NOTE.-Business Man's Guide is supplied to the Trade on such terms that it cannot be sold to the public at less than the published price. BUSINESS MAN'S GUIDE A HANDBOOK FOR ALL BY J. A. SLATER, B.A., LL.B. (Lond.) THE COMMERCIAL LAW OF ENGLAND " 46 DICTIONARY OF THE WORLD'S COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS PITMAN'S MERCANTILE LAW," ETC. SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, LTD. PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION THE aim of the present volume is sufficiently indicated by its title, and the book itself is intended to be a compendium for the business man and a repository of commercial information of every description. Within the limits of a volume of this size it is obvious that the many matters dealt with cannot be treated in an exhaustive fashion. For some of them, at least, special works must be consulted. But, as a ready reminder, it is believed that the information to be gathered from these pages is of such a character as will assist a business man in an emergency, and will clear up doubts and difficulties which are of every-day occurrence. For the sake of convenience, and as a help to those engaged in foreign correspondence, the French, German, Spanish, and Italian equivalents of English commercial terms and phrases have been given in every case. The publishers will be glad to receive any criticisms from their readers, in order that the Guide may be rendered as accurate and serviceable as possible; and they tender their most cordial thanks for the valuable suggestions received from various quarters since the publication of the first edition. |