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No. 98.-PROTOCOL recording the delivery of the Bailiwick of Wertheim by Austria to Bavaria. Aschaffenburg, 27th October, 1819.*

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Preamble. Reference to Treaty of 14th April, 1816.

1. Delivery by Austria to Bavaria of Bailiwick of Wertheim.

2. Bavaria to enter into enjoyment of Revenues of said District from 4th of October, 1819.

3. All Documents relating to Government and Administration of Justice to be made over by Austria to the proper Bavarian Authorities.

4. Natives in the Military Service of Baden to be transferred to the Military Authorities of Bavaria.


Preamble. Reference to Treaty of 14th April, 1816.

WHEREAS, in consequence of the negotiations with the Court of Baden, that part of the Bailiwick of Wertheim, described in the Munich Treaty of 14th April, 1816, and lying north of the road from Lengfurth to Würzburg, has been transferred to His Imperial Royal Apostolic Majesty, and therefore the said District can now be delivered to the Crown of Bavaria, therefore Commissioners have been appointed for the delivery and receipt respectively; that is:

On the part of Austria, Baron v. Handel, &c., as Delivering Commissioner; and

On the part of Bavaria, Commissioner Stumpf, &c., as Receiving Commissioner; who have effected the aforesaid Delivery and Receipt as follows:

Delivery by Austria to Bavaria of Bailiwick of Wertheim.

ART. I. The Austrian Commissioner hereby delivers and gives up to the Bavarian Commissioner the district in the Bailiwick of Wertheim, situated north of the road from Lengfurth to Würzburg, and including Anspach, Birkenfeld, Erlach, Greusenheim, Karsbach, Mariabuchen, Plochsbach, Roden, Lendelbach, Steinfeld, Waldzell, and Zimmer, with all the rights and privileges, to the same extent, and in the same condition as the said district * See also Protocol between Austria and Baden of the same date.


has been delivered to His Imperial Royal Apostolic Majesty, on the part of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden, by Protocol of Delivery and Receipt, dated this day.

ARTS. II. to IV. (See Table.)

Drawn up in triplicate at Aschaffenburg, 27th October, 1819. PAUL ANTHONY BARON V. HANDEL. ANDREW SER. STUMPF.


No. 99.-BOUNDARY TREATY between France and the Netherlands. Signed at Courtray, 28th March, 1820.

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Preamble. Reference to Treaties of 30th May, 1814, and 20th
November, 1815.

1. Boundary to be settled according to the Procès Verbaux and Drawings of the Commissioners. Procès Verbaux and Drawings of Boundary agreed upon. Procès Verbaux and Drawings to be annexed to the Treaty.

2. Exchanges, Cessions, and Ratifications.

3 and 4. Mutual Cessions of Farms, Orchards, and Lands by France and the Netherlands.

5. Passage of the Waters of the Lys through the Territory of Armentières, granted by France to boats of the Communes of Neuve-Eglise and Warneton (Netherlands).

6. The Lys to be free to both States from Armentières to the mouth of the Deule, subject to certain Regulations.

7. Boundary between the Communes of Halleim and Recken.




Mutual Cessions of Orchards, Lands, &c., by France and the Netherlands.

41. Confirmation of Article XXX. of Treaty of 18th November, 1779, between Hungary and France. Removal of Impediments to the free use of the River Semoy.

42 to 64. Mutual minor Cessions by France and the Netherlands.

65 to 69. General Instructions.

70. Future Claims to ceded Lands to be inadmissible.

71. Labours of Boundary Commissioners.

72. Date at which exchanges are to take place.

73. Ratifications.


Preamble. Reference to Treaties of 30th May, 1814, and 20th November, 1815.

His Majesty the King of France and Navarre and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, &c., wishing to regulate everything relating to the delimitation of their respective States, according to the stipulations of the Treaties of Paris of 30th May, 1814 (No. 1), and of the 20th November, 1815 (No. 40), and in conformity with paragraph 6 of Article I. of the latter Treaty, have appointed as their Commissioners to that effect, namely:

His Most Christian Majesty, the Sieur Jean Etienne Casimer For French version, see "State Papers," vol. 55, p. 395.


Poitevin, Baron de Maureillan, Lieutenant-General, InspectorGeneral of Fortifications, &c. ;

And His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, the Sieur Victor, Baron de Constant-Rubecque, Lieutenant-General and Quartermaster-General of the Army of the Netherlands, &c.;

Who, after having exchanged their Full Powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :

Boundary to be settled according to the Procès-Verbaux and
Drawings of the Commissioners.

ART. I. In order to determinę in a precise and invariable manner the line of Boundary between the two States, descriptive Procès-Verbaux of the course of that Boundary, according to the exact drawing of the whole of the Frontier, made separately by the engineers and geometricians appointed on either side, and under the direction of the Sieur Etienne Nicolas Rousseau, Lieut.General of Royal Engineers, &c., for France, and the Sieur Jean Egbert van Gorkum, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Staff of the Quartermaster-General, &c., for the Netherlands, and both Members of the Boundary Commission. The said Procès- Verbaux are accompanied by sketches or figurative plans drawn upon a large scale, to serve as explanation if necessary, and of the condition of the stakes to be planted.

Procès-verbaux and Drawings of Boundary agreed upon.

The Boundary which extends from the North Sea to the Moselle has been divided into 6 sections; the Procès-Verbaux as well as the Drawings of each section have been agreed upon and signed by the Commissioners, namely:

1st. The first section, containing the Boundary between the Sea and the Lys, of 28th March, 1820;

2ndly. The second section, containing the Boundary between the Lys and the Scheldt, of 23rd December, 1818;

3rdly. The third section, containing the Boundary between the Scheldt and the Sambre, of 23rd December, 1818;

4thly. The fourth section, containing the Boundary between the Sambre and the Meuse, of 18th June, 1817;

5thly. The fifth section, containing the Boundary between the Meuse and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, of 28th March, 1820;

6thly. The sixth section, containing the Boundary of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and France, of the 28th March, 1820.


Procès-verbaux and Drawings to be annexed to the Treaty.

All these descriptive Procès-Verbaux of the course of the Boundary, as well as the Drawings which accompany them, shall be annexed to the present Treaty, and shall have the same force and value as if they were inserted word for word.

Erchanges, Cessions, and Ratifications.

ART. II. The exchanges, cessions, and ratifications agreed upon and settled between the two Kingdoms, and inserted in the descriptive Procès-Verbaur of the Boundary of the 6 sections, shall be repeated in the following Articles of the present Treaty, indicating the Articles of the Procès-Verbaux with which they correspond.

ARTS. III. to XL. (See Table.)

Confirmation of Article XXX. of Treaty of 18th November, 1779, between Hungary and France.

ART. XLI. It being necessary that Article XXX. of the Treaty of 18th November, 1779, concluded between the Empress-Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, relative to the Boundaries of their respective States, and the Netherlands, and other objects relative to the Frontiers, should be fulfilled, and which is worded in the following manner: "In order to enable the subjects of the Empress-Queen to communicate more freely through the Semoy with the Meuse, the Most Christian King agrees to raise the obstacles which the farmers of demesnial Fisheries or others of his subjects may have put in the way of the free use of the said River Semoy. The Commissioners for the execution of the present Convention shall be instructed to agree upon the measures necessary to put a stop to those obstacles. The Procès- Verbaux which they shall have drawn up to that effect shall be considered as forming part of this Convention.”

Removal of Impediments to the free use of the River Semoy.

It is agreed that in order to put a stop from henceforth and for ever to the impediments which may actually exist, and which still throw obstacles in the way of the free course and use of the River Semoy, the Administrators of Rivers and Forests of the two States superintending the River Semoy shall be instructed, after the ratification of the present Boundary Treaty, to proceed to the removal of the different barriers and other works which

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