Hertslet's Commercial Treaties: A Collection of Treaties and Conventions, Between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws, Decrees, Orders in Council, &c., Concerning the Same, So Far as They Relate to Commerce and Navigation, Slavery, Extradition, Nationality, Copyright, Postal Matters, &c., and to the Privileges and Interests of the Subjects of the High Contracting Parties, Volume 15 |
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Common terms and phrases
Administration aforesaid annexed application appointed Article August authority autres Britain Britain and Ireland Britannic Majesty British India British subjects Canada Cape cent centimes certificate charge Chiangmai Coast Colony Commission Consul Contracting Parties Convention correspondances échangées Court crime Cyprus Daïra December declare deemed dominions droit duly duties emigration enacted États être extradition foreign France fugitive Government Governor granted Griqualand West hereby India Islands issued July June jurisdiction l'Article letters licence London Magistrate Majesty the Queen Majesty's Majesty's Government ment Minister money orders offence office of exchange Orange Free Order in Council Ordinance Ottoman payable payment person port Possession Post Office Postal powers present Privy Council Province purpose Règlement regulations respect River seal sera seront Settlements ship signed slaves South African Republic taxe télégramme territory thence therein thereof thereto thinks fit tion Trade Transvaal Treaty United Kingdom vessel Vict warrant whereas Windsor
Popular passages
Page 936 - ... use; and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective sides in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side.
Page 936 - ... abaft the beam on the starboard side, and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles. (c.) On the...
Page 389 - A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character...
Page 671 - An act for the further limitation of the Crown, and better securing the rights and liberties of the subject...
Page 777 - Nor shall any other or higher duties or charges be imposed in the territories of either of the contracting parties on the exportation of any article to the territories of the other, than such as are or may be payable on the exportation of the like article to any other foreign country.
Page 940 - In obeying and construing these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger.
Page 935 - ... points abaft the beam on the starboard side ; and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles.
Page 938 - In fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rainstorms, whether by day or night, the signals described in this article shall be used as follows, viz.
Page 667 - Person, Crown, or Dignity; and I will do my utmost Endeavour to disclose...
Page 639 - ... it shall be lawful for Her Majesty from time to time, by Order in Council, to apply...