IN REVIEW MEMBERS ENJOY THE "POPS" On Thursday evening, June 26, there was a special Boston City Club night at the Pop Concert. A program of unusual interest had been arranged for the occasion, including two numbers with the organ,Albert Snow, a member of the Club, organist. The entire floor, which had been reserved exclusively for members of the Club and their friends, was filled, and many who were unable to secure seats on the floor occupied seats in the balcony. The occasion met with such a hearty response and was so successful that it brought forth expressions of hope that it might be made an annual affair. COMMANDER READ TELLS OF HIS ACHIEVEMENT On Tuesday, July 8, Lieut.-Commander Albert C. Read, commander of the NC-4, the first airplane to make a transatlantic flight, was the guest of the Club at luncheon, jointly with the Aero Club of New England. Lieut. Godfrey L. Cabot was introduced as presiding officer by President George S. Smith. Brief speeches of welcome were made by Governor Calvin Coolidge and Governor Bartlett of New Hampshire. Commander Read told, in a modest and interesting manner, the story of his remarkable flight, concluding his remarks with a fervent appeal for greater interest on the part of American citizens in aërial navigation, in order that the United States may not be second to any other country in development of that important science. BOWLING The bowling season opened on Monday, September 22, and from all indications, this should be a banner year. The house tournaments will be held as usual, and members are urged to enter at once, so that the tournaments can be started as soon as possible. Entries can be made with the attendant in charge of the alleys. It was unanimously voted, by those present at the bowling smoker last spring, to inaugurate a new system of handicapping, and the tournaments will be run accordingly. The first match will be rolled under the schedule rating, but thereafter the averages will be computed after each match, so that the handicaps will be figured from actual performances. This method has been successfully used by several other clubs. A team will be entered in the Amateur Boston Pin League, and the good bowlers are earnestly requested to come forward and coöperate with the bowling committee to form a winning team. RECIPROCAL RELATIONS The Boston City Club has reciprocal relations with the clubs listed below, and members of the Boston City Club may have all the privileges of these clubs by presentation of their membership cards. ALBANY, N. Y... Albany Club, 102 State Street. Sleeping rooms, (18); restaurant, 7 A.M. to midnight. Ladies not admitted. BALTIMORE, Md... Restaurant, noon to 4 P.M. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Restaurant, 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. CHICAGO, ILL.. City Club, S.E. cor. Calvert and Fayette Streets. Ladies admitted only on special occasions. . Ellicott Club, Ellicott Square Building. Also Ladies' dining-room. Restaurant, 11.30 A.M. to 8 P.M. days for luncheon. CHICAGO, ILL.'. . . . . City Club, 315 Plymouth Court. Hamilton Club, 18 So. Dearborn Street. Sleeping rooms (20); restaurant, 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. 9 P.M. CINCINNATI, OHIO.. CLEVELAND, OHIO... Restaurant, 12 M. to 2 P.M. DUBUQUE, IA.. Ladies' dining room, 12 M. to Business Men's Club. Ladies admitted only on special occasions. . Commercial Club, Ninth and Locust Streets. Ladies admitted. Restaurant, 12 to 1 P.M, 6 to 7 P.M. HARTFORD, CONN.... City Club, 7 Central Row. Restaurant, 9 A.M. to 12 midnight. Ladies' dining-room. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. . . . . . Restaurant, 11.30 A.M. to 2 P.M. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Restaurant, 11.45 A.M. to 2 P.M. MEMPHIS, TENN..... Restaurant, 12 M. to 3 P.M. MILWAUKEE, WIS... Chamber of Commerce, 28 So. Meridian Street. City Club, 1021 Grand Avenue. . Chamber of Commerce. Ladies admitted. .City Club, 211 Grand Avenue. Restaurant, 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. Ladies admitted. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN... Athletic Club, 621 Second Avenue South. Sleeping rooms (135); restaurant and every club facility. Ladies admitted. NASHVILLE, TENN... ....Commercial Club, 311 Fourth Avenue North. Restaurant, 11.30 to 3.00 and 6.00 to 8.30. Ladies admitted. NEW YORK, N. Y.. Restaurant, 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Arkwright Club, 320 Broadway. Ladies admitted. . Underwriters Club. Chamber of Commerce, 14th and Farnam Streets. Ladies admitted. City Club. A.M. to 8 P.M. Business Men's Club. Ladies admitted. Arctic Club, 308 Cherry Street. Sleeping rooms (47); restaurant. Ladies admitted. ST. JOHN'S, N. F.. City Club, Water Street. Commercial Club, 1634 Eye Street Northwest. Sleeping rooms, (20); restaurant, 7.30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Ladies admitted Mondays and Thursdays, 12 M. to 9 P.M. Members should consult this list in its latest form, as changes are constantly being made. This list will be published each month in the Bulletin. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES Board of Governors Executive Committee F. Nathaniel Perkins Forum Committee Victor J. Loring GEORGE S. SMITH, President JOHN WHITE, JR., First Vice-President A. B. BEECHING, Treasurer Entertainment Committee Bowling Committee Games Committee (Chess, Checkers, Dominoes) *H. L. Palmer Billiard and Pool Committee *H. A. Chase Charles H. Simons Membership Committee Nominating Committee March G. Bennett Samuel T. Harris Art and Library Committee Finance Committee *Charles H. Thurber Hospitality Committee Henry Penn *Chairman BOSTON CITY CLUB BULLETIN FOR THE INFORMATION OF MEMBERS OF THE CLUB "This Club is founded in the spirit of good fellowship and every mem The first time a combination of this character has appeared at the City Club. These popular instruments will appear in pleasing groups, played by able soloists. Miss Jordan is solo flutist of the McDowell Club Orchestra, Miss Kilmer was a pupil of Holy, harpist of the Symphony Orchestra, and Mr. Smalley was formerly a member of the Symphony Orchestra. Miss Sheer is a coloratura soprano of exceptional ability, and Mr. Boynton is known widely as a tenor soloist, having appeared as soloist with many of the leading musical societies of New England. Auditorium, eight o'clock |