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Stewart Syndicate-Purchase of gov-
ernment bonds by, 452-4.
Stock issues-Object of wide distribu-
tion, 511.

Stock ownership and the producers of
wealth, 412.

Stock watering on western railroads,

Subject peoples in the Philippines,


Sugar interests and the Hawaiian
Revolution, 90.

Sugar prices-And the trust, 495-8;
Controlled by the trust, 38.
Sugar production-Hawaii and Lou-
isiana, 37; Of Hawaii, 50; Pos-
sible production in Hawaii, 41-4.
Sugar trust-Activities of, 29; And
Hawaiian annexation, 32; Business
of, 38; Capitalization of, 481-2;
Competition of beet sugar with, 56,
61-2, 484-5; Composition of, 480-1;
Control of, over retail trade, 486-7;
Effect of, on industry, 479; Effect
of, on prices, 495-8; Extent of con-
trol by, 486; Interest in sugar
trade, 38; Methods of business, 486;
Newspapers and, 33; Over capitali-
zation of, 508-9; Plants operated
by, 482; Political power of, 38;
Power of, in Congress, 498; Price-
fixing by, 487, 491; Profits of, under
protection, 498; Profits of, 491-2;
Relation of, with independent re-
finers, 487; Reorganization of, 481;
Typical of trust methods, 500.
Sultan of Sulu-American dealings
with, 305; American Treaty with,
306-8; Contract with, concealed,
274; Dealings of Spain with, 305;
Political power of, 305-6; Salary
of, paid by United States, 308.
Sulu Forms of slavery in, 310, 312,
313; Government of, in 1894, 314-5;
Perpetuation of slavery in, 350; Re-
ligious beliefs in, 312.

Sulu Islands

American relations
with, 307-8; History of, 305.


Tariff-As an aid to the Trust, 492-
3; Rates of, on important items,
521-2; Unimportance of, as a politi-
cal issue, 528.

Taxation-Incidence of, 545.
Taxes-Amount of, paid by rich and

poor, 555.
Temperature-Effect of, on popula-
tion, 185.


Territorial acquisition-Gen. Grant
on, 174; Tradition of, in the United
States, 172-3.
Territorial aggrandizement Limita-
tions of, for America, 171.
Timber rights-Reservation of, de-
manded on public domain, 372.
Torture-As practised in Hawaii, 130;
Detail of, as employed by Ameri-
cans, 282-3.

Trade-And the flag, 328-9; With
Hawaii, 27-8.

Transportation-Costs of, mail and
express, 436-7.
Transvaal-Economic conditions in,
653; Natural character of, 632;
Population of, 632-3.

Treason and the Hawaiian Revolu-
tion, 121.

Tropical colonies-Failure of Euro-
peans in, 182.

Tropical populations And repre-
sentative government, 163; Density
of, 181.
Trusts-Control of government by,
472; Control of prices by, 577;
Definition of, 474; Development of,
in United States, 476; Effect of, on
employment, 516-8; Extent of con-
trol by, 523-4; Free trade as a
remedy for, 472; Future of, 524;
Historic opposition to, 478-9; In-
crease of prices through, 473;
Methods of, in destroying compe-
tition, 527; Objections to, 478;
Opposition of, to competition, 473;
Price-fixing by, 508; Provision for
elimination of, 474; Purpose of, to
limit production, 476-7; Relation of,
to political campaigns, 506; Results
of, on prices, 477; Statistics of,
518-9; Suggested methods for deal-
ing with, 526.


Unalaska-Geography of, 158; Stra-
tegic position of, 138; Temperature
of, 145.

Union Pacific Railroad-Early busi-
ness methods, 401; Finances of, 406;

Plan for government purchase, 400-
1; Proposed capitalization of, 398;
Proposal for purchase of, 396; Re-
habilitation of, by the government,
405; Reorganization of, and the
public interest, 400; Reorganizers
of, 399.

United States Beginnings of imperial
policy, 169; Change of policy of,
178; Distribution of wealth in, 548;
Marines and the Hawaiian revolu-
tion, 100; part played by, in
Hawaiian Revolution, 84; Position
of, in East, 187.

United States Leather Company-His-
tory of, 514.

United States Rubber Company-His-
tory of, 515.


Vested interests-Control of, over the
press, —; Presence of, in political
campaigns, 558.

Volunteer Army-Difficulties of rais-
ing, 278.


Wages-In Hawaii, 64.
Warfare-Methods of, in the Philip-
pines, 295.

Water Cure in the Philippines, 281,

Watered stock-As a source of exploi-
tation, 412; Issue of, by sugar
trust, 481.
Wealth-Accumulation of, and ex-
ploitation, 573; As a source of
power, 567; Labor as the source of,
412, 516; Protection of, by Con-
gress, 557.

of Causes of, in
United States, 578; Detail of, in
United States, 550-1; In England,
554; In United States, 548; In-
equality of, 581; Inequality of, in
ancient society, 579; Tables of
Holmes on, 550; Tables of Shear-
man on, 551; Tables of Spahr on,
Wealth estimates

Wood-Quoted, 48.


Inaccuracies of,



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