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Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and America. [Feb. 1, 1816.] Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and America.


To regalate the Commerce between the Territories of the United States and those of his Britannic Majesty.

The United States of America and his Britannic Majesty, being desirous by a convention to regulate the commerce and navigation between their respective countries, territories, and people, in such a manner as to render the same reciprocally beneficial and satisfactory, have respectively named Plenipotentiaries, and given them full powers to treat of and conclude such convention: that is to say, the President of the United States, by and with the consent of the senate thereof, hath appointed for their Plenipotentiaries John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Plenipotenand Albert Gallatin, citizens of the United States; and his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on behalf of his Majesty, has named for his Plenipotentiaries the Rt. Hon. John Robinson, VicePresident of the committee of privy council for trade and plantations, Joint Paymaster of his Majesty's forces, and a member of the Imperial Parliament; Henry Goulburn, esq. a member of the Imperial Parliament, and under Secretary of State, and William Adams, esq. Doctor of Civil Laws; and the said Plenipotentiaries having mutually produced and shewn their said full powers, and exchanged copies of the same, have agreed on and concluded the following articles, viz.

ART. 1. There shall be between the territories of the United States of America, and all the territories of his Britannic Majesty in Europe, a reciprocal liberty of commerce. The inhabitants of the two countries respectively shall have liberty freely and securely to come with their ships and cargoes to all such places, ports, and rivers in the territories aforesaid to which other foreigners are permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any parts of the said territories respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purpose of their commerce; and generally, the merchants and traders of each nation respectively shall enjoy the most complete proteetion and security for their commerce, but subject always to the laws and statutes of the two countries respectively.

2. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation to the United States of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of his Britannic Majesty's territoties in Europe, and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the territories of his Britannic Majesty in Europe of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of any other foreign countries; nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be imposed in either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States, o

to his Britannic Majesty's territories in Esrope respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign country; nor shall any prohi-. bition be imposed on the exportation or importation of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, or of his Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, to or from the said territories of his Britannic Majesty in Europe, to or from the said United States, which shall not be equally extended to all other nations.

of any of his Britan

No higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in any of the ports in the United States on British vessels, than those payable in the same ports by vessels of the United States, nor in the ports nic Majesty's territories in Europe, on the vessels of the United States, than shall be payable in the same ports on British vessels. The same duties shall be paid on the importation into the United States of any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of his Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, whether such importation shall be in vessels of the United States, or in British vessels, and the same duties shall be paid on the importation into the ports of any of his Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, whether such importation shall be in British vessels, or in the vessels of the United States.

The same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties allowed on the exportation of any articles, the growth, produce, or manu factures of his Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe to the United States, whether such exportation shall be in British vessels, or in vessels of the United States, and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties allowed on the exportation of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States to his Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, whether such exportation shall be in British vessels, or vessels of the United States.

It is further agreed, that in all places where drawbacks are or may be allowed upon the re-exportation of any goods the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, the amount of the said drawbacks shall be the same, whether the said goods shall have been originally imported in a British or American vessel; but when such re-exportation shall take place from the United States in a British vessel, or from territories of his Britannic Majesty in an American vessel, to any other foreign nation, the two contracting parties reserve to themselves respectively the right of regulating or diminishing in such cases the amount of the said drawback.

The intercourse between the United States and his Britannic Majesty's possession in the West Indies, and on the Continent of North America, shall not be affected by any of the

provisions of this article, but each party shall remain in the complete possession of its rights, with respect to such an intercourse.

3. His Britannic Majesty agrees that the vessels of the United States of America shall be admitted, and hospitably received, at the principal settlements of the Brittish dominions in the East Indies; viz. Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, and the Prince of Wales's Island; and that the citizens of the said United States may freely carry on trade between the said principal settlements and the said United States in all articles of which the importation and exportation respectively to and from the said territories shall not be entirely prohibited; provided only, that it shall not be lawful for them, in any time of war between the British government or any state or power whatever, to export from the said territories, without the special permission of the British Government, any military stores or naval stores, or rice. The citizens of the United States shall pay for their vessels, when admitted, no higher or other duty or charge, than shall be payable on the vessels of the most favoured European nations, and they shall pay no higher or other duties or charges on the importation or exportation of the cargoes of the said vessels, than shall be payable on the same articles when imported or exported in the vessels of the most favoured European nations. But it is expressly agreed that the vessels of the United States shall not carry any articles from the said principal settlements to any port or place, except to some port or place in the United States of America where the same shall be unladen. It is also understood, that the permission granted by this article is not to extend to allow the vessels of the United States to carry on any part of the coasting trade of the said British territories, but the vessels of the United States having, in the first instance, proceeded to one of the said principal settlements of the Brittish domi nions in the East Indies, and then going with their original cargoes, or any part thereof, from one of the said principal settlements to another, shall not be considered as carrying on the coasting trade. The vessels of the United States may also touch for refreshmeats, but not for commerce, in the course of their voyage, to or from the British territories in India, or to or from the dominions of the Emperor of China, at the Cape of Good Hope, the Island of St. Helena, or such other places as may be in the possession of Great Britain, in the African or Indian seas: it being well understood, that in all that regards these articles, the citizens of the United States shall be subjected, in all respects, to the laws and regulations of the British Government from time to time established.

4. It shall be free for each of the two contracting parties respectively, to appoint consuis for the protection of trade to reside in NEW MONTHLY MAG:-No. 25,


the dominions and territories of the other party, but before any consul shall act as such, he shall in the usual form be approved and admitted by the government to which he is sent; and it is hereby declared, that, in case of illegal or improper condust towards the laws or government of the country to which he is sent, such consul may cither be punished according to law, if the laws will reach the case, or be sent back, the offended government assigning to the other the reasons for the same.

It is lereby declared, that either of the contracting parties may except from the residence of consuls such particular places as such party shall judge fit to be so excepted.

5. This Convention, when the same shall have been duly ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of their senate, and by his Britannic Majesty; and the respective ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be binding and. obligatory on the said United States and his Majesty for four years from the date of its signature, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in six months from this time, or sooner, if possible.

Done at London, this 3d day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight.. hundred and fifteen.












Now, therefore, be it known, that I, James Madison, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the foregoing convention, have, by and with the consent of the senate, accepted, ratified, and confirmed the same, and every clause and article thereof, subject to the exception contained in a declaration made by the authority of his Britannic Majesty, on the 24th day of November last, a copy of which declaration is hereunto annexed.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed, and have signed the same with my hand.

Done at the city of Washington, this 22d day of December, A. D. 1815, and of the independence of the United States the 40th. JAMES MADISON. By the President. JAMES MONROE, Secretary of State.



The undersigned, bis Britannic Majesty's Charge d'Affaires in the United States of America, is commanded by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to explain and declare, upon the exchange of the ratifications of the convention, concluded in London on the ad of July, in the present year Vor. V. L


Incidents, &c. in London and Middlesex,

for regulating the commerce and navigation between the two countries, that in consequence of events which have happened in Europe subsequent to the signature of the convention aforesaid, it has been deemed expedient and determined, in conjunction with the Allied Sovereigns, that St. Helena shall be the place allotted for the future residence of General Napoleon Bonaparte, under such regulations as may be necessary for the perfect security of his person; and it has been resolved, for that purpose, that all ships and vessels whatever, as well British ships and vessels as others, excepting only ships belonging to the East India Company, shall be excluded from all communication with,

[Feb. 1,

or approach to that island. It has therefore become impossible to comply with so much of the 3d article of the treaty, as relates to the liberty of touching for refreshments at the island of St. Helena. And the ratifications of the said treaty will be exchanged under the explicit declaration and understanding, that the vessels of the United States cannot be allowed to touch at or hold any communication whatever with the said island, so long as the said island shall continue to be the place of residence of the said Napoleon Buonaparte.

(Signed) ANTHONY ST. JOHN BAKER. Washington, Nου. 24, 1815.



With Biographical Accounts of Distinguished Characters.

Bulletin of the King's Health.

Windsor Castle, Jan. 5. "His Majesty has enjoyed good bodily health, and has been generally tranquil during the last month, but his Majesty's disorder is not abated."

The following is the general bill of all the christenings and burials, within the bills of mortality, from December 13, 1814, to December 12, 1815:

Christened in the 97 parishes within the walls, 990-Buried, 1085.

Christened in the 17 parishes without the walls, 4990-Buried, 3864.

Christened in the 23 Out-Parishes in Middlesex and Surrey, 12,210-Buried, 2585. Christened in the 10 parishes in the city and liberties of Westminster, 5274-Buried,

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street, who rendered himself conspicuous last summer, by procuring a subpæna for Buonaparte, was indicted at the Old Bailey for forging a bill of exchange; and after a trial of eleven hours, was acquitted on the ground of insanity

Mr. J. S. Arnold, to whom the public owe the establishment of the English Opera, is erecting a new edifice for that entertainment, on the site of the Lyceum theatre. The architects are Mr. Samuel Beazley and Mr. Albinus Martin, whose chief study in the design has been accommodation and convenience, facility of ingress and egress, and security against every accident. Simplicity is intended to be the chief characteristic of its decorations. The form is a portion of an ellipsis, the transverse diameter of which is 35 feet, and the distance of the front boxes only 38, so that no person will be removed to such a distance from the actors as to require any efforts either to hear or see. It will contain two circles of boxes, with galleries and slips above; and the staircases are so 19,560 contrived as to prevent the mixture of company in the dress boxes with that of the upper circles. To give greater facilities to the entrances, a new thoroughfare has been 1916 opened from the Strand to Exeter street, in 870 which will be placed the pit and gallery 677 doors. From the pit to the street there is 1425 no step up or down. There are large tanks of water, with connecting pipes to every part of 2075 the building, and the use of iron, wherever 1886 it can be properly introduced, will give additional security against the danger of fire. Promotions and Appointments.] - Colin 674 A. Mackenzie, esq. and George Lewis Newa167 ham, esq. to be Commissioners of Liquida2 tion; George Hammond, esq. and David R. Morier, esq. to be Commissioners of Arbitration; and David R. Morier, esq. and Jas. Drunymond, esy. to be Commissioners of Deposit for the Examination and Liquidation







Decrease in the burials this year, 223. Jan. 12, Anthony Mackenrot, of Gower

1816.] Promotions, Births, Marriages, &c. in and near London.

of the claims of British Subjects against the Government of France.

Lord Amherst, to be a Member of the Privy Council.

Rear-A Imiral Chas. V. Penrose, to be a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

Colonel the Hon. Sir Richard Le Poer Trench, and Lieut. Col. Sir Joseph Cairncross, have received the honour of Knigh:hood from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

Lieut. Gen. Sir Robert Brownrigg, K. G, C. B. to be a Baronet.

A. St. John Baker, esq. to be his Majesty's Consul-General in the United States of


Ecclesiastical Preferments.] The Hon. and Rev. EDWARD LEGGE, L. L. D. to the bishopric of Oxford.

Rev. W. N. DARNWELL, to a prebend in the Cathedral of Durham.

Rev. P. EGERTON, to the rectory of Tar

porly, Cheshire.

Reva EDWARD ELLIS, to the rectory of Chippenham, Wilts.

Rev. JOHN FRANCE, to the rectory of Brandon Parva, Norfolk.

Rev. ROBERT CLARY GRIFFITH, to the Rectory of Crosley, Wilts.

Rev. JOHN IRELAND, D. D. to the deanry of Westminster.

Rev. ROBERT HENRY JOHNSON, to the. rectory of Latterworth, and vicarage of Claybrook, Leicestershire.

Rev. WILLIAM BRUCE KNIGHT, to the rectory of Llantrithryd, Glamorganshire.

Rev. T. W. LANCASTER, to the vicarage of Banbury, Oxfordshire.

Rev. ABEL LENDON, to the rectory of Fryern Barnet, Middlesex.

Rev. PHINEAS PETT, D. D. to the canonry of Christ Church, Oxford.

Rev. H. PHILLPOTTS, to a prebend in the cathedral of Durham.

Rev. THOMAS SLAPP, to the perpetual curacy of Old Buckenham, Norfolk.

Rev. JOAN THOMAS, to the vicarage of Olleton, Herefordshire.

Rev. JOHN THOMPSON, to the vicarage of Horton with Woodlands Chapel, Dorset.

Rev. ROBERT WALPOLE, to the united rectories of Tyvetshall St. Margaret with Tyvetshall, St. Mary, Norfolk.

Rev. THOMAS WATTS, to the rectory of Plumpton, Northamptonshire.

Rev. B. H. WHITELOCK, to the perpetual curacy of Chorlton, Leicestershire.

Hon. and Rev. WILLIAM WODEHOUSE, to the rectory of Crownthorpe, Norfolk.

Rev. JAMES STANIER CLARKE, to be one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary.

Births.] The lady of Dr. Warren, of twin boys.

The lady of the Hon. T. Erskine, of a son. The lady of Mr. Thomas Taylor, of Manor Place, Walworth, of a son.


Married.] The Hon. and Rev. Arming Wodehouse, third son to Lord Wodehouse to Emily, youngest daughter of Sir T. B. Proctor, of Langley Park, Norfolk.

James Blair, esq. to Elizabeth Catharine, youngest daughter of the late Lieut. Gen, the Hon. Edw. Stopford.

J. Flower, esq. only son of Sir Chas. F. bart. to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Sir Walter Stirling, bart.

The Rev. J. Kirby, of Mayfield, Sussex, to Louisa, third daughter of Thos. Murdoch, esg. of Portland Place..

Lancelot Shadwell, esq. barrister, to Frances, youngest daughter of the late Rob, Locke, esq. of Newport, Isle of Wight.

The Rev. Edw. Ellis, under-master of Westminster School, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Rev. J. Russel, of Helmdon, Northampton.

Rob. Fellows, jun. esq. of Shotisham, Norfolk, to Louisa, second daughter of Ralph Sheldon, esq. M. P.

Walter Wilson, esq. of Gray's Inn, to Miss M. A. Hodge, of Brislington, near Bristol. J. J. Krug, esq. to Miss Hester Jarvis, of Upper George-street, Bryanston Square.

Henry Burke, esq. of Jamaica, to Henrietta, eldest daughter of John Bolton esq. of Greek-street.

Capt. Fras. Edwards, of the 81st foot, to Mrs. Scott, of Lamb's conduit Place.

John Capel Rose, esq. of Cransleys, Northamptonshire, to Maria, youngest daughter of the late Robert Harper, esq. of Harley


Rich, Barrett, esq. late of Eden Vale, co. Clare, to Elizabeth, relict of John Price, esq. of the E. 1. C. medical establishment, Bombay.

Fras. S. Darwin, M. D. of Litchfield, to Jane Harriet, youngest daughter of the late John Ryle, esq. of Macclesfield.

Died.] In Bedford-place, Sir Chas. Blicke, an eminent surgeon.

In Grosvenor-square, Lady Smyth, wife of Sir Wm. Smyth, bart. of Hill Hall, in Essex, In Artillery-place, Miles Satterthwaite, esq. banker, 72.

In Tavistock-square, Ellen, eldest daugh ter of John Butler, esq.

In Baker-street, Phineas Bond, esq. late his Majesty's consul-general for the Middle and Southern of the United States of America. At the Rev. Dr. Bell's, prebendary of Westminster, Mrs. Lucy Bell, 88.

In Devonshire-street, Queen-square, Mrs. Ball, of Barnes Terrace.

In Percy-street, Mrs. Loughnan, widow of Jas Loughnan, esq.

In Portugal-street, the infant daughter of Thos. Knox, esq. M. P.

In Curzon-street, Mrs. Mary Salisbury. In Pimlico, Jas. Eaton, esq. 82--Wm.

[blocks in formation]


Biographical Account of Lieut. Gen. Sir Geo. Prevost. (Feb. 1,

In Northumberland-street, Chris. Fagan, esq. senior knight of the order of St. Louis, 87.

In Red Lion-square, John Stanley Smart,


In Buckingham-street, John Hetherington, esq.

Mrs. Hodgson, relict of Mr. Hodgson, of the Piazza Coffee-house, Covent-garden, 55, In Somerset-street, Portman-square, Harriet Ann, wife of John Chas. Purling, esq.

At Hampstead, Mrs. Hodgson, wife of Henry H. esq. one of his Majesty's commissioners for the affairs of taxes, and eldest daughter of the late Jas. Lloyd Harris, esq. of the Moor, Herefordshire, 64.

At Harrow, Jas. Edmonds, esq.

At Kennington, Rich. Bannister, esq. of the Stock-exchange, 70.

At Kensington, Geo. Sutherland, esq. 60. -Ann, widow of John Stone, esq. Mrs. Thompson, relict of the Rev. Seth T.-CaroIme, sixth daughter of Wm. Woodley, ésq. governor of Berbice.

At Tottenham, Mr. Thos. Alston, formerly of Bread-street, Cheapside, 84.

At Fulham, J. Roe, esq. serjeant of his Majesty's chapels royal.

At Hammersmith, Col. Rob. Campbell.

into the notice of his sovereign as lieutenant colonel in a battalion of the 60th regiment, serving in the West Indies; in which sitzation he distinguished himself at St. Vincent, where he was severely wounded, and for his conduct on that occasion, as well as in the subsequent operations in the West Indies, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier, and had afterwards the government of Dominica conferred upon him, as a mark of his Majesty's approbation. For his galant and successful defence of that island against a very superior force of the enemy, as weil as for his conspicuous conduct at St. Lucia, in 1803, he was cicated a baronet. Shortly after his return to England, he was appointed lieutenant governor of Portsmouth, and to the command of the troops in that district, In the year 1808 he was selected to fill the important charge of lieutenant governor and lieutenant general commanding the forces in the province of Nova Scotia. In the autuan of the same year he proceeded with a division of the troops from Halitax to the West Indies, and was second in command upon the expedition at the capture of the Island of Martinique. After that service had been completed, he returned to his government in Nova Scotia, and upon the

In College-street, Westminster, Mrs. Short-resignation of Gen. Sir James Craig, he was

land, relict of Capt. S. R.N. and mother of the late Capt. S. who fell in defending the Junon against four French frigates.

In Upper Brook-street, Elizabeth, second daughter of T. H. Vavasour, esq. of Rochdale. In Albion-street, Blackfriars, Ambrose Hall, esq. 77.

At Turnham Green, the Rev. Christopher Lake Moody, L. L D. a principal contributor to the Monthly Review, 62.

At Brompton, Elizabeth Ann, wife of John Walter, esq.

In George-street, Hanover square, Mrs. Salivan, wife of Stephen S. esq.

In St. Helen's Place, Henry, eldest son of Henry Burmester, esq. of Gwynne House, Essex.

In Bentinck-street, Livia Sophia, wife of James H. Greenwell, esq. 34.

In Coleman street, Jobu Norris, M. D. late of the Island of St. Croix.

At Stoke Newington, Edw. Scales, esq. 75. At St. John's Wood, Mary-le-bone, Mary Ann, wife of the Rev. Okey Belfour, 25.

In Baker-street, Lieutenant General Sir GEORGE PREVOST, bart, colonel of the 16th regiment of foor, and late governor-in-chief and commander of the forces in the British colonies in North America. This officer, who was born in 1766, was the son of Major General Augustine Prevost, who served under General Wolfe, was severely wounded on the plains of Abraham, near Quebec, and afterwards eminently distinguished himself in the war of the American revolution, by his defence of Savannali. Sir George, who entered early into the army, was first brought

called to fill the high situation of governor in chief, and commander of the forces in all British North America. He returned to England last year, to answer certain charges preferred against him, the investigation of which had been alone prevented, prior to his decease, by causes altogether beyond his control. The disorder which shortened the days of this distinguished officer was dropsy, occasioned by a debilitated constitution, worn down by the fatigues and anxie ties attendant upon the arduous duties of his late command. The first symptoms of the disease made their appearance during the journey which he was obliged to undertake over land, at a most inclement season, from Quebec to St. John, New Brunswick, in order to embark for England; to the exertions of which it has since appeared he was wholly unequal. Sir George married in 1789, Catharine, daughter of Major Gen. Phipps, who survives him, together with a son, a minor, who succeeds to the title, and two daughters. His two surviving brothers are both in his Majesty's service, the one being a post captain in the navy, and the other a colonel in the army.

In Berkeley-square, ALAN HYDE, Viscount GARDNER, K.C.B. vice admiral of the white. His lordship, born in 1772, succceded his father, the late Lord G. in 1808. He entered carly into the naval service, of which his father was such a distinguished ornament, and was made post in 1790. In 1796, when Lord Keith was sent against the Cape of Good Hope, he detached Captain Gardner with a squadron of small vessels, to re

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