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4. Remplacement, d'accord avec les Puissances, de certains nctionnaires de la police dont l'attitude, inspirée par des rections étrangères, a facilité les attentats commis contre de isibles citoyens, ainsi que les insultes faites aux légations iées et à leurs ressortissants.

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M. Zaimis prend acte de la note précitée et a l'honneur d'inrmer leurs Excellences les Ministres de France, de Grandeetagne et de Russie que le Gouvernement Royal hellénique, nant compte de leur déclaration finale, à savoir, que, toujours imées envers la Grèce de l'esprit le plus bienveillant et le plus ical, mais décidées en même temps à obtenir sans discuson ni délai l'application des mesures qu'elles considèrent inspensables, les Puissances garantes ne peuvent que laisser au ouvernement hellénique l'entière responsabilité des événements i se produiraient si leurs justes demandes n'étaient pas alisées," s'engage à exécuter intégralement les demandes. écitées.

Athènes, le 10/23 juin, 1916.

REATY OF COMMERCE and Navigation between the Republic of Guatemala and the Kingdom of Italy. -Guatemala, February 28, 1916.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Rome, August 1, 1916.] Translation.)

His Majesty the King of Italy, and His Excellency the resident of the Republic of Guatemala, desirous of improving e economic relations between the two countries, have deterined to conclude a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, and. ave appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to

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His Majesty the King of Italy, Glosué Notari, Knight Comnder of the Royal Order of the Crown of Italy, His Majesty's voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in the Reblic of Guatemala, and

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Guatemala, tor Luis Toledo Herrarte, Secretary of State for Foreign airs;

* Signed in the Italian and Spanish languages.

garanties nécessaires pour l'application loyale de la neutralité bienveillante que la Grèce s'est engagée à observer à l'égard des Puissances alliées, ainsi que pour la sincérité d'une nouvelle consultation nationale;

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3. Dissolution immédiate de la Chambre des Députés, suivie de nouvelles élections, dès l'expiration des délais prévus par la Constitution, et après que la démobilisation générale aura replacé le corps électoral dans des conditions normales;


4. Remplacement, d'accord avec les Puissances, de certains fonctionnaires de la police, dont l'attitude, inspirée par des directions étrangères, a facilité les attentats commis contre de paisibles citoyens ainsi que les insultes faites aux légations alliées et à leurs ressortissants."

Toujours animées envers la Grèce de l'esprit le plus bienveillant et le plus amical, mais décidées en même temps à obtenir sans discussion ni délai l'application de ces mesures indispensables, les Puissances garantes ne peuvent que laisser au Gouvernement hellénique l'entière responsabilité des événements qui se produiraient si leurs justes demandes n'étaient pas immédiatement acceptées.

Athènes, le 8/21 juin, 1916.


(No. 2.)-Note communicated to the Entente Representatives by M. Zaimis.

M. ZAIMIS, Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires Étrangères, a pris connaissance de la note collective que les Ministres de France, de Grande-Bretagne et de Russie ont, d'ordre de leurs Gouvernements, adressée, en date du 8/21 de ce mois, à son prédécesseur, M. Skouloudis, et par laquelle ils déclarent se trouver dans la nécessité d'exiger l'application immédiate des mesures suivantes :

1. Démobilisation réelle et totale de l'armée grecque, qui devra être mise, dans le plus bref délai, sur le pied de paix.

2. Remplacement immédiat du Ministère actuel par un Cabinet d'Affaires sans nuance politique et offrant toutes les garanties nécessaires pour l'application loyale de la neutralité bienveillante que la Grèce s'est engagée à observer à l'égard des Puissances alliées, ainsi que pour la sincérité d'une nouvelle consultation nationale.

3. Dissolution immédiate de la Chambre des Députés, suivie de nouvelles élections, dès l'expiration des délais prévus par la Constitution, et après que la démobilisation générale aura replacé le corps électoral dans des conditions normales.

4. Remplacement, d'accord avec les Puissances, de certains fonctionnaires de la police dont l'attitude, inspirée par des directions étrangères, a facilité les attentats commis contre de paisibles citoyens, ainsi que les insultes faites aux légations alliées et à leurs ressortissants.

M. Zaimis prend acte de la note précitée et a l'honneur d'informer leurs Excellences les Ministres de France, de GrandeBretagne et de Russie que le Gouvernement Royal hellénique, tenant compte de leur déclaration finale, à savoir, que, “toujours animées envers la Grèce de l'esprit le plus bienveillant et le plus amical, mais décidées en même temps à obtenir sans discussion ni délai l'application des mesures qu'elles considèrent indispensables, les Puissances garantes ne peuvent que laisser au Gouvernement hellénique l'entière responsabilité des événements qui se produiraient si leurs justes demandes n'étaient pas réalisées,' s'engage à exécuter intégralement les demandes précitées.

Athènes, le 10/23 juin, 1916.

TREATY OF COMMERCE and Navigation between the Republic of Guatemala and the Kingdom of Italy. -Guatemala, February 28, 1916.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Rome, August 1, 1916.] (Translation.)

His Majesty the King of Italy, and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Guatemala, desirous of improving the economic relations between the two countries, have determined to conclude a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, and. have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to


His Majesty the King of Italy, Glosué Notari, Knight Commander of the Royal Order of the Crown of Italy, His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in the Republic of Guatemala, and

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Guatemala, Doctor Luis Toledo Herrarte, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;

* Signed in the Italian and Spanish languages.

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles ::

ART. I. There shall be full and entire freedom of commerce and navigation between the two countries and between their respective citizens, who shall be at liberty to establish themselves freely in the territory of the other State.

II. The citizens of each of the High Contracting Parties shall not be subject, in the exercise of commerce, of industry or of trade in the ports, cities, or in any other place whatever of the other Contracting Party, whether they be established or temporarily resident, to taxes, imposts, rates or licences of any kind whatever, other or more burdensome than those which are paid by native citizens or by citizens of the most favoured nation; and the rights, privileges, franchises, immunities and other favours of whatever nature in matters relating to commerce, industry and trade which may be enjoyed by the citizens of one of the High Contracting Parties or of the most favoured nation shall be common to those of the other party. Both Italian citizens in Guatemala and Guatemalan citizens in Italy shall enjoy most favoured nation treatment in the exercise of their professions.

III. With regard to the right to acquire, possess or to transfer every description of property, movable and immovable; to rent or to let and to possess by rent or lease lands, houses, shops or stores, the citizens of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy within the territory of the other the rights granted to citizens of the most favoured nation, and shall not be subjected to any taxes, imposts or charges of whatever denomination other or higher than those which are or may be imposed upon native citizens. They shall also be permitted freely to export the proceeds received from the sale of their property and their goods in general without being subjected to other or more. burdensome duties than those to which citizens of the country would be liable under similar circumstances.

IV. The citizens of each of the two High Contracting Parties shall be exempted in the territory of the other from all compulsory military service whatever, whether in the army, navy, national guard or militia. They shall be equally exempted from all compulsory official, judicial, administrative or municipal functions whatever; from military requisitions or grants, as also from all forced loans and other charges which may be levied on account of the necessities of war or other exceptional circumstances. But the charges originating by virtue of the possession of, or the lease of, immovable property are excluded, as also the military grants and requisitions to which the nationals or citizens of the most favoured nation may be subject as proprietors, lessees or tenants of immovable property.

V. The citizens of each of the two High Contracting Parties shall be at full liberty, in the territory of the other, to carry on their business in the same manner as nationals, whether. personally or by means of intermediaries chosen by them, without being obliged to pay remuneration or indemnities to agents, commission agents, etc., of whom they do not wish to avail themselves.

VI. The importation of all merchandise and of all articles of commerce, produce of the soil as also of the industry of the contracting States, and also of whatever other country, the importation of which is permitted by the laws of the one and the other of the two States, shall be equally permitted on Italian and Guatemalan vessels, without payment of other or higher duties than those payable by vessels of the most favoured nation.

This reciprocal equality of treatment shall be indifferently applied to the merchandise and articles that may arrive directly from the ports of the contracting States or from any other place whatever, and also if shipped in vessels of another nationality, presenting in this case documents proving their origin.

The same equality of treatment shall be observed with regard to exports and goods in transit, without distinction as to port of shipment or destination, and also with regard to the franchises, the payments of and drawbacks on duties, which the laws of the two countries shall have granted or may hereafter grant. Furthermore, in Italy, on the importation of articles the products of the soil or of the industries of Guatemala, and in Guatemala, on the importation of articles the products of the soil or of the industries of Italy, and in one and the other country respectively, on the exportation of products of the soil or of industry into the territory of the other Contracting Party, no duties shall be charged other or higher than those which are now levied or shall in future be levied on the same articles imported from or exported to the most favoured nation.

VII. No internal duties levied for the benefit of the State, municipalities or of corporations, which actually affect, or may hereafter affect the production, manufacture or consumption of an article in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties, shall for any reason be a higher or more burdensome charge on the products of the other than that on native products of the same kind, or in default of these, than that on the products of the most favoured nation. The products of the soil or of the industry of one of the two Parties imported into the territory of the other and intended for warehousing or transit shall not be subjected to any internal duty.

VIII. The two High Contracting Parties agree not to place obstacles in the way of the reciprocal commerce of the two countries by prohibitions of importation, exportation, or transit. Exceptions to this rule, as far as they are applicable to all

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