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Affairs of the Continent-Exertions of the Emperor of Russia after the Bat-

tle of Pultusk-Reinforcements of the French Army-War in Silesia-

Prince of Pless appointed Governor of that Province- Superseded by Baron

Kleist-Courage and Loyalty of the Governor and Troops-Provisionary

Government of Poland-State of Austria-Attack of the French by the

Russians-Battle of Mohrungen-Battle of Eylau-Its indecisive Re-

sult-Siege of Dantzic-Its Bombardment-Three Attempts to storm it

-Efforts for its Relief—Its Surrender-State of the War in Pomerania

-Stralsund invested-Sorties of the Swedes-Their Success and Indis-

cretion-Their Defeat-Armistice-Resolution of the King to conduct

the War in Person-His singular Conference with Marshal Brune-His

Preparations for active Hostility-State of the Turkish War-Grounds

of it against Russia-Successes of the Russians-Ineffectual Attempt of

the English-Success of the Servians-Army of the Grand Vizier-Its In-

subordination-Blockade of the Black Sea and the Dardanelles-Distress

of Constantinople-Disgust of the Janizaries-Their Mutiny and Re-

bellion-Dethronement of Selim-Total Defeat of the Turkish Fleet-

Dangers of the Turkish Empire-State of the Grand Armies after the

Battle of Eylau, and during the Siege of Dantzic-Caution of Bonaparte

-Attack on the French by the Russians-Loss of Gutstadt and Liebstadt

by the French-These Positions recovered-Retreat of the Russians--

Battle of Friedland-Loss and Rout of the Russians-Evacuation of

Koningsberg-Retreat to Tilsit-Armistice—Imperial Interviews on the

Niemen-Treaty of Peace between France and Prussia-Treaty between

France and Russia


Expeditions of the British Arms-of Admiral Duckworth to Constantinople-Negotiation with the Porte-Humiliating Spectacle exhibited by a British Admiral-Injury sustaine by the British Squadron Expedition to Egypt Capture of Alexandria Attempt on Rosetta-Imprudence of the Commander -- Defeat and Return of the Troops-A second Attempt resolved on-Treachery of the Mamalukes Detachment of the British Troops completely cut off-Preparations on a large Scale for the Expulsion of the English Advance of the Governor of Egypt from Cairo to Alexandria Evacuation of Egypt by the English Circumstances of the Recapture of Buenos Ayres-- Arrival in the River Plata of British Troops from the Cape under Sir S Auchmuty-under General Whitelocke-Attempt to retake Buenos Ayres Mode of Defence adopted by the Town-Plan of Attack -Disasters of the British Troops-Convention between the English and Spanish Generals Evacuation of the River Plata by the English-Trial of Sir Home Popham-Fate of Miranda's Expedition Capture ofuracoa - Expedition to Copenhagen--General Opinion of it - Force employed in it- Proclamation of the British Commanders-Bombardment of the City - Its Surrender-Terms of it— Humane Attention of the British Commanders



Renewed Hostility between Sweden and France-Invasion of PomeraniaSurrender of Stralsund-Convention between the French and Swedish Generals-Armistice between Russia and the Porte-Continued Hostility between England and the Porte-Doubtful Relation between England and Russia-Grounds of suspecting the Fidelity and Attachment of Russia -Her Declaration of War-Answer of the British Government-Influence of France in Europe-Necessity of Great Britain s preserving her Maritime Superiority-State of Europe from the Restrictions on Commerce-Dispute between Great Britain and America - Question about their Seamen-Capture of the Chesapeake-Prospect of Accommodation -Question of American Trade-Intercourse between France and her Colonies by means of America-Inconvenience to England in submitting to it-Danger of terminating it-Treaty with America not ratifiedOrder of Council in January-Partiality of the American PresidentOrders of Council in November-State of Expectation and Interest— Disgraceful proceedings of the American Government in the Case of Aaron Burr

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Affairs of France-Anticipated Conscription-Return of Bonaparte-Grand Fete on his Birth-day-His Speech to the Legislative Body and Trilunate-Address of these Bodies-Exposé of the State of the Empire-Ab


sorption of the Tribunate in the Legislative Body-Bonaparte's Pity for Great Britain-His declared Aversion to Political Parties-State of Holland-Aversion of the King to follow up the Edicts of Bonaparte --Explosion at Leyden-Surrender of the Fortresses on the Meuse to France, in Exchange-Situation of Spain-Conspiracy to dethrone the KingArrest of the Prince of Asturias-His Pardon-Singularity of the Proceedings-Invasion of Portugal by France threatened -Preparations of the Portuguese Court for Emigration to the Brazils-Wish of the Prince to compromise with France-Circumstance which determined his Embarkation-Situation of Naples-Mutiny at Malta-Causes of the Insurrection at Vellore, in the East Indies-Proclamation of the Government of Madras-Necessity for Prudence and Firmness in the Government of India-Ascendency of General Christophe in St. Domingo-Commercial Connection with that Island and Great Britain-Apprehensions in Jamaica, from the Abolition of the Slave-trade-Exceptionable Proceedings of the Colonial Legislature-Establishment of the African InstitutionReport to Parliament on the Advantages of Vaccination

List of his Majesty's Ministers as it stood in January, 1807

April, 1807




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Christophe's Address of the Government of Hayti to the Commerce of Neutral Nations. Oct. 1806


King of Prussia's Appeal to the World after the Armistice with France.
Dec. 1, 1806

Talleyrand's Observations on the same Subject. Nov. 16, 1806
Emperor of Russia's Proclamation against French Tyranny.


General Kosciusko's Address to his Country in Favour of France Order of Council relative to the Commerce of Neutral Nations. 1807



Nov. 28,


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Return of the Effective Military Force of the Country
Treaty of Peace between the Emperor of the French, and the Elector of
Saxony. Dec. 15



Bonaparte's Decree relative to English Merchandize


Mr. Jefferson's Message to the Congress of the United States. Dec. 2,




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