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die kaiserlich-königlich Finanzdirektionen,
die kaiserlich-königlich Finanzprokuratoren,
3. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal de la Justice:
Sont subordonnés à ce Ministère :

die kaiserlich-königlich Generalprokuratur,

die kaiserlich-königlich Oberstaatsanwaltschaften.

4. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal des Cultes et de l'Instruction.

5. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal du Commerce.

Sont subordonnés à ce Ministère :

die kaiserlich-königlich Seebehörde in Triest.

6. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal des Chemins de fer. 7. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal de l'Agriculture.

8. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal des Travaux publics. Est subordonné à ce Ministère :

das kaiserlich-königlich Patentamt in Wien.

9. Le Ministère Impérial et Royal de la Défense nationale. Sont subordonnés à ce Ministère :

die kaiserlich-königlich Landwehrkommandos,

das kaiserlich-königlich Landesverteidigungskommando in Innsbrück,

die kaiserlich-königlich Landesgendarmeriekommandos.

BELGIAN ROYAL ORDER legalising Marriage by Proxy during the War.-May 30, 1916.

ALBERT, Roi des Belges, a tous, présents et à venir, Salut.

Vu l'article 26 de la Constitution, qui confère l'exercice du pouvoir législatif au Roi, à la Chambre des Représentants et au Sénat;

Vu l'impossibilité de réunir les Chambres législatives;

Sur la proposition de notre Ministre de la Justice et de l'avis conforme de notre Conseil des Ministres ;

Nous avons arrêté et arrêtons:

ART. 1er. Pendant toute ia durée du temps de guerre, les parties qui veulent contracter mariage peuvent comparaître devant l'officier de l'état civil, soit en personne, soit par un fondé de procuration spéciale et authentique.

Si les époux ou l'un d'eux comparaissent par un fondé de procuration, il est fait mention du mandat dans l'acte de mariage.

Le mandataire ne peut reconnaître un enfant naturel en vue de sa légitimation que s'il y est spécialement autorisé.

2. Le mariage déclaré nul comme célébré postérieurement au décès d'un des époux produira cependant tous ses effets au point de vue de la légitimation des enfants et des droits du conjoint survivant.

3. La procuration est dispensée des droits de timbre et d'enregistrement. Elle peut être dressée par les agents diplomatiques ou consulaires de la Puissance étrangère chargée des intérêts belges dans les pays où les sujets belges, prisonniers de guerre, sont retenus en captivité.

Promulguons le présent arrêté-loi, ordonnons qu'il soit revêtu du sceau de l'Etat et publié par le Moniteur.

Donné en notre quartier général, le 30 mai, 1916.

Par le Roi,

Le Ministre de la Justice,


Scelle du sceau de l'Etat :
Le Ministre de la Justice,
H. CARTON de Wiart.


GENERAL ARBITRATION TREATY between Brazil and Paraguay.—Asuncion, February 24th, 1911.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, September 6, 1914.] (Translation,)

THE President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil and the President of the Republic of Paraguay, desirous of concluding a Convention of Arbitration in conformity with the principles expressed in the Articles XV to XIX and XXI of the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes concluded at The Hague on the 29th July, 1899, t and in the Articles XXXVII to XL and Article XLII of that

* Published in the Brazilian "Diario Official," No. 221 of 1914. Signed in the Portuguese and Spanish languages.

↑ Vol. XCI, page 970.

concluded with the same object at The Hague on the 18th October, 1907,* have empowered, viz. :

The President of the United States of Brazil, Señor Doctor Adalberto Guerra-Duval, Chargé d'Affaires of Brazil in Paraguay; and

The President of the Republic of Paraguay, Señor Doctor Cecilio Baez, Minister of Foreign Affairs;

Who, duly authorised, have agreed to the following Articles: ART. I. The two High Contracting Parties have agreed that all controversies which arise and cannot be settled by diplomatic negotiations or by any other of those means instituted for the amicable settlement of international disputes shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration established at The Hague in virtue of the Convention of July 29th, 1899, provided that the said disputes do not affect the vital interests, the territorial integrity, the independence, or the independence, or the honour of either of the Contracting States; but it is to be understood that, should one of the two States prefer, the arbitration occasioned by the controversy to which the present Agreement refers shall be brought before a Chief of State, a friendly Government, or before one or more Arbitrators, not confining the choice of these to those on the lists of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague.

II. In every individual case, before appealing to any single Arbitrator, to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, or to other Arbitrators, the two High Contracting Parties will sign a special "Compromis" determining clearly the matter of the dispute, the extent of the Arbitrator's or Arbitrators' powers and the conditions which are to be observed concerning the time to be allowed for the constitution of the tribunal, the election of the Arbitrator or Arbitrators, as well as for the course of the legal procedure.

It is understood that the special "Compromis " will be subjected in the two Republics to the formalities required by their constitutional laws.

III. The present Treaty shall remain in force for a period of ten years, dating from the day of exchange of the ratifications. Should it not be denounced six months before its expiration, then it shall continue in force for another year and so on in succession.

IV. After the formalities required by the Constitutional Laws of each of the two States have been carried out, the present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged either in Asuncion or in Rio de Janeiro as soon as possible.

* Vol. CI, page 159.

In witness whereof, we, the above named Plenipotentiaries, have signed the present instrument', in duplicate, in the Portuguese and Spanish languages, and have affixed thereto our seals, in Asuncion the 24th February, 1911.

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SWEDISH NOTE informing of the Bulgarian Declaration of the Existence of a State of War between Bulgaria and Great Britain and France.-London, October 30, 1915.

Swedish Minister in London to the Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs.


Londres, le 30 octobre, 1915.

ME référant à la Note que votre Excellence a bien voulu m'adresser en date du 15 de ce mois au sujet de l'état de guerre entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Bulgarie, j'ai l'honneur de porter à sa connaissance que par note circulaire du 22 octobre adressée aux Représentants diplomatiques, accrédités à Sophia, le Gouvernement Bulgare a fait savoir que la Grande-Bretagne et la France ayant déclaré la guerre à la Bulgarie cette dernière puissance se trouve en état de guerre avec la Grande-Bretagne à partir du 15 octobre et avec la France à partir du 18 octobre,

Veuillez agréer, etc.,


The Right Honourable Sir Edward Grey, Bart., K.G.

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NOTE of the Chilean Government relative to the Chilean Rules respecting the Admission to Chilean Ports and Waters of Merchant Ships that have served as Auxiliaries of the War Ships of Belligerent States.Santiago, March, 11, 1916.

Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs to the British Minister at Santiago.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Santiago.
March 11, 1916.

THE circumstances which led my Government to determine the conditions under which ships that have served as auxiliaries to war ships of any belligerent state might be admitted to Chilean waters and ports as merchant vessels have altered considerably, so that the said conditions, which were communicated to your Excellency in a Note from this Ministry, dated the 15th March, 1915, have become excessively strict for the actual conditions of navigation in the Pacific.

This being so, several reasons have induced this department to reconsider this important question, firstly, the desire of my Government to favour maritime commerce as far as possible, and especially the exportation of national products with which are bound the most vital interests of the country, and further the circumstance that other American Governments, especially those of the Argentine Republic, of Brazil and the United States, have adopted measures in this respect which are considerably more liberal than those contained in the above-mentioned Note.

The preamble of the XIIIth Convention of The Hague* accords the signatory countries the right to modify the regulations adopted by them as neutrals in the course of a war when experience points out the necessity of doing so in order to safeguard their rights.

On the strength of this right, and having always in view, the regard for strict neutrality which has invariably inspired its decisions during the actual war, my Government will in future admit to Chilean ports and jurisdictional waters, and will treat as merchants ships such vessels as have been auxiliaries of war ships of any of the belligerent states on the following conditions: No. 1. That the auxiliary ship has not violated Chilean neutrality.

* Vol. C, page 448.

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