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VII. La présente Convention sera en vigueur pen- 1824 dant 10 ans, à dater de ce jour, et au delà de ce terme, jusqu'à l'expiration de 12 mois après que l'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes aura annoncé à l'autre son intention de la terminer; chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes se réservant le droit de faire à l'autre une telle déclaration au bout des 10 ans susmentionnés; et il est convenu entre elles, qu'à l'expiration de 12 mois après qu'une telle déclaration de l'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes aura été reçue par l'autre, cette Convention, et toutes les stipulations y renfermées, cesseront d'être obligatoires pour les deux parties.

VIII. La présente Convention sera ratifiée, et les ratifications en seront échangées à Londres, dans l'espace, d'un mois, ou plutôt si faire se peut.

En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes. Fait à Londres, le 16. Juin, l'an de Grâce, 1824. (L. S.) C. E. MOLTKE. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. (L. S.) W. HUSKISSON.

Article séparé.

Les Hautes Parties Contractantes se réservent de s'entendre sur des stipulations additionnelles, à l'effet de faciliter et de donner plus d'extension, même au délà des dispositions de la Convention de ce jour, 'aux rélations commerciales de leurs sujets et étâts respectifs, sur la base d'avantages réciproques ou équivalens, selon que cela pourra être: et supposé la signature, par les dites Hautes Parties Contractantes, d'un ou de plusieurs Articles renfermant de pareilles stipulations, il est convenu que tel ou tels Articles qui seraient, par la suite, ainsi conclus, seront considérés comme faisant partie intégrale de la susdite Convention.

Le présent Article séparé aura la même force et valeur que s'il était inséré, mot à mot, dans la Convention de ce jour. Il sera ratifié, et les ratifications en seront échangées en même tems.

En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes.

Fait à Londres, le 16. Juin, l'an de Grâce, 1824. (L. S.) C. E. MOLTKE.

Nouv. Supplém. Tome I.




Article additionnel.

Leurs Majestés Britannique et Danoise sont mutuellement convenues, qu'à l'avenir il ne sera levé dans leurs Etats (les colonies de part et d'autre étant exceptées de la Convention de ce jour) aucun droit autre ou plus considérable, sur les effets et la propriété personnelle de leurs sujets respectifs, en les transférant des Etats de leurs dites Majestés réciproquement, (soit en cas d'héritage ou autrement) qu'il ne sera payé dans chaque Etat sur les dites propriétés et effets, en les faisant sortir du pays par les sujets des Etats respectifs.

Le présent Article Additionnel aura la même force et valeur que s'il était inséré, mot à mot, dans la Convention de ce jour. Il sera ratifié, et les ratifications en seront échangées en même tems.

En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes.

Fait à Londres, le 16. Juin, l'an de Grâce, 1824. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. (L. S.) W. HUSKISSON.

(L. S) C. E. MOLTKE.


Ordre du Conseil de S. M. Britannique
pour régler les droits à percevoir des
bâtimens danois et de leurs cargaisons
dans les ports britanniques. En date
du 30. Juin 1824.

At the Court at Carlton-House, the 30th of June 1824.
Present, the King's most excellent Majesty in Council.

Whereas, by an act, passed in the 4th year of His present Majesty's reign, His Majesty is authorised, by and with the advice of His privy Council or by His Majesty's order in council, to authorise the importation into, or exportation from the United Kingdom or from any other of His Majesty's dominions, of any goods, wares or merchandise, which may be legally imported or exported in foreign vessels, upon payment of such and the like duties only, and with

the like drawbacks, bounties and allowances, as are 1824 charged, or granted upon similar goods, wares, or merchandise, when imported or exported in British vessels, provided always, that before any such order or orders shall be issued, satisfactory proof shall have been laid before His Majesty and His Privy Council, that goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into, or exported from, the foreign country in whose favour such remission of duties, or such drawbacks, bounties, or allowances, shall be granted, are charged with the same duties, and are allowed the same drawbacks, bounties, or allowances, when imported into, or exported from, such foreign country, in British vessels, as are levied or allowed on similar goods, wares, and merchandise, when imported or exported in vessels of such country: and whereas etc. His Majesty is authorised (in certain cases), by and with the advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order or Orders in Council to be published from time to time in the London Gazette, to permit and authorise the entry into any port or ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of any other of His Majesty's dominions, of any foreign vessels, upon payment of such and the like duties of tonnage only as are or may be charged or granted upon or in respect of British vessels; and whereas satisfactory proof has been laid before His Majesty and His Privy Council, that goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into, or exported from, the ports of Denmark, are charged with the same duties, and are allowed the same drawbacks, bounties, or allowances, when imported or exported in British vessels, as are levied or allowed on similar goods, wares, and merchandise, when imported or exported from Denmark in Danish vessels; and that British vessels are charged with no other or higher tonnage duties on their entrance into the ports of Denmark, than are levied on Danish vessels; His Majesty, by virtue of the powers vested in Him by the Acts above recited, and by and with the advice of His Privy Council, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the 1st day of July next, Danish vessels entering the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in ballast or laden, or departing from the ports of the said

1824 United Kingdom, together with the cargoes on board the same, such cargoes consisting of articles which may be legally imported or exported, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever, than are or shall be levied on British vessels entering or departing from such ports, or on similar articles when imported into, or exported from such ports in British vessels; and also that such articles, when exported from the said ports in Danish vessels, shall be entitled to the same bounties, drawbacks, and allowances, that are granted on similar articles when exported in British vessels:

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.



Déclaration du Dey d'Alger sur le
renouvellement de la paix avec la
Grande-Bretagne, datées du 26
Juillet 1824 *).

(Traduction officielle de l'original arabe.)
By His Most Serene Highness The Dey of Algiers.
Whereas His Majesty The King of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, has represented
to us his expectation that we would give a more ex-
tended interpretation to the Enactments of the 17th
Article of the Treaty, concluded between Great Britain
and Algiers on the 5th of April, 1686, which provides
for the entire safety and freedom of the person and
estate of His said Majesty's Agent and Consul-General
residing in this our City and Kingdom of Algiers:
We are readily disposed to comply with the wishes of
His Britannic Majesty, in proof of our sincere desire
to confirm and establish more lastingly the relations
peace and harmony which so happily subsist between

*) Voy. Recueil Supplém. T. X. (Nouv. Rec. T. VI.). p. 558,

Great Britain and this Kingdom; and we do, there- 1824 fore, heartily promise and declare, and it is hereby agreed and declared;

I. That for the future, and for ever, the British Agent and Consul-General, residing in the City and Kingdom of Algiers, shall be treated at all times with the respect and civility due to his character.

II. That his person and house, or houses, should be inviolable, and if any person injure or insult him, by word or deed, such person shall be severely punished.

III. That he shall have liberty to choose his own. interpreters and servants, either Musselmen or others, who are not to pay any tax or contribution whatever.

IV. That he shall have the liberty at all times of hoisting His Majesty's flag, at the top of his house, either in town or country, and in his boat when he passes on the water.

V. That he shall not pay duty for furniture, clothes, baggage, or any other necessaries, which he imports into the City or Territories of Algiers for the use of himself or of his family, and that, if the nature of His Britannic Majesty's Service, or any other motive, require his absence from this Kingdom, neither himself, his servants, baggage, nor effects, shall be stopped or detained, upon any pretence whatsoever, but that he shall have free leave to go and to return as often as he may think it necessary; and finally, that all honours or privileges that are now or may hereafter be granted to the Agent, Consul, or Vice-Consul, of any other Power, shall likewise be granted to His Britannic Majesty's Agent and Consul-General, and to his Vice-Consul.

Confirmed and sealed in the Warlike City and Kingdom of Algiers, in the presence of Almighty God, the 26th day of July, in the year of Jesus Christ 1824, and in the year of the Hegira 1239, and the 29th day of the Moon, Del Cada.

(Signature of the Dey.)

Witness, R. C. SPENCER,

(Seal of the Dey.)

Capt. of H. B. M.'s Ship the Naiad.

H. Mc. DONEel,

H. B. M.'s Agent and Consul-General.

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