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same, with a declaration prefixed, that the said Confessi is one in substance with that which was subscribed by h majesty's father in 1580, 1581, and 1590, and often since renewed; and declares his majesty's consent that Act of Assembly be passed enjoining the subscription the same; but subjoins a declaration that the practice the things prohibited by the Covenant, within this kirk a kingdom, outwith the kingdom of Scotland, should nev bind nor infer censure against the practices outwith t kingdom, and desires that the same might be inserted the register of the kirk. The Assembly refuses to gi warrant for such practice, as not agreeable with a goo conscience, but the same is inserted only vocitativé.Ibid.

The Confession of Faith and Covenant is again approve and ordained to be subscribed, as aforesaid; as also, by a scholars at passing their degrees; by persons suspected papistry; and, finally, by all ministers of this kirk an kingdom and the parliament is supplicated by their au thority to ratify and enjoin the same, under all civil pain -Ibid.


1647. The Confession of Faith for the kirks of God i the three kingdoms, agreed upon by the assembly of di vines sitting at Westminster, with assistance of commis sioners from the kirk of Scotland, found to be most agree able to the word of God, and in nothing contrary to th received doctrine, worship, discipline, and government o this kirk; and is therefore approven and agreed unto b the Assembly for their part, as a common Confession o Faith for the three kingdoms. And it is declared, tha the not mentioning therein the several sorts of ecclesias tical officers and assemblies, shall be no prejudice to the truths of Christ in these particulars, to be expressed fully in the directory for government, and that the Assembly understands some parts of Art. 2, cap. 31, only of kirk not settled or constituted in point of government; and that although in such kirks a synod of ministers and other fit persons may be called by the magistrate's authority and nomination, without any other call, to consult and advise with, about matters of religion; and although, like

ise, the ministers of Christ, without delegation from their urches, may of themselves, by virtue of their offices, eet together synodically in such kirks not yet constitut; yet neither of these ought to be done in kirks conituted and settled; it being always free to the magistrate advise with synods of ministers and ruling elders, meetng upon delegation from their churches, either ordinarily, r being indicted by his authority occasionally, and pro re ata; it being also free to assemble together synodically, s well pro re nata as at ordinary times, upon delegation rom the churches, by the intrinsical power received from Christ, as often as it is necessary for the good of the hurch so to assemble, in case the magistrate, to the deriment of the church, withhold or deny his consent; the ecessity of occasional Assemblies being first remonstratd to him by humble supplication.-Act Sess. 23, Aug.


1690. That all probationers licensed to preach, all inrants to the ministry, and all other ministers and elders, eceived into communion with the church in its governnent, be obliged to subscribe their approbation of the Westninster] Confession of Faith, approven by the former Geeral Assemblies of this church, and ratified in the second ession of the then current parliament.-Act 5, June 7. And this is recommended to the diligence of the several resbyteries, and they are appointed to record their dilience thereanent in their respective registers.-Act 7,

Art. 1.

1699. It is recommended to all synods and presbyteries o inquire what ministers, probationers, or schoolmasters within their bounds have not subscribed the Confession of Faith, conform to former acts of the General Assembly, s the confession of their faith; that those who have not lone it may be put thereto, and that there be a new impresfion of the Confession of Faith in folio, for that end.Act 13.

1700. That all ministers and ruling elders, belonging

• This Confession and Covenant rescinded by act of Parliament at the Restoration.

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to this national church, subscribe the Confession of Fa as the confession of their faith, according to the Act of sembly 1690, and the formula agreed upon in Act Ass. 1694, § 6; and that this be done betwixt and n Assembly.-Act 11.


1712. The declarations and representations made by commission of Assembly 1711 to Queen Anne, agai the acts of toleration and patronage, are approven as m faithful and seasonable; and the representations are, order of the Assembly, verbatim inserted; and the co mission is empowered to advert carefully to the conce of the church in the above particulars, and are ordain to use all dutiful and proper means for obtaining redr of what is or may be found therein grievous, and to hold on every fit occasion for that effect.-Act 18.

1802. A declaration of the Assembly, showing t parochial schoolmasters, by instilling into youth the pr ciples of religion and morality, solid and practical instr tion, contribute to the improvement, order, and success people of all ranks, and are therefore well entitled to pu lic encouragement; that from the decrease in the value money, their emoluments have descended below the ga of a day-labourer; that it has been found impossible procure persons properly qualified to fill parochial schoo that the whole order is sinking to a state of depressi hurtful to their usefulness; that it is desirable that so means be devised to hold forth inducements to men good principles and talents to undertake the office of pa chial schoolmasters; and that these men would prove i strumental in counteracting the operations of those w may now, and afterwards, attempt to poison the minds the rising generation with principles inimical to religio order, and the constitution in church and state. The m derator and procurator for the church are instructed embrace every favourable opportunity of expressing t above sentiments, to correspond with the officers of sta

Scotland upon the subject, and to co-operate in the st prudent and effectual way to forward any plan for relief of parochial schoolmasters, and give it all the ight it can derive from the countenance of the General sembly.-Act 7.


1638. Presbyteries are ordained to proceed with the ensures of the kirk, to excommunication, against those inisters, who, being deposed by the Assembly, acquiesce ot in their sentences, but exercise some part of their inisterial function, refuse themselves, and withdraw hers, from the obedience of the Acts of Assembly.—Act ess. 24, Dec. 18.

1639. Mr George Graham, late pretended Bishop of rkney's renunciation of episcopacy, is recorded in Act ess. 8, Aug. 17.

The sentences pronounced against the ministers deosed by the several commissions granted by the Assemly at Glasgow, are approven, as just and lawful decrees. -Act Sess. 19, Aug. 27.

All those ministers who were deposed before synods, r subscribing the declinator and reading the serviceook, being guilty of no other gross fault, are recommendd to the said synods to be by them, upon their true reentance and submission to the constitutions of this kirk, und capable of the ministry, when God should grant em an ordinary and lawful calling, by admission from e presbytery, either in the church they served in before in any other.-Act Sess. 20, Aug. 28.

The Act 38, Sess. 8, at Edinburgh, October 24, Ass. 578, ordaining ministers, who are deposed, to be charged, nder the pain of excommunication, to demit their places, hat they may be unquestionably vacant, is renewed, and emitted to parliament.-Act Sess. 22, Aug. 29, Art. 5. 1641. That ministers who are deposed, either by presyteries, synods, or General Assemblies, or committees om Assemblies, for the public cause of reformation and

order of this kirk, shall not be suddenly received agai the ministry, till they first evidence their repentance, before the presbytery and synod within the bounds wh they were deposed; and thereafter, the same repo to the next ensuing General Assembly.-Act Sess. Aug. 2.

1643. All provincial Assemblies are discharged to pone any minister deposed by the General Assembly ; all presbyteries to repone ministers deposed either provincial or General Assemblies; and all such senten of reposition by the inferior judicatories respectivè declared null in themselves, and that the sentence of position by the superior judicatories respectivè shall sta valid and effectual, notwithstanding thereof.-Act Sess. Aug. 12.

1645. That no minister deposed be restored again the same place where he formerly served.-Act Sess. u Feb. 13.

1648. That notwithstanding of any licence to be gra ed for opening the mouths of deposed ministers, yet the shall not be actually admitted to any particular congr gation; but it is declared for such as had already the mouths opened before that time, That if any calling to particular charge be offered unto them before the next A sembly, it should be sufficient for them to have the conser of the commissioners of that Assembly.—Act Sess. 11, Jul 21.

That whosoever, after the sentence of deposition pro nounced against them, do either exercise any part of th ministerial calling in the places where they formerly serve or elsewhere, or do possess, meddle, or intromit with the sti pend or other benefits whatsoever, belonging to those kirks they served at, shall be proceeded against with excommunication; and if any suspended minister, during his suspension, either exercise any part of the ministerial calling, or intromit with the stipend, that he be deposed, and, after deposition, continuing in either of these faults, that he be processed with excommunication; but prejudice always to them of their stipend resting for bygone service, and of any recompence due for building or repairing of the

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