A SUPPLEMENT TO MR. BARTON'S PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING, CONTAINING ALL THE MISCELLANEOUS ASSURANCES THERE REFERRED TO, AND ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER MINOR ASSURANCES NOT COMPRISED WITH COPIOUS EXPLANATORY AND PRACTICAL NOTES. BY S. F. T. WILDE, Esq. OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW. The Third Edition. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A GREAT VARIETY OF MERCANTILE AND COMMERCIAL PRECEDENTS, AND ALSO FORMS OF BILLS AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, SUITED TO PAROCHIAL AND COUNTY PURPOSES. BY CHARLES BARTON, JUN. OF LINCOLN'S INN, Esq. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III.-N-W. LONDON: HENRY BUTTERWORTH, LAW BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 7,FLEET STREET, NEAR TEMPLE-BAR. 1826. ADVERTISEMENT. UPON the close of this Volume, I feel it incumbent on me to account for its having considerably exceeded the preceding ones. I had hopes of being able to compress it into a smaller compass; but in framing the Parliamentary Forms, I became so thoroughly convinced of their general practical utility to the Country Solicitor, that my anxiety to submit to the Profession a comprehensive collection of them, induced me to refrain from curtailing their number; particularly as no Precedents of this kind of Assurance have hitherto been presented to the Public. Notwithstanding the variety of Precedents which have been introduced into this Collection, I am fully aware, from my own professional experience, that there may still be many which would be useful to other Practitioners; and therefore beg to say, that I shall feel great pleasure in receiving intimations of any apparent deficiencies 17, NEW BOSWELL COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. C. BARTON, JUN. *b SUP.-VOL. III. |