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Impressment, British note for security against. iii 52 152
Icause of the war with Great Britain. v 125 158

immediate release from, exertions to obtain. v 134
documents relating to our opposition to, from 1792 to 1803.
v 261-300

of British subjects in their ports from our vessels admitted.
v 264

stop to, condition of armistice. v 318 336 S45

redress against practice of, a principal object of war. v 333
425 560

of British subjects in their ports from our vessels denied.
v 427

mode of preventing necessity of. v 561

submission to, how to be regarded. v 567

satisfactory stipulation against to be obtained. v 577
practice of, must cease. v 583

stipulation against for specified time, if war in

Europe ceases, important. v 589

ceased with war in Europe. v 592

stipulation on the subject of, permitted to be left out of
treaty. v 593
See Deserters.

Inaugural. See Address.

Indemnification for spoliations of Great Britain claimed. ii 435 437 438
instructions for obtaining. ii 482 491

why not obtained. iii 72 96-102

Indemnity for spoliations of France under decrees, subsequent to Berlin
and Milan, to be claimed. v 91 98

of Britain under orders in council to be claimed.

v 325 337

of Spain v app. xx

Independence of West Florida. iv 269

not recognised by us. iv 272

Indians, acquisitions from i 200 231 265

humane treatment of. i 255

hostility connected with British influence.

v 131 202 213

their hostility attempted to be restrained by British. v 198
agency of British subjects in exciting their hostility, report on.
v 213

employed by British in war, unjustifiably. v 315

retaliation forced upon us. v 497

to be included in the pacification, British sine qua non. v 540 553
British note for. v 642

agreed to by our plenipotentiaries. v 647
Intercourse-non, act of, consequences of. iii 458 476

met by reprisals on the part of France. iv 237
249 251 255

deserved to be met by war. iv 255

repeal of, how received by France. iv 140 250 255
by Britain. iv 141
not to be revived against Britain, unless property
restored by France. iv 175 178

revived against Great Britain. iv 293

bill providing for relief against, in case of goods
contracted for before that act went into operation
disliked by France. v 128

Interpolations in the law of nations. i 261 422. ii 36

Isaacson, consul's letter on Danish spoliations, Aug. 11, 1809. iv 91

Jackson's letter to Smith, disavowal of Erskine's arrangement, Oct. 11,


1809. iv 11

explanation of former, Oct. 23. iv 35

reparation for Chesapeake affair, Oct. 27. iv 41


Jackson's letter to Smith, explanations, Nov. 4. iv 44

[ocr errors]

circular to consuls, informing of his dismissal, Nov. 13. iv 70

Jay's treaty, effect of expiration of. ii 384

offer to renew in 398 399
objections to renewal. ii 401

letter to lord Grenville, on impressment, July 30, 1794. v 293

Jefferson, secretary's letter to Thomas Pinckney, instructions against im-
pressment, July 11, 1792. v 261




Oct. 12. v 262

Nov. 6. ▼ 263

John, case of the. iv 493

Julian, case of the v app. xi

Jurisdiction, neutral, at sea, how far. i 450 480

provided for in Monroe and Pinkney's treaty, how. iii 69 178
violation of, with lawless proceedings, cause of war with
Great Britain. v 126

Kempers, papers relative to their seizure. i 307

King to Pickering, on insufficient blockade of the Texel, July 15, 1799.
iv 165

to lord Grenville, on law of blockade, May 23. 1799. iv 166


to Pickering,


to Madison,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

letter to Madison, difficulties with Algiers, March 28,
1808. iii 310



March 31. iii 313

to Monroe, quarrel with Algiers, July 29, 1812. v 394-412
Lee, attorney general's opinion against delivery of vessels, retaken by our
crews, and in favour of giving up British seamen,
Libels on the administration of government. i 257

v 284

Liston's letter to Pickering, against recaptures of our vessels by crews,
Feb 2, 1800. ▼ 269


project for security of seamen, Feb. 4.

Little Belt, affair of the British sloop of war. iv 329 396 404

was first chased by our frigate. iv 397
extent of injury to her. iv 410-414
began the chase herself.

v 137

▼ 271

Liverpool, lord, letter to sir George Prevost, recommending John Henry,

[blocks in formation]

to Russell, requesting examination of Bowman's case to
obtain his liberation, Feb. 20, 1812.

v 146

to governour of Lower Canada, directing attempts to re-
strain Indian hostilities, July 28, 1811. v 200

Louisiana, acquisition of i 199 220 233. ii 4 154

happy for the nation, why i 254

northern boundary of ii 381

Madison, secretary's report on case of the Henrick, Feb. 22, 1803. i 250
letter to Monroe, April 12, 1805 i 424. ii 391

[blocks in formation]

report on interpolations in law of nations, Jan. 25, 1806. ii 36

letter to general Eaton, May 20, 1801. ii 88

letter to consul Cathcart, Tripoli, April 9, 1803. ii 132

to consul Lear, June 1804, April 1805. i 133

to Monroe, Chesapeake, July 6, 1807. ii 283

[blocks in formation]

to Monroe, plan of a convention with Great Britain,
and remarks, Jan. 5, 1804. ii 358

[blocks in formation]

Madison, sec. to Monroe, on convention of May 12, 1803, of boundaries.

Feb. 14, 1804, ii 380

do on commercial treaty, March 5, 1804. ii 382




March 6, 1805. ii 384
Jan. 13, 1806, ii 392

do non-importation act, April 23, 1806 ii 393
do new instructions for treaty, May 15, 1806. 1 394
do on British trade with Indians in Louisiana, May
22, 1807. ii 396

general instructions to Monroe and Pinkney, May 17, 1806.
ii 451


Indian trade, May, June.

i 469

general instructions to do Feb. 3, 1807. ii 474
letter to do receipt of treaty, March 18, 1807. ii 483
do objections to treaty, May 30. ii 484

do instructions for convention of boundaries, July 30,
ii 508

report on information from Armstrong, April 1, 1808. iii 209
letter to Armstrong, about Berlin decree, May 22, 1807.
iii 229






[blocks in formation]

do and Champagny, May 2. iii 235
burning of vessels on high seas, July 21. iii 238
general topicks of negotiation, July 22. iii 239
letter to Pinkney, embargo no obstacle to treaty,






[blocks in formation]

1807 i 260

Dec. 23,

do Feb. 19, 1808 iii 261
March 8, and on licenses March 22. iii 262-263
Chesapeake and orders in council, April 4 iii 263
offering to give up embargo for repeal of orders in
council, April 30. iii 267

general negotiation, July 18, 1808. iii 269
to Erskine, answer to his letter of March 12.-
March 20,1807. iii 295

against orders in council, March 25, 1808. iii 297
enemy's coasting trade, March 29, 1807. iii 307
to Thornton, on blockade of Martinique and Guada-
loupe, Oct. 27, 1803. iv 155

to Charles Pinckney, blockade of Gibraltar, Oct. 25,
1801. iv 167

Marshall, secretary to King, on unjust blockades, Sept. 20, 1800. iv 166
against impressments, same date. v 287
Massa, duke of, letter to president of council of prizes, directing him to
retain our vessels in sequestration only until Feb. 2, then to be restored
in case, Dec. 25. iv 303

McHenry, secretary's opinion in favour of restitution to belligerent of re-
captures made by our crews. v 279

Menan Grand, island of, jurisdiction of claimed for us. ii 395
claimed for Great Britain. iii 121
Merry, British minister's complaint against armed trade. i 237
Message opening Congress, Dec. 1801. i 14

Dec. 1802. i 149

Oct. 1803. i 198

Nov. 1804. i 227

Dec. 1805. i 259

Dec. 1806. ii 154

Oct. 1807. ii 182

Nov. 1808. iii 221
May, 1809. iii 457
iii 475
Dec. 1810. iv 140

Nov. 1811. iv 328

[blocks in formation]

Sept. 1814. v 532


Meyer, consul's letters, seizures since repeal of decrees, Dec. 6 and 14,

1810. iv 299

inclosing duke of Massa's and duke of Gaete's letters,

Dec 31. iv 302

Milan decree. ii 276. iii 207 410

revoked. iv 220 250
See Berlin.

Mobile, differences about. i 224 342.

Report on iv 119

Monroe's remonstrance, Sept. 23, 1805. ii 9

annunciation of British treaty, Dec. 27, 1806. ii 178
acknowledgment of Canning's note on Chesapeake. ii 290

letter to Canning, July 29, 1807, on same.

to secretary of state, Aug. 4. ii 293

to Canning, Aug. 9. ii 298

to secretary of state, Aug. 14. i 298

ii 291

to Canning, demand of reparation, Sept. 7. it 300

to secretary of state, Sept. 16. ii 306

to Canning on Chesapeake, Sept. 29. i 315

to secretary of state, Oct. 10

ii 320

do negotiation with lord Hawkesbury, March 18,
1804. ii 397



do renewal of Jay's treaty, April 15. ii 398
Aug. 7. ii 399

to British ministry on boundaries, Sept. 5. ii 405
to Madison, negotiation with British ministry, Oct. 3, 1804.
ii 409

negotiation with lord Mulgrave on recent seizures, Aug. 1805.
ii 412-422

letter to Madison, negotiation with Fox, Feb. 12, 1806. ii 422



Feb. 28, 1806. ii 425
Feb. 25, 1806. ii 426


March 31. ii 431


April 3. i 432

to Fox, general negotiation,
to Madison,



do April. ii 435-437

do Fox's blockade from Elbe to Brest, May 17,1806. ii 442

[blocks in formation]

secretary's letter to Foster, acknowledgment of friendly profes-
sions of Britain, July 6, 1811. iv 344

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

requesting an explanation of what extent the re-
peal of French decrees is made a condition of
the repeal of British orders, July 15. iv 348
futility of British doctrine of retaliation for
French injustice, and evidence of repeal of
French decrees, July 23, 1811. iv 351-364
farther statement of consequence of repeal of
French decrees, July 26. iv 364

farther argument against British orders, Oct. 1.
iv 373

communicating correspondence in England, Oct.
17. iv 380

farther statement against British orders, Oct. 29.
iv 392

to Morier, Little Belt, June 28, 1811. iv 396

to Foster, regret for affair of Little Belt, July 16. iv 399

[blocks in formation]

Monroe,sec. to Foster, disavowal of hostile intentions, Sept.14. iv 415
result of inquiry, Oct. 11. iv 417


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]


explanation of considerations inducing the United
States to measures relative to West Florida, July
8. iv 421

East Florida, Nov. 2. iv 426

readiness to receive reparation for Chesapeake af-
fair, Oct. 31. v 14

acceding to propositions for do Nov. 12. v 16

to Serurier, asking information of cominercial regula-
tions, Jan. 4, 1812. v 23

to Foster, hostility of views and conduct of British, Jan.
14, 1812. v 29.

do President's satisfaction at assurance that no

countenance was given by British govern-

ment to Indians in plans of hostility, Jan. 9.
v 36

to Barlow, instructions on our claims from France,
July 26, 1811. v 85-95

do. President's message, view of relations with
France and England, Nov. 21. v 95
to Foster, encouragement of desertion from British
ships by our citizens, is cause of regret, but not cog-
nizable by law, several thousands of our seamen im-
pressed, May 30, 1812. v 135

to Russell, instructions to go to London, July 27, 1811.
v 136

do. farther instructions, President's message, Nov.
27. v 137

to Foster, difference between his letter and lord Castle-
reagh's despatch, on condition of repeal of orders,
June 3. v 182

do. asking explanation of same subject, June 4. v 184
do. different circumstances of British and American
seamen, June 8, v 188

do. justification of our right to call for repeal of or
der,in consequence of repeal of decrees, June 6. v 194
evidence of agents of British government promot-
ing Indian hostilities towards us, June 10. 202

papers relative to Bowman, mentioned in lord
Liverpool's letter, June 10. v 211


impropriety of demand of copy of instrument of
repeal of decrees, June 13. v 245

to Matthews, disallowing his proceedings in Florida,
April 4. v 308

to Mitchell, instructions about Florida, April 10. v 310

[blocks in formation]

May 27 v 313

to Russell, war to be terminated by armistice, how,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

June 26
July 27. v 326


Aug 21. v 331

to sir J. B. Warren, readiness to cease hostilities, on
condition, Oct. 27. v 344

report on definitive repeal of French decrees, July 12,
1813. v 456-471

to Barlow, war with Britain expected, instructions for
negotiation, June 16. V 478

do further instructions, July 14. v 480

to lord Castlereagh, accepts proposition to treat for
peace, Jan. 1814. V 508

to Daschkoff, acceptance of Russian mediation, March
11, 1813. Y 513

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