INDEX. An analytical index to the Constitution of the United States, and A. ADAMS, Vice President U. S. First election of John Page. 37 ADAMS, do. do. second election of John 38 ADAMS, as President U. S. Election of John 39 ADAMS, as President U. S. Election of John Quincy 47 ADAMS, Vice President, in Senate U. States. Attendance of John ADDRESS of George Washington, on accepting his com- mission as commander-in-chief of the army, on June 16, 1775 167 ADDRESS of the President of Congress to George Wash- ADDRESS of George Washington in reply to the same 170 ADDRESS of Thomas Mifflin, President of Congress, in answer to the same 172 173 ADDRESS of George Washington, as President of the U. AMENDMENTS of the Constitution, when ratified by the ANALYTICAL index of the Constitution and amend- ments. An ANNAPOLIS, in 1796, recommending the Convention to ers at APPORTIONMENT of Representatives among the seve- ARMY of the United Colonies fixed at $500 per month. ARMY of the United States on 23d December, 1783. Re- B. BURR, as Vice President U. S. Election of Aaron BURR, as Senator U. S. Term of service of Aaron C. CALHOUN, Vice President U.S. First election of John C. CALHOUN, Vice President, in Senate U. S. Attendance CALHOUN resigned as Vice President, 28th December, CALHOUN, as Senator U. S. Terms of service of John C. remarks on duty of every CLINTON, Vice President U. S. Election of George of George sys- COMMERCE. Resolution of Virginia for a uniform appointed for said purpose, 14th September, 1786 fo COMMERCE. Resolution of Congress, of 21st February, Page. 157 xxxiii 115 158 167 167 171 41 56, 58 73 47 48 60 62 88 158 ix 42 58 114 116 122 COMMERCE. Acts of the several States for the appoint- Page. 122 8 COMPENSATION to the President and Vice President U. 157 COMPENSATION to persons appointed to deliver the 155 COMPENSATION to do. do. do. 1825 157 CONFEDERATION, showing the inefficiency of that go- 109 CONFEDERATION. The formation of a Convention to 122 frame the Constitution, recommended in 1786, as a means CONFEDÉRATION. See Congress of the. CONGRESS, from 4th March, 1789, to 10th August, 1846. 56 CONGRESS, from 1789 to 1846. Names of Senators in 64, 104 CONGRESS, elected Speaker of House Representatives, from 1789 to 1846. Names of Representatives in CONGRESS of the Confederation, which led to the adop- CONGRESS of the Confederation in 1787, recommending 105 109 109, 113 120 CONGRESS of the Confederation, of 28th Sept., 1787, 148 CONGRESS of the Confederation, on 13th Sept., 1788, pro- 150 CONGRESS shall be in session on the second Wednesday 155 |