to two per centum of the whole amount of the outstanding funded stock bearing a present interest of fix per centum: Thenceforth, Secondly, to the redemption of the faid last mentioned stock, according to the right for that purpose referved to the United States, until the whole amount thereof shall have been redeemed: And Lastly, after fuch redemption, to the purchase, at its market price, of any other ftock confifting of the debt of the United States, which may then remain unredeemed : and fuch purchase, as far as the fund shall at any time extend, shall be made within thirty days next after each day, on which a quarterly payment of interest on the debt of the United States, shall become due, and shall be made by a known agent, to be named by the faid commiffioners. Purchafes Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That all future purchases of public debt on account of how to be the United States, shall be made at the lowest made. price, at which the fame can be obtained by open purchase, or by receiving fealed propofals, to be opened in the prefence of the commiffioners, or perfons, authorized by them to make purchases, and the perfons making fuch proposals. accounts of to be ren Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That Quarterly quarter yearly accounts of the application of application the faid fund shall be rendered for fettlement, of faid fund as other public accounts, accompanied with dered, &c. returns of the fums of the said debt, which shall have been from time to time purchased or redeemed; and full and exact report of the proceedings of the faid commiffioners, including a statement of the disbursements, which fhall have been made, and of the fums which shall have been purchased or redcemed under their direction, and specifying dates, prices, parties, and places, shall be laid before Congress, within the first fourteen days of each feffion which may ensue the present, during the execution of the faid truft. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RICHARD HENRY LEE, Prefident pro tempore of the Senate. APPROVED, May eighth, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. Sec. CHAPTER XXXIX. An Act to provide for a Copper Coinage. I. E it enacted by the Senate and House States of America in Congress affembled, That Director of the director of the mint, with the approbation purchase of the Prefident of the United States, be aucopper and thorized to contract for and purchase a quantity of copper, not exceeding one hundred and cents, &c. fifty tons, and that the faid director, as foon as the needful preparations shall be made, caufe the copper by him purchased to be coined at the mint into cents and half cents, purfuant to "the act establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the United States;" and that the faid cents and half cents, as they shall be coined, be paid into the treasury of the United States, thence to iffue into circulation. the mint to have coined into whence to iffue. when a paid into Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That after Director the expiration of fix calendar months from the to publish time when there shall have been paid into the certain fum treasury by the faid director, in cents and half has been cents, a fum not less than fifty thousand dollars, the treafiwhich time shall forthwith be announced by ry. the treafurer in at least two gazettes or newspapers, published at the feat of the government of the United States for the time being, no copper coins or pieces whatsoever, except the faid cents and half cents, shall pass current as money, or shall be paid, or offered to be paid or received in payment for any debt, demand, claim, matter or thing whatsoever; and all copper coins or pieces, except the faid cents Penalty for and half cents, which shall be paid or offered offering to to be paid or received in payment contrary to copper the prohibition aforesaid, shall be forfeited, and every perfon by whom any of them shall have been so paid or offered to be paid or received in payment, shall alfo forfeit the fum of ten dollars, and the faid forfeiture and penalty shall and may be recovered with costs of fuit for the benefit of any perfon or persons by whom information of the incurring thereof thall have been given. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker RICHARD HENRY LEE, President pro "APPROVED, May eighth, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. pass other coins. CHAPTER XL. An Act for making Compensations to the Commiffioners of Loans for extraordinary Expenses. (EXPIRED.) Specific CHAPTER XLI. An Act making certain Appropriations therein Sec. 1. B E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress affembled, That appropria- there be granted and appropriated the following fums for the following purposes, to wit: For the difcharge of a balance to the commiffioners appointed under the act of Congress of the fifteenth of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, two thousand seven hundred and eighty seven dollars and eighty eight cents; For additional falary to the first clerk of the commiffioners for fettling accounts between the United States and individual ftates, one hundred and eighty seven dollars and ninety one cents; For defraying the expense of stating and printing certain public accounts, pursuant to the order of the House of Representatives of the thirtieth of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety one, eight hundred dollars; For discharging the accounts of officers of the courts of the United States, jurors and witnesses, in aid of the fund heretofore appropriated, seventeen thousand dollars; For making good deficiencies in former appropriations, for defraying the expense Specific of the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States, four thousand fix hundred and appropria ninety five dollars, and fifty nine cents; For tions. difcharging certain accounts against the treafury department, to the end of the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety one, including a fum of fix hundred dollars, for furnishing the supervisors of the revenue with fcrew-presses, seals, and other articles, one thousand nine hundred and fifty five dollars, and fixty one cents; For a balance due to lieutenant John Freeman of the late Maryland line, on account of subsistence for the years one thousand seven hundred and eighty two and one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, forty one dollars and seventy five cents; For compenfations to the clerks of the acting commiffioner of army accounts, and contingencies of his office, one thousand three hundred and twenty nine dollars and fixteen cents; For additional compenfations to the doorkeepers of the House of Representatives, pursuant to a resolution of the House, of the twenty fourth of March last, seven hundred dollars; For the difcharge of fuch demands against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall have been afcertained and admitted, in due course of fettlement at the treasury, and which are of a nature, according to the usage thereof, to require payment in fpecie, five thousand dollars: All which faid fums, amounting together, to thirty four thousand four hundred aud ninety feven dollars and ninety cents, shall and may be paid out of the funds following, any, or all of them; namely; the furpluses which may out of what remain of appropriations heretofore made, af- funds pay ter fatisfying the purposes of fuch appropriations; monies which have been paid into the |