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No fubject is more interesting, or can be a fitter theme, for those vested with a poetical genius, than these of an evangelical nature, either directly founded upon some particular portion of facred writ, or drawn from it, by just and necessary consequence. No writings, for justness of sentiment, and fublimity of stile, can equal or compare with these of divine inspiration: and though the mysteries of Christianity, and the wonders of our holy religion, stand in no need of gay trimings and poetical embellishments to set them off; yet, such is the fuperior excellency of inspired poesy, that the brightest and most elevated defcriptions of a mortal pen must vail to it: and therefore, fays a celebrated writer, ' If any would attempt to be • master of true eloquence, and aim at a proper ele'vation of stile, let him read, with unremitting diligence, the antient prophets, and inspired apostles; * for their writings are an abundant source of all the • riches and ornament of speech.'

Where will you find fuch strong figures, bold metaphors, and furprisingly beautiful images, than in the writings of Mofes, the Ifraelitish law-giver, whom Longinus himself, a Gentile critic, cites as master of the true fublime stile? Where can there be seen, among all our celebrated moderns, such grandeur, variety, and justness of ideas, or more pomp and beauty of expreffion, than in the writings of Job? And is not poetical excellencies, depth of thought, and sublimity of stile, carried to its utmost pitch, in the writings of David, the prophet Ifaiah, and in fome passages of the lesser prophets? - When this is the cafe, is it not surprising that so many, endued with fine poetical abilities, should so much neglect, in their various compositions, to read their Bibles, adopt the sentiments, and attempt to imitate the fublime stile of the inspired writers?

It hath been now a long and just complaint, that poesy, which is of a divine original, should have been so much debased to the worst of purposes, in decorat☐ ing vice and profaneness; and that men, endued with such a happy talent, should so much employ it, in furnishing out theatrical entertainments, or upon ludicrous and profane trifles. How happy would it have been for the world, what an ornament to Chriftianity, and advantage to the church, and how honouring to ☐ themselves, as well as beneficial to the interests of religion, had they employed it on evangelical and divine subjects, in pointing out the beauties of creation, the bounty of providence, the depths of redeeming love and grace, and the excellency and sweetness of true religion and practical godliness!


The Rev. Mr. ERSKINE, Author of the following Poems, was happy in employing his poetical talent to the best of purposes: the fubjects he made choice of to handle, were of the utmost importance for mankind to know; his manner of treating them, truly evangelical; and the spirit that breathes through them, heavenly and divine; tending to warm the heart, excite to genuine devotion, and to inspire the mind with just and proper sentiments of God, and true religion.

The sentiments of Dr. Bradbury, relative to our Author's poetical talent, is very just. 'Mr. Erskine's 'Poems, says he, are greatly to be esteemed, for the 'sweetness of the verse, the disposition of the fubjects, 'the elegancy of the composition, and, above all, ' for that which animates the whole, the favour of ' divine and experimental knowledge."

The following lines of two celebrated English poets, in commendation of another, may not improperly be applied to our Author.

Say, human seraph, whence that charming force!
That flame! that foul! which animates each line;
And how it runs with fuch a graceful ease,
Loaded with pond'rous sense! Say, did not He,
The lovely JESUS, who commands thy breast,
Inspire thee with himself?-

No vulgar themes thy pious muse engage,
No scenes of lust pollute thy sacred page.
You in majestic numbers mount the skies,
And meet descending angels as you rife.-
Regard the man, who in seraphic lays
And flowing numbers fings his Maker's praise:
He needs invoke no fabled muse's art,


The heavenly fong comes genuine from his heart! From that pure heart which God has deign'd t' inspire, With holy raptures and a facred fire.

Thrice happy man!

GLASGOW, Sept. 24th.






THE Publishers Preface to the Poetical Works,

Page 3

A Defence of rhyme and musical metre,


A general Preface, shewing the Author's intention of writing the

Sonnets, viz. to open up some of the great mysteries of the gospel, and commend Christ to the foul; to point out some of the special doctrines he intends to elucidate; to assign rules to be observed, for reading them with profit and advantage,



A Recommendatory Poem on reading them, wrote by a Lady,




Preface, containing a pathetic call to read the Espousals with attention, and displaying the mysterious nature of the spiritual marriage,



A general account of man's fall in Adam, and the remedy provided in Christ; and a particular account of man's being naturally wedded to the law as a covenant of works,


Sect. 1. The fall of Adam,


Sect. 2. Redemption through Christ,



Sect. 3. Man's legal disposition,


Sect. 4. Man's strict attachment to legal terms, or to the law as

a condition of life,


Sect. 5. Mens vain attempt to seek life by Chrift's righteousness,

joined with their own; and legal hopes natural to all,



The manner of a sinner's divorce from the law, in a work of humiliation, and of his marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ; or, the way how a finner comes to be a believer,


Sect. r. Of a law-work, and the workings of legal pride under it, Sect. 2. Conviction of fin and wrath carried on more deeply and effectually in the heart,



Sect. 3. The deeply humbled foul relieved with some saving difcoveries of Christ the Redeemer,


Sect. 1. The sweet folemnity of the marriage now over, and the fad
effects of the remains of a legal spirit,


Sect. 2. A legal strain of doctrine discovered and discarded,

Sect. 3. The hurtfulness of not preaching Christ, and diftinguishing duly

between law and gospel,


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