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Qualification of Municipal Councillors.

No person shall be qualified to be a member of the Municipal Council unless he is the owner of an undivided Concession lot or the equivalent thereof, as hereinbefore set forth, or unless he has, as the owner of a house or occupier of a house or part of a house, paid during the previous twelve months rates and taxes on an assessed rental of not less than 2,400 dollars per annum.

List of Voters.

18. A list of persons duly qualified to vote under the preceding Regulation, with the number of votes to which each person is so entitled, shall be drawn up by the Municipal Council in duplicate and kept exhibited at the municipal offices and IIis Britannic Majesty's Consulate-General; and on or before the 1st March in each year, so soon as the rates of land and house tax have been settled at the annual meeting of ratepayers as prescribed in Regulation 3, this list of voters shall be revised and amended in accordance with the assessment list prescribed in Regulation 5, and after approval by His Britannic Majesty's Consul-General the revised list shall be exhibited at His Britannic Majesty's Consulate-General and the Municipal Offices, and shall regulate the voting until and at the next ensuing annual meeting.

Persons acting in Execution of these Regulations not to be personally Liable.

19. No matter or thing done, or contract entered into, by the Council, nor any matter or thing done by any member thereof, or person whomsoever acting under the orders of the Council, shall, if the matter or thing were done, or the contract entered into bona fide for the purpose of executing these Regulations, subject them or any of them personally to any actions, liability, claim, or demand whatsoever. And any expense properly and with due authority incurred by the Council, or those acting directly under and in accordance with their orders, shall be borne and repaid out of rates levied under the authority of these Regulations.

Suing of Council.

20. The Council shall be liable to be sued, through their Secretary, in His Britannic Majesty's Court at Canton, by any person who may deem himself injured by any act of the Council or its officers, and should the plaintiff obtain damages in any such suit, said damages and the costs of such suit shall be summarily recoverable by His Britannic Majesty's Consul-General and paid out of the funds levied under the authority of these Regulations

Definition of Ratepayers.

21. The word "ratepayers" whenever it occurs in the foregoing Regulations shall be taken to mean persons entitled to vote under the terms of Regulation 17.

Building and Sanitary Rules.

22. The Council may from time to time make and thereafter repeal, supplement, and amend such building and sanitary byelaws, and provide therein such penalties for the non-observance or breach thereof as the Council may consider necessary or advisable in the interest of ratepayers, and may enforce such bye-laws and the penalties for the non-observance or breach thereof :

Provided always that no such bye-laws shall come into operation until they have been submitted to and approved by His Britannic Majesty's Consul-General and sanctioned by His Britannic Majesty's Minister.

Peking, January 23, 1908.



J. N. JORDAN, His Majesty's Minister.

His Majesty's Principal Secretary

of State for Foreign Affairs.


Bye-laws annexed to the Shameen Land Regulations.
[Not printed.]

KING'S REGULATIONS, under Article 155 of "The China and Corea Order in Council, 1904," as amended by Article 13 of "The China and Corea (Amendment) Order in Council, 1907," and Article 1 of "The Corea Order in Council, 1907," providing for the Control of British Newspapers in Corea.-Seoul, June 12, 1908.


The following King's Regulations made by His Majesty's Consul-General, and approved by the Secretary of State, are published for general information.

Seoul, June 12, 1908.

[No. 1 of 1908.]

HENRY COCKBURN, Consul-General.

1.-(1.) A REGISTER of newspapers entitled to British protection in Corea shall be maintained at the Consulate-General in Seoul

(2.) The register shall contain such particulars, and shall be in such form, as the Consul-General shall by notification direct. (3.) The registration shall be renewed annually, in the month of January.

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(4.) If any alteration takes place with regard to any particulars entered in the register, the register shall be corrected forthwith by the person responsible for the publication of the


2. A newspaper shall not be registered in the register of newspapers unless it is the property of a British subject, or of a joint-stock Company registered in the United Kingdom or in a British possession.

3. If the owner of a registered newspaper is not ordinarily resident in Corea, the name of some responsible British subject resident within the jurisdiction shall be registered as his agent for all purposes relating to these Regulations.

4. The owner or agent, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be responsible for the publication of the newspaper and for all matters appearing therein.

5. In every copy of a registered newspaper there shall be legibly printed, in English, the name of the owner or agent who is responsible for the publication.

6. A newspaper which is not registered shall not be deemed to be entitled to British protection as the property of a British subject:

Provided that nothing in this Article shall exempt the owners, printers, or publishers of such newspaper from liability to any criminal or civil proceedings to which they would have been liable if these Regulations had not been passed.

7. If any copy of a registered newspaper is published without the name of the person responsible for the publication appearing therein, as required by Article 5, the owner or agent, as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding 501., or to both.

8. A fee of 17. shall be paid on the first registration of a newspaper under these Regulations, and a fee of 58. shall be paid on the renewal of every such registration, or on the alteration of any particular contained in the register.

9. These Regulations may be cited as "The British Newspaper Regulations," and shall come into force on the 12th day of July, 1908.



KING'S REGULATIONS, under Article 143 of "The Morocco Order in Council, 1889,"* applying Moorish Regulations respecting the Trade in Arms and Ammunition to British Subjects.—Tangier, September 15, 1908.


The following Regulation made by His Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires, and allowed by the Secretary of State, is published for general information.

Tangier, September 15, 1908.

[No. 1 of 1908.]


His Britannic Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires.

Arms and Ammunition.

1. THE Regulation, of which the French version is printed in the Schedule to these Regulations, issued by the Government of Morocco in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the General Act of the International Conference at Algeciras, signed on the 7th day of April, 1906,† is hereby made binding upon, and shall be observed by, all persons to whom "The Morocco Order in Council, 1889," applies.

2. Any person to whom the said Order in Council applies contravening the said Regulation shall, on conviction, be liable to the punishment therein provided, and to such forfeiture, loss of licence, or other order as the Court, before whom the conviction takes place, may be authorized therein to declare, and, in the absence of any such provision, he shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 501., or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or to both such punish


3. These Regulations shall continue in force during such time as the said enactment remains in operation, and no longer. 4. These Regulations may be cited as "The Non-Ritled Arms and Ammunition Regulations, 1908." Tangier, September 15, 1908.


His Britannic Majesty's Charge d'Affaires.

* Vol. LXXXI, page 381.

+ Vol. XCIX, page 141.


Règlement relatif au Commerce des Armes de Chasse et de Luxe, non rayées, et de leurs Munitions.

Vu l'Acte d'Algésiras, notamment les articles 17 et 18 relatifs au commerce des armes de classe et de luxe, non rayées, et de leurs munitions, le règlement suivant a été élaboré conformément à l'accord intervenu entre la délégation chérifienne et le corps diplomatique :

ART. 1er. Le Gouvernement chérifien se réserve le droit d'ouvrir luimême ou d'autoriser ses sujets à ouvrir un ou plusieurs débits d'armes non rayées, de fabrication marocaine dans toute l'étendue de l'Empire.

2. Chacune des Puissances signataires de l'Acte d'Algésiras aura droit pour un seul de ses ressortissants à un débit d'arme de chasse et de luxe de fabrication étrangère à Tanger.

Les noms des candidats étrangers devront être notifiés au Gouvernement chérifien avant l'expiration d'un délai de six mois à partir de la mise en vigueur du présent règlement. Aussitôt après la notification le Makhzen délivrera l'autorisation nécessaire.

3. Le candidat devra être de la nationalité du pays qui le présentera, à l'exclusion des protégés visés par la Convention de Madrid.

4. Chaque candidat devra verser à la Banque d'État du Maroc un cautionnement de 1,000 douros Makhzani or, en espèces ou en titres d'emprunts des Puissances signataires de l'Acte d'Algésiras.

Il devra justifier de ses connaissances techniques en matière d'armes, ou tout au moins s'engager à avoir dans son personnel un employé qui devra justifier de ces connaissances.

Le candidat devra signer l'engagement de se conformer aux dispositions du présent règlement et spécialement à celles qui concernent les amendes.

5. La licence sera accordée sur la demande écrite de l'intéressé, lorsque celle-ci sera appuyée d'un avis favorable de la légation dont il relève s'il est étranger. Cet avis favorable devra être accompagné d'un certificat de bonne vie et moeurs, portant la même date que la demande et délivré par la légation.

6. La durée de la licence sera de trois ans. Elle sera renouvelable pour un nouveau terme de trois ans, et ainsi de suite, si le débitant dans l'intervalle, n'a encouru ni condamnation aux termes du chapitre 2 de l'Acte d'Algésiras, ni retrait temporaire aux termes du présent règlement, et à moins que le présent article ne soit modifié à l'expiration d'une période de trois ans.

Lors de chaque renouvellement de la licence, le certificat de bonne vie et mours du débitant devra également être renouvelé.

7. La licence sera purement personnelle. En cas de décès du débitant, elle ne sera continuée à ses héritiers que s'ils remplissent les conditions du présent règlement.

8. Le débitant devra résider à Tanger et exercer lui-même son commerce, dont il restera entièrement responsable. Il devra ouvrir un magasin public, limité aux armes et munitions énumérées à l'article 16 ainsi qu'aux articles de sport.

9. Les armes de chasse et de luxe non rayées, et leurs munitions accompagnées de leur certificat d'origine, seront admises sur une demande écrite du débitant, visée par la légation du pays d'origine. Le visa sera contresigné par le représentant de Sa Majesté chérifienne. La Douane apposera sur chaque arme à feu un plomb spécial; celui-ci ne pourra être enlevé qu'au moment de la livraison de l'arme à l'acheteur.

10. Le dédouanement des caisses et colis contenant les armes et les munitions sera opéré sur la production

(1.) De la demande écrite et visée, mentionnée ci-dessus ;

(2.) Du certificat d'origine;

(3.) Du connaissement indiquant le nombre, le poids des colis; le

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