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The general scope and arrangement of the manual remain unchanged, as does most of the text. The occurrence of the World War between the issues of the first and the present editions could not fail to be the occasion of many notices in the revision in appropriate places. Similarly the issuance of instructions by the Navy Department for the government of the U. S. Navy in maritime war in June, 1917, after the first revision of the manual, has been the occasion of additions and revisions. One change in form more than in substance is the separation in paragraphs and captions of the subjects of the destruction of enemy and of neutral prizes. It is worthy of mention because too often it is very difficult to know from their texts to which form of destruction writers are referring.

In a supplementary chapter Admiral Stockton, in addition to the revisions of the text, discusses the changes naturally occurring in the decade since the manual was first written,-changes emphasized by the greatest war in history. The captions of the Chapter include "Cutting of Cables," "Radio-Telegraphy," "Neutrality Laws," "Internment of Vessels," "Armed Merchantmen," "So-called Blockade of Germany" and "Right of Angary,' which sufficiently indicates the general ground covered.

To the appendices of the original edition have been added the President's neutrality proclamation occasioned by the war between Great Britain and Germany (which had as issued a curious typographical omission of several lines that made new law as that part of the proclamation actually read, which omission was corrected in later proclamations), and the sections of the Revised Statutes governing the capture, sending in and the destruction of prizes. Sample forms of a Certificate of Registry, a Consolidated Certificate of Enrollment and License, and a License of Vessel under Twenty Tons are included.

In the form of this up-to-date revision the manual, whose usefulness has been so well demonstrated, will be of increased value to the clientele for whom it is especially written, as it will to others who have not the time or opportunity to consult more exhaustive treaties on International Law.


The Proceedings of the Hague Peace Conferences. Translation of the official texts. Prepared in the Division of International Law of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, under the supervision of James Brown Scott. New York: Oxford University Press.

The Conference of 1899. 1920. pp. xxii, 882.

The Conference of 1907:

Vol. I. Plenary meetings of the Conference. 1920. pp.
XXV, 702.

Vol. II. Meetings of the First Commission. 1921.

lxxi, 81, 1086.

1921. pp.

Vol. III. Meetings of the Second, Third and Fourth Commissions. 1921. pp. xci, 1162.

Index volume covering the preceding volumes. pp. 272.

These sumptuous volumes contain the first complete English version of the Proceedings of the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, the original and official French versions of which have become somewhat difficult to procure. This edition in five volumes will be adopted as a definitive English edition of the Proceedings of the Hague Conferences. The translation appears in all respects to have been carefully and sympathetically made. No extended review of the contents is necessary. The index volume, prepared in the Division of International Law, makes it possible for the first time readily to turn to any part of the Proceedings. There is an index of persons and a general index by which any idea may be followed from its original expression in the Commission, Sub-commission or Plenary Session, to its final statement in the definitive conventions. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has put all students of international law under lasting obligation in carrying to completion this admirably conceived enterprise and in putting forth the work in a manner which is justified by its significance and importance.


The British Year Book of International Law, 1921-22. London: Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton, 1921, pp. viii, 272. 16s. net.

This volume is the second issue of this publication and contains articles, notes on international events, digest of cases, list of international agreements from January 1, 1920-May 31, 1921, book reviews and an extensive bibliography of publications dealing with subjects of international interest. The first two articles discuss the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice, and are written by Sir H. Erle Richards, Professor of International Law and Diplomacy at Oxford University, and by Dr. D. C. J. Loder, of The Netherlands, who has recently been elected President of the Permanent Court of International Justice. The article by Dr. Loder is of particular interest as he reviews the stormy career of the proposal that

the International Court should have compulsory jurisdiction, which was strongly favored by a large majority of the smaller nations, and effectively opposed by the greater nations. Sir Erle Richards's article, which precedes Dr. Loder's, is apparently written for the purpose of justifying British opposition to granting compulsory jurisdiction to the International Court.

The other articles appearing in the Year Book are: Submarine Cables and International Law, by Professor A. Pearce Higgins; The Effect of War on Treaties, by Sir Cecil J. B. Hurst; Protectorates and Mandates, by T. Baty; and Mandated Territories: Palestine and Mesopotamia (Iraq), by Norman Bentwich; Judicial Recognition of States and Governments and the Immunity of Public Ships, by Arnold D. McNair; Freedom of Navigation on the Rhine, by Professor Eugene Borel; Prize Court Procedure, by E. S. Roscoe; The Roll De Superioritate Maris Angliae, by T. C. Wade; Sovereignty, by W. R. Bisschop; Exterritoriality in China and the Question of Its Abolition, by M. R. Z. Tyau; and The Work of the League of Nations, by Reginald Berkeley.

In the Introduction to the Year Book, it is stated that since the publication of the first volume, the British Year Book of International Law has been affiliated to the British Institute of International Affairs. It is also stated that the Year Book must depend for its continuance on the copies which are sold to the public, and all those to whom the idea of the Year Book appeals are begged to support it by becoming subscribers and doing what they can to increase its circulation.


Extraterritorial Cases. Vol. I. By Charles S. Lobingier, Judge of the United States Court for China. Manila: Government Bureau of Printing, pp. lxi, 1094. Price $6.00. (Sold by Clerk of the U. S. Court, Shanghai.)

Apropos of the widespread interest in Far Eastern subjects and especially in Extraterritoriality, a volume which has just come from the press and which embodies the work of our extraterritorial court in China during the first fourteen years of its existence deserves more than passing mention. The book is entitled "Extraterritorial Cases" and was compiled and edited by Judge Charles S. Lobingier who has presided over the United States Court for China during the past eight years.

The book contains a full report of the decisions of that court from its beginning, also of those reviewing the same by the Court of Appeals and the leading cases decided by other courts on questions of extraterritoriality. It is thus a complete case book on the subject and should prove especially opportune now that the whole scheme of extraterritoriality is to be examined by a commission with the view to determining whether conditions in China are such as to warrant its early abolition.


The book was printed at the government Bureau of Printing, Manila, and is a model of law reporting. The text is in large clear type with all quotations in small size and all citations in footnotes. There is a copious and logically arranged index and a valuable table of references including all statutes chronologically arranged, which are cited in the opinions of the court. On the whole the work will be needed by any one desiring to investigate the subject of which it treats and reflects great credit upon the administration of Judge Lobingier who attended personally to all the details of publication including the laborious task of proof reading.

The book is dedicated to Prof. John Bassett Moore of Columbia University.



Abbreviations: American Bar Association Journal (Amer. Bar Ass. J.); American Law Review (Amer. L. R.); American Political Science Review (Amer. Pol. Sc. R.); Archiv. des öffentlichen Rechts (Arch. d. offentl. Rechts); British Year Book (Br. Y. Book); Canadian Law Times (Can. L. T.); Harvard Law Review (Harvard L. R.); Hispanic American Historical Review (Hispanic Amer. Hist. R.); Juridical Review (Jur. R.); North American Review (N. Amer. R.); Revue de Droit International et de Législation Comparée (R. Dr. Inter. et Légis. Comp.); Revue de Droit International Privé ét de Droit Penal International (R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter.); Revue Générale de Droit International Public (R. Gén. de Dr. Inter. Public); University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Pa. U. L. R.); Yale Law Journal (Yale L. J.).

Alien enemy property. Les Biens et intérêts français d'avant guerre en Allemagne. Jean Teyssaire. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 20.

Alsace-Lorraine. De le condition actuelle des Étrangers et des Personnes morales étrangères en Alsace et en Lorraine. J. P. Niboyet. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 337.

Les Conflits entre la loi française et la loi allemande applicable en Alsace-Lorraine en matière de statut personnel. Eugene Audinet. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 393.

Canada. International Treaties in Relation to Legislative Power. J. D. Cameron. Can. L. T. Jan. 1922. 42: 10.

China. Exterritoriality in-and the question of its abolition. M. T. Z. Tyau. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 133.

Commercial Letters of Credit. Wm. E. McCurdy. Harvard L. R. Mar. 1922. 35: 539.

Conflict of Laws. Les Transports Rhénans et les Conflicts de lois. J. P. Niboyet. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 203.

Freedom of Navigation on the Rhine.

Eugene Borel. Br. Y.

Book. 1921-22. 2:75.
Dantzig. Le Règlement de la question de. Charles de Lannoy. R. Dr.
Inter. et Légis. Comp. 1921. 3rd series. 2: 436.

Divorce. L'exclusion du divorce entrainte-t-elle l'interdiction d'épouser des étrangers divorcés? J. Champcommunal. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17:41.

1 (Limited to articles published in the periodicals exchanged with the American Journal of International Law.)

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