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Representation of the People Bill
(Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Secretary
Walpole, Lord Stanley)

Ordered, That the Orders of the Day be post-
poned until after the Notice of Motion rela-
tive to the Representation of the People (Mr.
Chancellor of the Exchequer) March 18, 5
c. Motion for leave (Mr. Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer); after long debate, Motion agreed
to; Bill ordered; read 1o Mar 18, 6

[Bill 79]
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20" (Mr.
Hunt) Mar 25, 472; after long debate, De-
bate adjourned

Debate resumed (Second Night) Mar 26, 569
After long debate, Question put, and agreed to;
Bill read 2o


Representation of the People Bill-cont.
Clauses 1 and 2 agreed to

Clause 3 (Occupation Franchise for Voters in
Boroughs); Amendt. in page 2, lines 3 and 4,
after and 2," to insert "whether he in
person or his landlord be rated to the relief
of the poor" (Mr. Gladstone); Question,
"That the words, &c.," after long debate,

Committee April 12, 1599

Clause 3, Question again proposed, "That those
words be there inserted ;' after long debate,
A. 289, N. 310; M. 21: Division List, Ayes
and Noes, 1699; Committee-R.P.
Committee May 2, 1879

Amendt. Clause 3, page 2, leave out lines 4, 5,
6 and 7, and insert "is on the last day of
July then last past, and has during the whole
of the two years immediately preceding, been
the occupier as owner or tenant of any
house, warehouse, counting house, shop, or
other building being either separately or
jointly with any land within such borough
of a rateable value of or exceeding five
pounds" (Earl Grosvenor); after short de-
bate, Amendt. negatived

Amendt. in page 2, line 5, to leave out
"two years,"
"and insert "twelve calen-

dar months" (Mr. Ayrton); after long de-
bate, A. 197, N. 278; M. 81; Division List,
Ayes and Noes, 1908

Question, "That the words 'twelve calendar
months' be there inserted" (Mr. Ayrton);

Representation of the People (Ireland)
Bill (Colonel French, Mr. Marsh)
Question, Mr. Chichester Fortescue; Answer,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer Mar 21,

Order for Committee read April 8, 1268
After short debate, Instruction to the Com-
mittee, that they have power to alter the law
of rating (Mr. Coleridge), 1270
Moved, "That it be an Instruction to the Com-
mittee, that they have power to make pro-
vision for the prevention of Bribery and Cor-
ruption at Elections" (Sir Rainald Knight-e.
ley); after debate, Motion withdrawn
Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the

Amendt. To leave out from "That," and add
"all Parliamentary Boroughs having a less
population than 10,000 persons, according to
the Census of 1861, and from which the
second seat be taken, shall be increased by
adding either from the immediately sur-
rounding district, or from one or more neigh-
bouring Boroughs or Towns, a sufficient
number of inhabitants to give to every such
Parliamentary Borough a population of not
less than 10,000 persons" (Captain Hayter),
1278; after further debate, Question, "That
the words, &c.," put, and agreed to
Original Question again proposed, "That Mr.
Speaker do now leave the Chair; after
further long debate, Motion, "That the
Debate be now adjourned" (Mr. Gorst) put,
and negatived; main Question put, and
agreed to

Committee R.P.


Clause 3, Notice, Mr. Gladstone April 9, 1338;
Amendments (Mr. Gladstone), 1416
Order for Committee read; Motion,
Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair"
Moved, That this House do now adjourn
(Earl Grosvenor) April 11, 1486; after de-
bate, Motion withdrawn
Committee; Preamble postponed

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Ordered; after debate, read 1o April 9, 1349
[Bill 115]

Representation of the People (Scotland)


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RICHMOND, Duke of (President of the
Board of Trade)

Oaths Commission, 560

Private Bills-Board of Trade Reports, 704

ROEBUCK, Mr. J. A., Sheffield

Public Houses, &c. Leave, 160; Amendt. 162,


Representation of the People, Leave, 17, 65;
2R. 539, 656; Comm. 1285; cl. 3, Motion
for Adjournment, 1573, 1599

Unjust Weights and Measures Convictions, 1337



Roman Catholic Churches, Schools, and | SAMUELSON, Mr. B., Banbury
Glebes (Ireland) Bill (Sir Colman Nantlle Railway Company, 562

O'Loghlen, Mr. Gregory, Mr. Murphy)

c. Ordered; read 10* April 30

[Bill 127]


Canada Railway Loan, 3R. 1458
Luxemburg, Duchy of, 1868
Tornado," Case of the, 1263

RUSSELL, Colonel Sir C., Berkshire
Hyde Park-Reform Meeting, 1935
Mutiny, Comm. cl. 22, 921

Russian America, Cession of, to the United

Question, Mr. Watkin; Answer, Lord Stanley
April 1, 910; Question, The Earl of Claren-
don; Answer, The Duke of Buckingham
April 2, 979; Question, Sir Andrew Agnew;
Answer, Lord Stanley April 4, 1108


Trades Unions, Comm. cl. 2, 270; cl. 4, 273

Sale and Purchase of Shares Bill
(Mr. Leeman, Mr. Waldegrave-Leslie, Mr.
[Bill 38]
c. Order for Committee read; Moved, "That
Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair" (Mr.
Leeman) Mar 18, 96
Amendt. To leave out from "That," and add
"the Bill be committed to a Select Com-

mittee" (Mr. Grenfell); after short debate,

Amendt. withdrawn; Bill considered in
Committee Mar 18-R.P.
Committee-R.P. Mar 20, 267

Committee; Report April 2, 1063 [Bill 103]
Considered as amended* April 4
Read 30 April 5

1. Read 1* (The Lord Redesdale) April 8

(No. 74)

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SELWIN, Mr. H. J., Essex, S.

Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings, 2R. 675

SELWYN, Mr. C. J., Cambridge University
Hyde Park-Reform Meeting, 1981
Spiritual Destitution, 2R. 1087
Supply-New Courts of Justice, 1827

Tests Abolition (Oxford), Comm. 1432, 1446

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Navy-Motion for Returns, 813


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Cases of the

"Tornado" and "Victoria"

Question, Sir Robert Collier; Answer, Lord
Stanley Mar 21, 281; Question, Sir Robert
Collier; Answer, Lord Stanley Mar 25, 469;
Notice of Motion for Papers (The Marquess
of Clanricarde) postponed Mar 26, 560;
Question, Mr. Osborne; Answer, Lord Stanley
April 4, 1109; Postponement of Notice;
Question, The Earl of Malmesbury; Answer,
The Marquess of Clanricarde April 8, 1260;
short debate thereon; Question, Mr. Osborne ;
Answer, Lord Stanley April 8, 1287; Ques-
tion, Mr. Osborne ; Answer, Lord Stanley
April 11, 1482; Question, Colonel Sykes;
Answer, Lord Stanley April 12, 1586; Post-
ponement of Motion (The Marquess of Clan-
ricarde) May 2, 1870; Observations, Lord
Stanley, Mr. Baillie Cochrane, 1876

Parl. Papers [3772, 3801, 3813, 3815,
3820, 3825]

SPEAKER, The (Right Hon. J. E. Denison)
Nottinghamshire, N.

Army-Flogging in the, 292

Churchward, Mr., Case of, Motion for an Ad-
dress, 173, 1477

Ecclesiastical Establishments in the West
Indies, 887

Ecclesiastical Titles Act Repeal, Leave, 370
Factory Acts Extension, 2R. 451

Ireland-Tyrone Magistrates, 393 ;-Adminis
tration of Justice, 858, 860, 864, 880, 884,
885, 887;-Fenianism, 1930, 1931, 1932;-
Fenian Prisoners, 1990

London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Com-
pany, Motion for a Committee, 1343
Metropolis Gas, 2R. 1921

Navy-Roman Catholics, 316

Public Houses, &c. Leave, 160

Religious, &c. Buildings (Sites), Consid. 798
Representation of the People, 125; Comm.
1272, 1285, 1505

Tenants Improvements (Ireland), 2R. 1780
Tests Abolition (Oxford), Comm. 1443
Writs for re-election, Res. 1201
Young, Mr., Pension to, 441

SPEIRS, Mr. A. A., Renfrewshire
Scotland-Members for, 396

Spiritual Destitution Bill

(Mr. Ayrton, Mr. Beresford Hope)

c. Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2o " (Mr:
Ayrton) April 3, 1069
[Bill 27]
Amendt. to leave out "now," and add "upon
this day six months" (Mr. Howes); after
long debate, Question, "That now,' &c.;
A. 78, N. 173; M. 95; words added; main
Question, as amended, agreed to; Bill put off
for six months

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Navy Claim of Assistant-Commissary-General
Swan, 1873

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Private Bills-Board of Trade Reports, 705
Traffic Regulation (Metropolis), Report, 110

STANLEY, Right Hon. Lord Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs), Lynn

Agriculture of Austria and Denmark, 1485
Cholera Congress at Constantinople, 732


Cyclone," Owners of the, 731

Easter Holydays, Adjournment for the, 1596
International Currency Conference, 1479
Ionian Islands-State of the, 816
Italy-The Ministry, 1175

Japan-European Troops at Yokuhama, 1107
Luxemburg-Grand Duchy of, 909, 1253, 1257,
1705, 1786

Mexican Bondholders, 280
Muscat-Imaum of, 1478

Plantagenet Statues at Fontevrault, 817
Portugal-Commercial Treaty with, 564
Representation of the People, 908; Comm.
1502; cl. 3, 1575

Russian America-Cession of, to the United
States, 911, 1109

Servia-Jews in, Motion for Papers, 843
Spain--Relations with, 1109, 1110, 1267, 1268,
1482, 1586

"Tornado," Case of the, 282, 1876

Turkey-Cholera at Constantinople, 283 ;-

Christian Subjects of the Porte, 284;-
Fortresses in Servia, 288

United States-The "Alabama" Claims, 471
"Victoria," Case of the, 469

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Sunday Lectures Bill (Viscount Amberley,
Mr. Stuart Mill, Mr. Coleridge)
c. Ordered, after short debate; read 1° April 2,
[Bill 106]


Considered in Committee-NAVY ESTIMATES-
Question [March 14] again proposed, "That
67,300 Men and Boys be employed for the
Sea and Coast Guard Services, for the year
ending on the 31st day of March, 1868, in-
cluding 16,200 Royal Marines" Mar 21, 321
Motion, "That 65,300 Men and Boys be em-
ployed for the Sea and Coast Guard Services,
for the year ending on the 31st day of March,
1868, including 16,200 Royal Marines" (Mr.
Childers); after long debate, Committee R.P.
Question again proposed Mar 22, 448; after
short debate, Committee R.P.

Question again proposed April 1, 935; after
long debate, Amendt. withdrawn; original
Question put, and agreed to.-(2.) £1,900,952,
Wages, 971; after short debate, Vote agreed
to.-(3.) £1,241,614, Victuals and Clothing,
agreed to




Motion, "That a sum, not exceeding £176,018,
be granted to Her Majesty, to defray the
Salaries of the Officers and the Contingent
Expenses of the Admiralty Office, which will
come in course of payment during the year
ending on the 31st day of March, 1868;
after further short debate, Motion, "That
the Chairman do report Progress, and ask
leave to sit again" (Mr. Serjeant Gaselee)
put, and negatived; original Question put,
and agreed to-Resolutions reported April 2
Considered in Committee-CIVIL SERVICE ESTI-
MATES-£2,000, Special Rewards to certain
members of the Irish Constabulary Force
Mar 29, 894; after short debate, Vote agreed
Considered in Committee - CIVIL SERVICE
ESTIMATES £402,000, Advances for New
Courts of Justice and Offices April 30, 1826;
after short debate, Vote agreed to

SURTEES, Mr. H. E., Hertfordshire
Cattle Disease, 781

SYKES, Colonel W. H., Aberdeen City
Army-Colour Serjeant Connell, 467;-Pur-
chase of Commissions, Res. 1802

Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings, 2R. 690
Cattle Plague-Compensation for Slaughtered
Cattle, 1230; Res. 2014
Financial Statement, 1152

Houses of Parliament, Leave, 166

Metropolis Gas, 2R. 1918

Mutiny, Comm. Preamble, 934

Navy Estimates-Men and Boys, 943

Public Health (Scotland), 2R. 1926

Scotland-Management of Scotch Business in
Parliament, 400

Spain-Relations with, 1586

Storm Signals, 1173

SYNAN, Mr. E. J., Limerick Co.

Army-Medical Officers, 281

Bridges (Ireland), 2R. 797

Tenants Improvements (Ireland) Bill-cont.
Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned"
(Mr. Candlish); after short debate, Motion
agreed to; Debate adjourned

Question, Sir Frederick Heygate; Answer, The
Chancellor of the Exchequer April 12, 1585
Debate resumed April 29, 1710
Amendt. to leave out from "That," and add
"without prejudging the second reading of
this Bill, this House is of opinion that no
enactment for the settlement of the Landlord
and Tenant question in Ireland can be
deemed satisfactory which does not provide
for the encouragement of leases in that
Country" (Mr. Gregory); Question, "That
the words, &c.;" after long debate, Moved,
"That the Debate be now adjourned" (Mr.
Graves), 1778; Motion withdrawn
Question "That the words, &c.," negatived
Question, "That the words without prejudging
the second reading of this Bill, this House
is of opinion that no enactment for the settle-
ment of the Landlord and Tenant question in
Ireland can be deemed satisfactory which
does not provide for the encouragement of
leases in that Country,' be there added"
Amendt. proposed to proposed Amendt. by
leaving out all after "opinion," and add
"No property should be charged with the
repayment of loans advanced for the pur-
pose of making improvements except such
improvements be made with the consent of
the landlord" (Mr. Sandford)

Question, "That the words, &c.;" A. 104,
N. 108; M. 4

Question, "That the words 'no property, &c.,'
be there added "

Moved, "That the debate be now adjourned"
(Mr. Dick); A. 115, N. 97; M. 18; Debate

Question, Mr. Maguire; Answer, The Chancellor
of the Exchequer May 3, 1934

Tenure of Land (Ireland) Bill

(The Marquess of Clanricarde)

Ireland-Inspectors of Weights and Measures, 7. Read 2, after short debate April 9, 1323 (No.23)

Motion for a Committee, 414

Fenian Prisoners, 1951

Offices and Oaths, Comm. cl. 1, 1398

Promissory Notes (Ireland), 2R. 1863

Representation of the People-Voting Papers,

Tenants Improvements (Ireland), 2R. 1162,

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Tests Abolition (Oxford) Bill

(Mr. Coleridge, Mr. Grant Duff)

c. Order for Committee read; Moved, "That
Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair"
April 10, 1431

Moved, "That it be an Instruction to the
Committee, that they have power to extend
the provisions of the Bill to the University
of Cambridge" (Mr. Fawcett); after long
debate, A. 253, N. 166; M. 87; Division
List, Ayes and Noes, 1443

Motion, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the
Chair," agreed to
Committee; Report April 10

[Bill 16]

Thames Embankment-Sheilds' Petition
Moved, "That the Petition of Francis Webb
Sheilds, C. E. [presented 8th March], relative
to the Thames Embankment, be referred to
a Select Committee to inquire into the alle-
gations thereof and to report their opinion to
the House" (Mr. Lowe) Mar 21, 371

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