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of the Vienna Congress Treaty of 9th June, 1815:
Austrian Possessions in Dalmatia, the Mouths of the
Cattaro, and the former Republic of Ragusa, &c.,
and shewing position of Turkish Districts of Kleck
and Sutorina.

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[Vienna Congress Treaty.]


tainebleau of 1807, and by the Treaty of Vienna of 1809; † the possession of which provinces and territories His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty obtained in consequence of the last war; such as, Istria, Austrian as well as heretofore Venetian, Dalmatia, the ancient Venetian Isles of the Adriatic, the Mouths of the Cattaro, the City of Venice, with its waters, as well as all the other provinces and districts of the formerly Venetian States of the Terra Firma upon the left bank of the Adige, the Duchies of Milan and Mantua, the Principalities of Brixen and Trente, the County of Tyrol, the Vorarlberg, the Austrian Frioul, the ancient Venetian Frioul, the territory of Montefalcone, the Government and Town of Trieste, Carniola, Upper Carinthia, Croatia on the right of the Save, Fiume and the Hungarian Littorale, and the District of Castua. Territories united to the Austrian Monarchy. The Valteline, Bormio, Chiavenna, Ragusa, &c.

ART. XCIV. His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty shall unite to his monarchy, to be possessed by him and his successors in full property and Sovereignty :

1. Besides the portions of the Terra Firma in the Venetian States mentioned in the preceding Article, the other parts of those States, as well as all other territories situated between the Tessino, the Po, and the Adriatic Sea.

2. The Vallies of the Valteline, of Bormio, and of Chiavenna. 3. The territories which formerly composed the Republic of Ragusa.

Austrian Frontiers in Italy.

ART. XCV. In consequence of the stipulations agreed upon in the preceding Articles, the frontiers of the States of His Imperial and Apostolic Majesty, in Italy, shall be:

1. On the side of the States of His Majesty the King of Sardinia, such as they were on the 1st of January, 1792;

2. On the side of the States of Parma,¶ Placentia, and Guastalla, the course of the Po, the line of demarcation following the Thalweg of the River;

* 10th October, 1807. See Appendix.

+ 14th October, 1809. Annulled.

See Treaty between Austria and Sardinia of 20th May, 1815.

§ See Art. II of Convention 3rd June, 1814.

See Treaties of 10th November, 1859, and 3rd October, 1866.

TA Protocol was signed between Austria and Parma on the 25th April, 1820, defining this Boundary, which Protocol was converted into a Convention on the 25th May, 1821.

[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

3. On the side of the States of Modena, such as they were on 1st of January, 1792;

4. On the side of the Papal States, the course of the Po, as far as the mouth of the Goro;

5. On the side of Switzerland, the ancient frontier of Lombardy, and that which separates the Vallies of the Valteline, of Bormio, and Chiavenna, from the Cantons of the Grisons and the Tessino.

Islands in the Po.

In those places where the Thalweg of the Po forms the frontier, it is agreed, that the changes which the course of the river may undergo shall not, in future, in any way affect the property of the Islands therein contained.

Navigation of the Po.

ART. XCVI. The general principles, adopted by the Congress at Vienna, for the Navigation of Rivers (No. 11), shall be applicable to that of the Po.

Commissioners shall be named by the States bordering on rivers, within three months at latest after the termination of the Congress, to regulate all that concerns the execution of the present Article.*

Arrangements respecting the " Mont-Napoleon" at Milan.

ART. XCVII. As it is indispensable to preserve, to the establishment known by the name of the Mont-Napoleon at Milan, the means of fulfilling its engagements towards its creditors; it is agreed, that the landed and other immovable property of this establishment, in countries which formed part of the ancient Kingdom of Italy, and have since passed under the government of different Princes of Italy, as well as the capital belonging to the said establishment placed out at interest in these different countries, shall be appropriated to the same object.

The unfunded and unliquidated debts of the Mont-Napoleon, such as those arising from the arrears of its charges, or from any other increase of the outgoings of this establishment, shall be divided between the territories which composed the late Kingdom of Italy; and this division shall be regulated according to the joint bases of their population and revenue.

The Sovereigns of the said countries shall appoint Commissioners, within the space of three months, dating from the termination of the Congress, to arrange with Austrian Commissioners whatever relates to this object. This Commission shall assemble at Milan.

* See Treaty between Austria, Modena, and Parma, of 3rd July, 1849.

[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

Duchies of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola; Duchy of Massa; Principality of Carrara, and Imperial Fiefs in La Lunigiana.

ART. XCVIII. His Royal Highness the Archduke Francis d'Este, his heirs and successors, shall possess, in full Sovereignty, the Duchies of Madena, Reggio, and Mirandola, such as they existed at the signature of the Treaty at Campo Formio (1797).

The Archduchess Maria Beatrice d'Este, her heirs and successors, shall possess, in full Sovereignty and property, the Duchy of Massa and the Principality of Carrara, as well as the Imperial Fiefs in La Lunigiana.

The latter may be applied to the purpose of exchanges, or other arrangements made by common consent, and according to mutual convenience, with His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany.*

The rights of Succession and Reversion, established in the branches of the Archducal Houses of Austria, relative to the Duchies of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola, and the Principalities of Massa and Carrara, are preserved.

Duchies of Parma,† Placentia, and Guastalla.

ART. XCIX. Her Majesty the Empress Maria Louisa shall possess, in full property and Sovereignty, the Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, with the exception of the districts lying within the States of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty on the left bank of the Po.

The Reversion of these countries shall be regulated by common consent, with the Courts of Austria, Russia, France, Spain, England and Prussia; due regard being had to the rights of Reversion of the House of Austria, and of His Majesty the King of Sardinia, to the said countries.‡

Possessions of the Grand Duke of Tuscany.§ The Presidii, Elba, Piombino, Imperial Fiefs, &c.

ART. C. His Imperial Highness the Archduke Ferdinand of

See Treaty between Austria, Sardinia, Lucca, Modena, and Tuscany, of 28th November, 1844, by which certain exchanges of territory were made.

Parma was united to the Kingdom of Sardinia by Decree dated 18th March, 1860. The reigning Duchess protested against this contemplated annexation on the 20th June, 1859.

See Treaty of 10th June, 1817.

§ Tuscany was united to the Kingdom of Sardinia by Decree dated 22nd March, 1860. The Grand Duke protested against this annexation on the 26th March, 1860.

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