27,584 souls; which show that the population, at the arrival of O'Reilly in 1769, was more than doubled in sixteen years, by ordinary means. The number of white persons was 14,217; that of coloured free ones, 1203; that of slaves, 16,594. A statement was made by the intendant, by order of the captain-general, of the expenses of the province for this year, and is as follows: ÉTAT MAJOR. The governor and captain-general's salary, $10,000 Assessor of government, 2,000 Secretary of do. 1,000 First clerk in the secretary's office, 600 Town major, 1,200 Aid do. 740 Lieutenant-colonel, 1.752 Two do. with rank, but pay of $372 only, 744 Four captains, 1,584 1,878 Seven serjeants and four corporals, A major-commandant of free people of colour, 240 FORTIFICATIONS. A director, storekeeper, surveyor of the works, Assistant surgeon, 360, mate 192, 552 Two minor surgeons 360, apothecary 480, Apothecary's servant, attendants and cook, 840 964 18,000 N.Orleans, a curate $480, four assistants 1260, 1,740 240 St. Charles, a curate-St.John the Baptist, do. 480 St. James, a do.-Ascension a do. 480 Iberville, a do-Pointe Coupée, a do. 480 Attakapas, a do.-Opelousas, a do. 480 Natchitoches, a do.-Natchez, a do. 480 480 St. Louis, a do.-St. Genevieve, a do. Galvezton, a do. and Sacristan 540, expenses 50, 590 Allowance for wax lights to country parishes, 300 Boarding of six nuns, at the king's expense, do. twelve orphan girls, 720 360 Head pilot, · Balize a pilot 200, two patroons 240, Sixteen seamen, each 72, Allowance for seamen and troops, purchase of 440 .1,152 360 boat, &c. 4,500 Natchez, a garrison, and sixty men,. 6,000 Adjutant, 480 ST. LOUIS. An adjutant 510, two storekeepers 738, 1,248 A surgeon 360, Indian presents 214, CIVIL COMMANDANTS. Two who do not belong to the army, 574 200 A herdsman, an assistant, and a labourer, 696 CATTLE PLANTATION. Treasurer 1200, clerk 360, office expenses 50, 1,610 Hospital director 780, steward 360, 1,140 Surgeon 780, mate 440, two aids 600, 1,820 Apothecary 600, an assistant 300, 900 Four nurses and a cook, 1,080 A curate 440, assistant 360, 800 Sacristan 180, chapel expenses 50, Pilot 300, patroon 144, twelve sailors 1440, A carpenter, cooper and caulker, 360 each, Extra expenses, New settlers and Indian affairs, A contador 1600, two clerks 960, 2,560 House rent 180, office expenses 50, 230 Storekeeper 360, commissioner 360, 720 |