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Army, who shall give it only to those Regiments which shall prove that they require the same.

XXX. In consideration of the Country being from its nature almost entirely without the means of transport, the Imperial Treasury shall pay to the Treasury of His Holiness the indemnity for every beast, and for every Italian mile, which has been agreed upon in the Act annexed to the present Convention; which Act also fixes the indemnity to be paid by those who travel ex propriis.

XXXI. The Austrian Military Commander shall publish the severest Orders, to prevent the animals of transport, the waggons, and their Conductors, from being forced to go beyond the Station, (provided there be other means of transport there), and the waggons from being left without the men and the animals, and any abuse from being committed with respect to them. The Colonels or Commanding Officers of Regiments or Battalions shall be responsible for every loss which may happen in consequence of any such abuses.

XXXII. Post Horses shall not be given without an Order from the Papal Commandant of the Place, at the demand of the Austrian Commandant of the Transports.

XXXIII. The Military Expresses, and all those Officers who travel as Couriers, shall have their Passports examined by the Austrian Commandant, and shall pay the Post Expenses like other Travellers; and in case they should not have a conveyance of their own, they shall be satisfied with the usual conveyance to be found in every Post-House, and shall pay the charge for it.

XXXIV. It is expressly agreed, that every means of transport furnished in waggons, animals and Conductors, shall not go further than the first Military Station or Depôt beyond the Papal frontier, as well on the side of Tuscany as on that of Modena, and the LombardoVenetian Kingdom.

XXXV. For greater security, the Military Commandant of His Holiness shall station an Officer at Radicofani, another at Modena, and a third at Pollesella; in order to collect all the means of trans. port, to send them back, and to attend to the maintenance of complete regularity and the execution of the preceding Article. The High Contracting Parties shall apply for the consent of the 2 Governments of Tuscany and Modena.


XXXVI. There shall be no Military Hospitals, and the sick, having a Billet from the Local Commandant of His Holiness, shall be admitted to the Hospital of San Spirito, where they shall be treated in the same manner as all the other Patients. The Director of the Hospital of San Spirito shall send those affected with contagious disorders to the Hospitals destined for such Patients.

XXXVII. The Treasury of His Imperial and Royal Majesty shall

pay for each Patient, the indemnity agreed upon in the Act annexed to this Convention, the same to include food, medicine, linen, attendance, Physician, Surgeon, &c.

XXXVIII. The Austrian Commandant, resident at Rome, shall certify the number of the sick, and shall enquire into their proper treatment in the Hospitals, and into their conduct.

XXXIX. In case one or more Individuals should fall sick, at a Station where there is no Hospital, they shall be sent to the nearest Civil Hospital of the Country, if they should be in a state to be removed thither, and the same indemnity shall be paid for them as is stipulated for the Hospital of San Spirito; but if they should not be in a state to be removed thither, the Commandant of the Troops shall do whatever is prescribed for analogous cases.

XL. So soon as the Directors of the Hospital shall certify that the Patient is in a state of convalescence, the Local Commandant of His Holiness shall furnish him with a Billet, and he shall be treated like the detached Soldiers alluded to in Article XXII. The effects left by a Soldier who has died in the Hospital, shall be consigned and remitted to the Austrian Commandant, who shall dispose of them in the manner prescribed for his guidance.

XLI. All these dispositions shall be observed on the other Military Roads of Bologna and Ferrara,

XLII. The Accounts of the Hospitals shall be verified at the end of every month; and the Austrian Commandant, or, failing him, the Local Commandant of His Holiness, shall state in a List, the names, the Regiments, and the numbers of the sick, and also the time during which they have remained in the Hospital.

Settlement of Accounts.

XLIII. The settlement of the Accounts between the 2 Governments, for the expenses of the Austrian Troops belonging to the Army of Naples on their march, shall be founded on the production of the Demands, Orders, and Receipts, or Acknowledgments, Counter-acknowledgments, and Returns, and of the Journal of Stores furnished, which Journal shall be certified by the Commissary of War, who shall always be with the Regiments. (No. 11.) This Journal shall be verified at every Depôt of Stores, by the Local Commandant of His Holiness, who, previously to subscribing it, shall certify that the number of ra. tions expressed in the Journal corresponds with the quantity expressed in the Receipts.

XLIV. All the Receipts, as well for the provisions and forage supplied, as for the means of transport provided, shall be collected at each Station or Depôt of Stores by the Papal Commandant, and transmitted every month to his Government; and that Government shall cause a monthly Statement to be drawn up, in which shall be expressed the place, the date, the quantity of articles furnished, and

the name of the Officer who has given the discharge for them, and of the Regiment to which he belongs. These Accounts shall be transmitted to Lieutenant Field-Marshal Baron Köller, at Naples, so long as the Austrian Army shall be in that Kingdom, and, after the departure of the said Army from Naples, to the Commission which shall be appointed by the Austrian Government for the liquidation of them. General Köller will collect these Accounts, in order to facilitate the future settlement of them.

XLV. The Local Commandant of His Holiness, and the Austrian Commandant of the Transports, shall keep a daily Protocol, (No. 12.) in which they shall note whatever has been furnished, expressing the day, the quantity of articles supplied, the name of the Person who has received and given a discharge for them, and of the Regiment to which he belongs, and the place whence he came and whither he is going.

XLVI. The Austrian Military Commander, shall advise the Papal Government of the passage of a body of Troops exceeding 1,000 men, 8 days previously, and exceeding 500 men, 4 days previously, to such march being commenced.

When the main body of the Army of Naples shall be about to be set in motion, the General-in-Chief of the said Army shall send to the Papal Government and to the Local Commandants, the Plan of the march, 8 days previously to their departure, in order that every thing may be ready on the road, if it be possible.

General Dispositions.

XLVII. This Convention, and the Stipulations in it and in the Act which is annexed to it, shall remain in force for the space of 9 months; and when the period of its termination shall approach, the High Contracting Parties shall agree as to the propriety of renewing or altering it, or of fixing the prices according to a new scale.

XLVIII. If it should become necessary to add particular Articles to the present Convention, they shall be drawn up on the same prin ciples as those on which it is based, and in conformity with the relations of good harmony and intimate union which subsist between the 2 Courts.

XLIX. From a due regard for the interests of the 2 Courts and of the Army, this Convention shall take effect from the time of the signature of it by the Plenipotentiaries, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged at the end of 6 weeks, or sooner if it be possible.

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MESSAGE du Roi au Parlement de Sicile, relatif à la situation des Finances.-Palerme, le 17 Février, 1815.



L'INTENTION du Roi est que vous communiquiez au Parlement le Message suivant:

Sa Majesté n'ignore pas les efforts que la Chambre des Communes a faits pour fixer les voies et moyens pour la Convocation Triennale courante. Le Comité formé pour cet objet, n'a pas manqué d'y donner toute son attention. Il ne peut ignorer en effet la disproportion notable entre les Dépenses Nationales et le Revenu, et la nécessité de trouver promptement un remède pour empêcher la banqueroute, à Jaquelle Sa Majesté ne consentira jamais. Le retard des moyens qui ne peut qu'être désagréable à Sa Majesté, mais qui cependant peut être attribué à des circonstances imprévues, en rend la nécessité d'autant plus impérieuse.

Un nouvel évènement très-inattendu vient d'arriver; il est nécessaire que vous en donniez connaissance au Parlement, pour qu'il adopte telles mesures efficaces et promptes que la circonstance requiert. Par une Note Officielle datée du 10 Octobre dernier, le Ministre Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté Britannique fit connaître au Roi qu'il était autorisé, jusqu'à nouvel ordre, à payer la moitié du Subside de Guerre par paiemens mensuels, ce qui a été fait avec exactitude jusqu'au ler du présent mois de Février, et en conséquence de l'état favorable du Change, ce Subside a produit en 5 mois 154,166 onces.

Aujourd'hui ce Ministre, par une autre Note Officielle, a informé Sa Majesté qu'il n'était plus autorisé à faire aucune avance ultérieure. La cessation d'un Subside qui montait à près de 31,000 onces par mois, eût sensiblement affecté le cœur Royal de Sa Majesté, si elle n'avait eu la certitude que le Parlement pourvoira immédiatement au déficit. Si nos besoins, même pendant que nous recevions ce Subside, étaient tellement urgens, que la Chambre était continuellement occupée à fournir les Subsides nécessaires, il est évident qu'il faut aujourd'hui des remèdes plus immédiats et plus efficaces. Le Subside était payé très-régulièrement le premier de chaque mois, et il était affecté à la solde de l'Armée qui n'admet point de délai. La Sicile a donné les preuves les plus signalées de son empressement à appuyer la Monarchie par des Forces suffisantes. L'Armée s'est signalée elle-même dans toutes les occasions, et dans ce moment elle appellera plus particulièrement votre attention jusqu'à ce qu'une Paix complète assure la tranquillité du Royaume, et permette de diminuer les charges qui pèsent aujourd'hui sur la Nation.

A Palerme, le 17 Février, 1815.

Son Excellence François Pensabene,

Président de la Chambre des Communes.

SPEECH of the King, on the Opening of the Sicilian Parliament.-Palermo, the 30th April, 1815.



WAR is again lighted up in France and Italy. The fear of seeing it extend to other Countries has drawn closer the Grand Alliance of the Nations of Europe. They have again united their powerful Armies to extinguish this flame, before it can become fatal to the rights, the security, and independence of all Nations. It would have been the chief wish of my heart that this unexpected storm should not have interrupted the repose of the Kingdom of Sicily, the only Country which has been hitherto preserved from the scourges which have laid waste the richest and most flourishing Countries.

But in order that this happiness be durable, we must not remain tranquil Spectators of the contest on which our fate depends. In the common danger, we must not confine ourselves to the hope of Divine aid. My sacred rights to the Kingdom of Naples are the chief foundation of the repose of my faithful Sicilians. The extremity of Italy is so near to this Kingdom, that the least ferment of discord therein cannot be without danger to us.

At liberty to make the choice between Peace and War, I cannot abstain from engaging in this most just of contests. All the Allied Powers have recognized the justness of my cause. The preservation of my Dominions, the necessity of supporting the sacred rights of my Crown, the obligations imposed on me by Treaties, and, above all, the necessity of exterminating poisonous germs, which, by their development, might destroy the balance of Europe and the general liberty, render necessary the prompt co-operation of my Troops with those of the illustrious Sovereigns my Friends and Allies.

On the eve of putting myself at the head of an Army, and conducting it to the frontier, I present myself to this respectable Assembly, in order to announce to you my approaching departure from the Capital, and to ask of you the supplies which circumstances imperiously demand.

It is not the ambition of a Prince, nor the wish to obtain a foreign and unimportant object, which require this sacrifice. Amidst the universal agitation, you cannot remain unconcerned. Consider that there is a possibility of your losing your most valuable blessings. While Europe was desolated by the most cruel War, you enjoyed the advantages of Peace; you improved your Constitution; you acquired considerable privileges. Will you abandon these advantages, by taking

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