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Elisha Billings, Esq.

The Report of the Trustees states many encouraging circumstances, and furnishes many reasons for perseverance in the good work in which the Society has been engaged from its formation. God has been pleased to prosper the labors of their missionaries in several places, particularly in Jamaica, and Stratton. (Ver.) Mr. Goodell, of the former town, has add ed to his long distinguished liberality by giving 100 dollars to support one of the missions in Vermont, 50 towards another, and 12 towards anoth er. It would give us great pleasure to insert this whole Report, did our limits permit.

Among the votes of the Society is the following:


$1,660 05

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The following affecting incident is taken from the appendix to the Rev. Mr. Andrews's Sermon before the Merrimac Humane Society.

On the 13th of July last, William Plumer, a lad of about nine years of age, having been at play on a raft near cap. Coombs's wharf, in Newburyport, accidentally fell into the water, at a moment when the people, who had been at work on the wharf, had gone home to dinner. He had probably been in the water sometime, and had sunk once, before he was discovered by capt. Coombs, who was passing that way and whose attention was called to the spot by the cries of a child on the raft Regard. less of the hazard to which he exposed his own tife, this aged gentleman leaped from the wharf, without removing any of his clothes, only hastily throwing off his hat and wig. seized the chill in his arms, and was happily successful in saving him from a watery grave The water in this place was from sixto seven feet deep, and the listance from the wharf to the place where the lad was struggling must have been as much as ten or twelve feet.'

After relating these facts the Committee add,

"Your Committee are happy in stating to the Trustees that this distinguished act of humanity has fallen to the lot of their late worthy Vice President, William Coombs, Esq. at the advanced age of seventy six years; and they participate the high satisfaction he must have experienced when the lad whom his heroic exertion had rescued from premature death, as soon as he had placed him on the raft in safety, threw his arms around his aged benefactor's neck

and exclaimed-Oh! Sir, you have saved my life."

The Trustees adjudged a gold medal to "William Coombs, Esq. ex

pressive of the high sense the Trustees entertain of his distinguished exertions in saving the life of Wil. liam Plumer."


A Society has been formed of individuals
resident in Westborough and the neigh-
boring towns in the county of Worcester,
and Hopkinton and Marlborough in the
county of Middlesex for the purpose of
correcting the public taste in reference
to church music. of banishing from the
which have of late vears intruded them-
sanctuary those light, airy festive tunes
selves into Christian assemblies, and of
introducing in their stead genuine sacred

The following gentlemen are the offi-
cers of the Society; viz.
Rev. ASA PACKARD, President.


Vice Presidents.
Mr ASAPH RICE. Treasurer

The first article of the Constitution declares, "That the music which this Societv shall encourage, is the grave and solemn or that which corresponds with the general character of the Middlesex and Lock Hospital col'ections"

Another article requires, that there be an annual exhibition. on the last Thorsdav in September annually, at which time a sermon or dissertation on sacred music shall be delivered

The Soclets consisted sometime ago of between 60 and 70 members. Persons of immoral character are excluded.


Two urhanny men were lately con. victed of Piracy before the Circuit Court of the United States sitting in Boston; and were sentenced to be executed on the 10th of December. Their names are Samuel Tully and John Dalton, alias Rowland Heathcote.

Though tried for piracy only, there is reason to believe that they were guilty of murder also. They are now confined in solitary cells of the State

prison in Charlestown, and have been visned there by several of the clergy. Every pious person, who hears of their miserable case, will pray, (during the short time they continue sub


jects of prayer,) that they may be brought to sincere penitence and genuine faith, before all opportunity of repentance shall be lost to them for ever.


Oct 28. From the Female Foreign Missionary Society in
Tyringham, by the hands of the Rev. Dr. Morse

Nov. 7. From friends of missions in Whitesborough and
Utica, (N.Y.) by the hands of Mr. Frost, a contribution
From the officers and students of Williams College, by
Mr. Frost, a contribution

From friends to missions in Williamstown, (Mass.) by
Mr. Frost, a contribution

10. From friends to missions in Cheshire, (Conn.) by Mr.


14. From individuals in the Rev. Mr. Kellogg's parish in Framingham, by the Rev. Dr. Morse

26. From the Religious Charitable Society in the County of

$19 CO

44 29

45 00

66 25

6 00

26 78

Worcester, by the hands of the Rev. Joseph Goffe, Treasurer 100 60


$307 32

Boston, October 8, 1812.

THIS certifies that I the subscriber have this day examined the accounts of the Treasurer of THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS, and find them correctly cast and vouched, and that the statement within exhibits a true state of the funds of the Board, the amount of which forms the balance in the Ledger of Five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Two Dollars and forty six cents, brought forward to new account on the first day of September last. S. H. WALLEY, Auditor.

The statement above referred to is in substance as follows:
Deposited in the Massachusetts and Eagle Banks.
Notes on interest with sureties.

In the hands of agents, who had received donations, but not
been able to remit them.

In the hands of the Prudential Committee to meet contingent expenses.

A Vermont bill received among, donations.


$3,782 69 1,018 00

271 63

179 14

1 00

$5,252 46

A Foreign Mission Society has been formed in the County of Middlesex, (Conn.) styl styled the Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society of Middlesex. A committee of fourteen very respectable gentlemen have been appointed to solicit subscriptions, and the following gentlemen have been chosen officers: viz.

Rev. ELIJAH PARSONS, President.



Rev. AARON HOVEY, Secretary.


Vice Presidents.

RICHARD ELY, 2nd. Esq. Treasurer.

A Foreign Mission Society has been formed in New Haven County, (Con.) styled The Foreign Mission Society of the Eastern District of New Haven Chanty. The following gentlemen have been chosen officers; viz.

Rev. JOHN ELLIOTT, President.



Vice Presidents.

Rev. TIMOTHY P. GILLETT, Secretary.

Rev. MATTHEW NOYES, Treasurer.







The Prudential Committee have lately remitted to Calcutta, vie bondon, one thousand dollars to be expended in publishing and distributing the Scriptures into the vernacular languages of Asia They have appointed the Hon. John Herbert Harrington, Esq. President of the College at Fort William, President of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, and one of the principal judges in India, the Rev. David Brown, Senior Chaplain at Calcutta and late Provost of the College, and the Rev. William Carey, D.D. Professor of Shanscrit in the College, the agents of the Prudential Committee to superintend the expenditure of the money, consulting the American missionaries so far as may be practicable. The Committee will also soon remit the same sum toward the salaries of the missionaries.



DIED, lately, at Southbury (Conn.) the Rev. BENJAMIN WILDMAN, aged 77.

In August last, at Litchfield, (Conn.) the Hon. JOHN ALLEN, Esq. formerly a Representative in Con

gress from Connecticut, and a member of the Council of that state.

Lately, at Charleston, (S. C.) of a pulmonary complaint, Mr. HENRY JONES, merchant, late of the house of Crockat & Jones, London.

In this city he had resided about fifteen years, having chosen it in preference to London for the benefit of his health; which, till within the last two or three years, appeared to be much improved by the change: and, beyond his former expectation, he arrived at the age of 54. He was a native of Wales, but, on his arrival here, became a citizen of the United States; to which he was faithfully attached, without excluding his native country from his affections.

In regular attention to business,

candor, integrity, uprightness, and benevolence, he was exceeded by few, if any: but the strongest trait in his character was unaffected, fervent piety; the consolations of which, especially in the latter part of his life, he enjoyed to an uncommonly high degree. To him, for several years, death had no terrors. He rejoiced in the prospects of eternity-in the hope of being admitted in that final state, to the open vision of God, and full fruition of Divine Love. This hope was founded, not on vague or general principles, but on the evan gelical truths of Revelation, and his own experimental acquaintance with them.

No man would more readily or feel. ingly acknowledge the fallen, guilty state of human nature and his own sins and errors. These he considered as great in the sight of a Just and Holy God; but, at the same time, he derived his consolation and holy con. fidence from the atoning sacrifice of

his Redeemer, the covenant of Grace, and the promises of God made to penitents and believers.

These consolations did not forsake him at the hour of death. But it may

be truly said, in the language of the Christian poet

"His God sustain'd him in his final hour! "His final hour brought glory to his God!"


OUR Patrons will recollect that payment for the current volume becomes due on the delivery of this number. They will excuse us, therefore, if we say a few words on the importance of punctuality in performing the contract, into which all our subscribers have entered.

We ought to premise, that our subscribers in large towns generally, and many in the country, give no cause of complaint, but are entitled to our public acknowledgments for their prompt payment. That some, at least, are faulty may be inferred from the fact, that the debts for the three first volumes of the Panoplist, the last of which was completed four years and a half ago, are still about a thousand dollars; that more than five hundred dollars are due on the last volume, notwithstanding all our endeavors to collect the debts; and that more than two thousand dollars are due for the three intermediate volumes, as is believed, though the exact amount is not known. We invite our subscribers to consider the reasonableness of paying punctually, even if they had not engaged to do so. In the first place, the Printer makes contracts for paper, to a large amount, which he expects, and ought, punctually to fulfil. His journeymen, also, must be paid every Saturday night to furnish their families with bread; not to mention the reward of his own labor, and payment for the use of his types and presses. Secondly, the Editor expects a suitable remuneration for the time which he devotes to the work. Thirdly, all the clear profits of the work, to be ascertained according to a plan described in our last number, (p. 226) are sacredly devoted to the support of missions among the heathen, under the direction of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. We should suppose that no one of our subscribers would willingly detain, for a single day, any part of the money which justly belongs to either of the abovementioned parties. Some of our subscribers have refused to pay till the end of the year, on the ground that they were not certain of getting a complete volume, till they had actually received the last number. We intreat this class of persons to consider, that our risk of not collecting a multitude of small debts scattered over a vast extent of country, is much greater than theirs can be of not receiving the remaining numbers, after they have received the first half of a volume. The American Review is paid for, (six dollars a year,) on the delivery of the second number, and the General Repository, (five dollars a year) on the delivery of the first number of each volume.

Again; perfect punctuality would be a great favor to our agents, and save them more than half their trouble. They would thus en

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