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[Pacification of Greece.]

Greece to be a Dependency of Turkey, and to pay Tribute. Choice of Greek Authorities.

Greece should be a Dependency of that Empire, and the Greeks should pay to the Porte an annual Tribute, the amount of which should be permanently fixed by common consent. They should be exclusively governed by authorities to be chosen and named by themselves, but in the nomination of which authorities the Porte should have a certain influence.

Liberty of Conscience and Freedom of Commerce.

In this state, the Greeks should enjoy a complete liberty of Conscience, entire freedom of Commerce, and should, exclusively, conduct their own internal Government,

Property of Turks to be purchased by Greeks.

In order to effect a complete separation between individuals of the two nations, and to prevent the collisions which must be the necessary consequences of a contest of such duration, the Greeks should purchase the Property of Turks, whether situated on the Continent of Greece, or in the islands.

Russia to exert her Influence in favour of Mediation.

II. In case the principle of a Mediation between Turks and Greeks should have been admitted, in consequence of the steps taken, with that view, by His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, His Imperial Majesty would exert, in every case, His influence to forward the object of that Mediation. The mode in which, and the time at which, His Imperial Majesty should take part in the ulterior negotiations with the Ottoman Porte, which may be the consequence of that Mediation, should be determined hereafter by the common consent of the Governments of His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty.

Basis of Mediation to be maintained in case of refusal of Turkey.

III. If the Mediation offered by His Britannic Majesty should not have been accepted by the Porte, and whatever may be the nature of the relations between His Imperial Majesty and the Turkish Government, His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty will still consider the terms of the Arrangement specified in Article I of this Protocol, as the basis of any reconciliation to be effected by their intervention, whether in concert or separately,

[Pacification of Greece.]

between the Porte and the Greeks; and they will avail themselves of every favourable opportunity to exert their influence with both parties, in order to effect this reconciliation on the above-mentioned basis.

Great Britain and Russia to settle Details of Arrangement.

IV. That His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty should reserve to themselves to adopt, hereafter, the measures necessary for the settlement of the details of the Arrangement in question, as well as the limits of the Territory, and the names of the Islands of the Archipelago to which it shall be applicable, and which it shall be proposed to the Porte to comprise under the denomination of Greece.

Advantages conferred on Great Britain and Russia to be enjoyed by

all other Nations.

V. That, moreover, His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty will not seek, in this Arrangement, any increase of Territory, nor any exclusive influence, nor advantage in commerce for their subjects, which shall not be equally attainable by all other nations.

Proposed Guarantee of Treaty to be concluded.

VI. That His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty, being desirous that their Allies should become parties to the definitive Arrangements of which this Protocol contains the outline, will communicate this Instrument, confidentially, to the Courts of Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, and will propose to them that they should, in concert with the Emperor of Russia, guarantee the Treaty by which the reconciliation of Turks and Greeks shall be effected, as His Britannic Majesty cannot guarantee such a Treaty.

Done at St. Petersburgh, the

23rd March.
4th April,



[Lapland Boundary.]

No. 130.-CONVENTION of Limits between Russia and Sweden. Signed at St. Petersburgh, 14th May, 1826.

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3. Renunciations by the King of Sweden and Norway.

4. Appointment of Boundary Commissioners.

5. Right of Norwegian or Russian Families to remain in ceded Territories. 6. Freedom of Worship.

7. Right of Fishery in ceded Territories.

8. Rights of Pasturage in ceded Territories.

9. Freedom of Navigation, Floatage of Timber, and Fishery in the Rivers Jacobs-Elf, and Paswig.

10. Inhabitants of Territories exchanged to be informed of Stipulations of Convention.

11. Topographical Charts to form part of Convention.

12. Ratifications.


Preamble. Lapland Districts.

In the Name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity.

His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, and His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, equally animated by the desire that a good understanding shall exist in all the relations between their respective subjects, in conformity with the relations of friendship and good neighbourhood which unite their august Courts; wishing to prevent the collisions to which the absence of a precise demarcation between Norway and Russia may have given rise in the Lapland Districts, known under the denomination of Fælleds Districter (Districts in common), have resolved to regulate, by a demarcation, founded on principles of reciprocal necessity, the Limits which shall hereafter separate their respective Possessions in the Districts above mentioned, as well as the Frontier relations of the Lapland Communes which they inhabit. With that object, after having sent Commissioners on the spot, who have examined into the actual state of affairs, and have drawn up a Topographical Map of the Districts, called Fælleds Districter, their said Majesties have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, namely: His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, the Sieur Nicolas Frederick Baron de * For French Version, see "State Papers,” vol. xiii, p. 1034.

[Lapland Boundary.]

Palmstierna, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, &c.; and His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, the Sieur Charles Robert Comte de Nesselrode, his Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, &c.; who, after having exchanged their Full Powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Line of Frontier.

ART. I. The Treaty concluded between Sweden and Denmark in 1751, having determined the line of Frontier which was to separate Sweden and Norway, that line is expressly maintained, inasmuch as it now serves as the Limit between the Kingdom of Norway and the Grand Duchy of Finland, that is to say, from the place where the new Frontier is drawn in the Act of the November, 1810, to the point called Kolmisoive-Madakjetsa.

River Frontiers.

ART. II. Starting from that point as far as the River Paswig (or Pasrek), the Frontier which separates Norway from the Russian Territory, shall remain the same as has existed until now between the Districts called Fælleds Districter and Russia, so that from Kolmisoive-Madakjetsa it shall pass by the Mountains Rejsa-Gora and Rejsa-Oive as far as Gelsomio.

From thence it shall follow the course of the Paswig (or Pasrek) and the Lakes which it forms as far as the Church built on the left bank of the said River, under the invocation of the Saints Boris and Gleb, which Church shall belong to Russia with a radius of one verst round it.

At the distance of one verst on the North of that Church the Frontier shall cross the Paswig, shall proceed towards the SouthEast on the little Lake, where the Lax-Elf takes its source, and from thence towards the point where the Jacobs-Elf (Woriema) is formed by the confluence of 3 little Rivulets. The Line of Demarcation shall then follow the Jacobs-Elf, as far as its mouth in the frozen Sea near Jacobs-Wik.

Wherever the Rivers Paswig and Jacobs-Elf shall form the limit between Norway and Russia, the channel of those waters is to serve as the Line of Demarcation.

In the Lakes formed by the River Paswig the Line shall pass through the middle, following the greatest depths of the waters.

21st September, 1751. See Appendix.
2nd October,

[Lapland Boundary.]

All the Islets situated to the East of the Line in the said Rivers, as well as in the Lakes formed by the Paswig, shall belong to Russia, and those to the West of the same Line shall belong to Norway.

Renunciations by the King of Sweden and Noru ay.

ART. III. His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway renounces in all perpetuity, for himself and his Heirs, to all pretensions which may have formerly been made by the Crown of Norway on any Territories whatever, situated on the side of Russia beyond the Line of Demarcation, fixed by the present Act.

His Majesty also renounces to the right formerly exercised by Norway of levying a Tribute on Russian Laplanders settled in that part of the Fælleds Districter, which by the present division is definitively united to the Russian Empire.

ART. IV. Appointment of Boundary Commissioners.

ART. V. Right of Norwegian or Russian Families to remain in ceded Territories.

ART. VI. Freedom of Worship.

ART. VII. Right of Fishery in Ceded Territories.

ART. VIII. Rights of Pasturage in Ceded Territories.

ART. IX. Freedom of Navigation, Floatage of Timber, and Fishery in the Rivers Jacobs-Elf and Paswig.

ART. X. Inhabitants of Territories exchanged to be informed of Stipulations of Convention.

Topographical Charts to form part of Convention.

ART. XI. The Topographical Chart drawn up by the respective Commissioners sent to the spot in 1825, and on which the Frontier Line fixed by Article II is accurately traced, having formed the Basis of the Negotiations, is annexed to the present Convention to form part thereof, as it was signed by the said Commissioners.

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