 222.

TOOMBS, Robert, II., 191.

Tornado, The Spanish man-of-war, captures the
Virginius, I., 47.

TOWNSEND, Adjutant-General E. D., his mes-

sage to General Emory to enforce peace
in Louisiana, I., 85.

TRACY, Secretary Benjamin F., burning of his
house, II., 207, 208.
TRAIN, George Francis, I., 68.


TREATY OF WASHINGTON, The, I., 46; 87; drawn

up by a Joint High Commission and pro-

Civil Service, I., 59; espouses Greeley's
cause, 70; 227.

TRUSTS, rise of, I., 292; 329; II., 115; legislation
against, 308; strange application of laws

against, 341, 342.

TUPPER, Sir Charles, on Fisheries Commission
of 1887, II., 123.

TURKEY, Cleveland refuses to interfere with, II.,

TURNER, Congressman, II., 358.
TURNEY, Governor (Tennessee), II., 357.
The, II., 359.
TUTTLE, J. M., I., 227.

"TWAIN, Mark," II., 265.

TWEED, William M., beginning of his infamous
career, I., 11; the Court House job, 12; his
insatiable greed, 13; general rising against,
14; arrested twice and released on bail,
15: his escape to Cuba and Spain, 16; final
death in jail, 16.

"TWEED RING," The, vast frauds of, I., 11;
contractors obliged to pay large bonuses to,
12; its operations cheat the city tax-payers
of $160,000,000, 13; attitude of the news-
papers towards, 13; downfall of, 14 et seq.;
revelations concerning, tell against Gree-
ley's cause, 75.

TYLER, John, widow of, at Yorktown Cen-
tennial, I., 387.

Tynehead, The, II., 224.

UNDERWOOD, J. W. H., I., 352.

UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, The, junction of, with
Central Pacific, I., 2; trouble over Credit
Mobilier operations in its construction, 95,
104 its advantages, 103; Blaine accused
of fraudulent transactions with, II., 64.
UTAH, State of, population of, in 1870, I., 2;

female suffrage in, 2; rush of settlers to,
97; female suffrage established in, II.,
150; Mormons emigrate to, 211; stamping
out of polygamy in, 213; admitted to state-
hood, 214.

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