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Diplomacy. A Requisite for the success of popular diplomacy. Elihu Root. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:3.

Diplomatic Immunity. Legal Precedents on the Inviolability of Attendants of Diplomatic Envoys. E. Makino. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Jan. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 1.

Disarmament. The question of. S. Takahashi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Mar. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 3.

Egypt. The Independence of. S. Takahashi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Apr. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 4.

Enemy Property. Disposal of. Joseph C. Fehr. N. Amer. R. July, 1922. 216:10.

Enemy Ships. In port at outbreak of war. A. Pearce Higgins. Br. Y. Book. 1922-23. 3:55.

Europe. Further economic consequences of the peace. J. A. M. de Sanchez. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:158.

Foreign Judgments. Vollstreckung ausländischer Urteile. Georg Kleinfeller. Zeitschrift für Int. Recht. 1922. 30:62.

Foreign Trade. Legal Aspects of. A. J. Wolfe. Amer. Bar Ass. J. August, 1922. 8:444.

France. The Policy of. André Tardieu. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:11.

Freedom of the Seas. And Disarmament. S. Koyama. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Jan. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 1.

Genoa Conference. The Illusions of. David Jayne Hill. N. Amer. R. Aug. 1922. 216:154.

Government. Fundamentals of. F. O. Lowden. Amer. Bar Ass. J. August, 1922. 8:475.

Governments de facto. Los gobiernos "de facto". F. Larnaude. Rev. Mex. Der. Int. Mar. 1922. 4:29.

Grotius. The Infancy and Youth of. W. S. M. Knight. Trans. Grotius Soc. 1922. 7:1.


La Hollande, Membre de la Société des Nations. Grotius Ann. Int. 1921-22.

p. 66.

Les Pays-Bas et l'organisation internationale du travail. A. M. Joekes. Grotius Ann. Int. 1921-22.

p. 129.

India. The National Movement in. S. Takahashi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. May, 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 5.

International Criminal Court. And the resolutions of the Committee of Jurists. Lord Phillimore. Br. Y. Book. 1922–23. 8:79.

International Law. The Future of. L. Oppenheim. Review by M. Royama. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Feb. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 2.

International Legislation. The Tendency of the unitary. S. Terada. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. March and June, 1922. Vol. XXI, Nos. 3 and 6.

International Relations. Men and Nations. P. M. Brown. N. Amer. R. July, 1922. 216:21.

International Trade Commission. Huston Thompson. Amer. Bar Ass. J. August, 1922. 8:509.

Intervention. The History of, in International Law. P. H. Winfield. Br. Y. Book. 1922-23. 8:130.

Ireland. Resurgent and Insurgent. Ernest Boyd. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:86.

Itata incident. Osgood Hardy. Hisp. Amer. Hist. R. May, 1922. 5:195. Justiciable disputes. Ernest A. Jelf. Trans. Grotius Soc. 1922. 7:59. Laws of War. The status quo of the. S. Tachi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. May, 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 5.

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The Washington Conference and the. S. Tachi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Apr. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 4.

League of Nations. The Barcelona Conference on Communications and Transit and the Danube Statute. G. E. Toulmin. Br. Y. Book. 192223. 3:167.

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La compétence de la Société des Nations concernant le règlement des différends internationaux. Frede Castberg. R. Dr. Int. et Lég. Comp. 1922. 3rd series. 3:195.

And National Sovereignty. T. Izumi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Jan. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 1; Feb. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 2.

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Notes on Article 23 of the Covenant. S. Machida. Jap.

Rev. Int. Law. May, 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 5.

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L'œuvre de revision du Pacte de la Société des Nations accomplie par la Deuxième Assemblée. (1re Partie.) Henri-A. Rolin. R. Dr. Int. et Lég. Comp. 1922. 3rd series. 3:171.


Peace versus.

Sir Graham Bower. Trans. Grotius Soc. 1922.

Limitation of Armament. La conferencia del desarme. Rodrigo Octavio. Rev. Mex. Der. Int. Mar. 1922. 4:17.

The Naval Limitation Treaty. Y. Sugimura. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. May and June 1922. Vol. XXI, Nos. 5 and 6.

Treaties concerning. S. Tachi. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Mar. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 3.

Mandates. Of the Pacific. George H. Blakeslee. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:98.

Martitz. Ferdinand von. Ein Bild seines Lebens und seines Wirkens. Heinrich Triepel. Zeitschrift für Int. Recht. 1922. 30:155. Maritime Law. La condition juridique des navires appartenant à l'État et l'immunité des Etats au point de vue de droit maritime. Etude de droit français. Georges Ripert. R. Int. Dr. Maritime. 1922. 34:1.

Etude de droit anglais. Edward G. Roscoe. R. Int.

Dr. Maritime. 1922. 34:24.

Etude de droit amèricain. Gustave Siesse. R. Int.

Dr. Maritime. 1922. 34:47.

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De la nature juridique du "delivery order". Georges Marais. R. Int. Dr. Maritime. 1922. 84:78.

23. 8:159.

Immunity of states in. W. R. Bisschop. Br. Y. Book. 1922

Merchant Ship. The right of a belligerent, to attack. Hugh H. L. Bellot. Trans. Grotius Soc. 1922. 7:43.

Near East. Two letters from the. J. Hamilton Lewis. Amer. Bar Ass. J. August, 1922. 8:465.

Occupied Territory. Military administration of, in time of war. Lieut.Col. de Watteville. Trans. Grotius Soc. 1922. 7:133.

Permanent Court of International Justice. De la compétence de la Cour permanente de justice internationale. J. Blociszewski. R. Gen. Dr. Int. Public. Jan.-Apr. 1922. 2d series. 4:23.

La Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale. Grotius Ann. Int. 1921-22. p. 197.

Establishment of. Dr. Yamada. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Feb. and July 1922. Vol. XXI, Nos. 2 and 6.

Le Règlement de la Cour Permanente de Justice internationale. A. Hammarskjold. R. Dr. Int. et Lég. Comp. 1922. 3rd series. 3:125. Peru-Chile. El conflicto entre el Perú y Chile. José Benítez. Rev. Mex. Der. Int. Mar. 1922. 4:86.

Philippines. And Sea Power. William H. Gardiner. N. Amer. R. Aug. 1922. 216:165.

Prisoners of war. The affair of the Turkish prisoners on board the Heimei Maru quartered in Italy. M. Nakayama. Jap. Rev. Int. Law. Apr. 1922. Vol. XXI, No. 4.

Private International Law. La Commission Royale des Pays-Bas pour le droit international privé. Josephus Jitta. Grotius Ann. Int. 1921-22. p. 51.

Recognition of governments. Les Gouvernements Etrangers en Justice: lor Partie, Reconnaissance internationale et immunités. Ch. de Visscher. R. Dr. Int. et Lég. Comp. 1922. 3rd series. 3:149.

El reconocimiento de los nuevos gobiernos. Amos S. Hershey.

Rev. Mex. Der. Int. Mar. 1922. 4:12.

El reconocimiento y la personalidad civil de los Estados. La Dirección. Rev. Mex. Der. Int. Mar. 1922. 4:1.

Règles a suivre pour la reconnaissance d'un gouvernement de facto par des états étranger. L. A. Podesta Costa. R. Gen. Dr. Int. Public. Jan.-Apr. 1922. 2d series. 4:47.

Reparations. Reparationen 1792-1918. Alfred Engmann. Zeitschrift für Int. Recht. 1922. 30:146.

Richards. The Late Sir H. Erle. Viscount Finlay. Br. Y. Book. 1922-23. 8:16.

Russia. After Genoa and The Hague. K. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:133.

Today: Map and Statistics. Lawrence Martin. For. Aƒƒ. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:156.

Saar Territory. Die staats- und völkerrechtliche Stellung des Saargebeits. Reinhard Frank. Arch. d. öffentl. Rechts. 1922. 43:1.

Saint-Germain Treaty. Die Durchführung des Friedensvertrages von St. Germain in Oesterreich. Josef L. Kunz. Zeitschrift für Int. Recht. 1922. 30: 117.

Self-Governing Dominions. The International Status of. Malcolm M. Lewis. Br. Y. Book. 1922-23. 8:21.

Submarines. At the Washington Conference. Ronald F. Roxburgh. Br. Y. Book. 1922-23. 3:150.

Tacna-Arica. The controversy over. E. M. Borchard. For. Aff. Sept. 15, 1922. 1:29.

United States.

Ben A. Arneson.

American Government and Politics. Nathan Isaacs and
Amer. Pol. Sc. R. Aug. 1922. 16:432.

The next American contribution to civilization. Charles W.
Sept. 15, 1922. 1:49.

Eliot. For. Aff.

The Treaty-Making Power. Stuart H. Perry. N. Amer. R. July, 1922. 216:32.

Versailles Treaty. Le Droit International Ouvrier dans le Traité de Versailles. P. Pic. R. Gen. Dr. Int. Public. Jan.-Apr. 1922. 2d series. 4:60.

Haftung aus Vorkriegsverträgen nach dem Vertrag von Versailles. Ernst Wolff. Zeitschrift für Int. Recht. 1922. 30:36.

Versailles Treaty. L'interprétation de l'article 389 du traité de paix de Versailles concernant la nomination des délégues non-gouvernementaux aux Conférences internationales du Travail. Grotius Ann. Int. 1921-22. p. 154. Zur Frage der Rechtsverbindlichkeit des Friedensvertrags von Versailles. Alexander Hold-Ferneck. Zeitschrift für Int. Recht. 1922. 30:110.

World Restoration. Judaism and. Dr. Joseph Silverman. N. Amer. R. Aug. 1922. 216:145.

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What ails the world? Rev. Martin J. Scott, S.J. N. Amer. R.

Sept. 1922. 216:289.

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