PACIFIC. Order in Council (British). Pacific (Jurisdiction) Order in Council, 1893. Amend- PANAMÁ. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:--with Costa Rica. Convention. Arbitration. Boun- dary. Washington, 17th March, 1910. 404 United States, &c. Convention. Status of PARAGUAY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with United States, &c. Do. 1906. 1013 Convention. Status of Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1010 Convention. Pecuniary Claims. Extending duration of Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1013 PARCEL POST. Agreement. Austria-Hungary and Russia. Value- } 235 Buenos Ayres, 1st September, 1908. Convention. Equator and Italy. Rome, 17th December, 1910. 431 Japan and Mexico. Tôkið, 25th April, ;} 1910. 578 PASSAMAQUODDY BAY. See BOUNDARIES. continuance of. Port-au-Prince, 20th May, 1910. 427 * Not ratified by Paraguay (November 1913). Page PATENTS, &c. Order in Council (British). Application of Act of 1907 to Agricultural London, 10th January, 1910. 139 (Do.) Do. Railways PECUNIARY CLAIMS. See CLAIMS. London 10th January, 1910. 144 Do. Ottoman Dominions. London, 7th November, 1910. 203 PERSIA. Correspondence. Affairs of Persia (Anglo-Russian Conven- Southern Persia, &c.).-1907-1910. TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN 644 London, 7th November, 1910. 177 Tehran, 24th June, 1910. 984 Great Britain, &c. Declaration. African Slave to Trade. Modifying De- Brussels, 15th June, 1910. 255 PERSIAN GULF. Agreement. Great Britain and Persia. Parcel Post via Persian Gulf. Tehran, 24th June, 1910. 984 PERU. Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals of Distress. Regulations. Page PERU. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with PHOTOGRAPHS. Colombia. Agreement. Modifying that of 1909. Bogotá, 13th April, 1910. 401 United States, &c. Convention. Status of Natu- Do. See COPYRIGHT. POLICE. See JURISDICTION. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906.* 1010 Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906.* 1013 Argentine Republic and Uruguay. Monte Video, 5th January, 1909. 357 "PORTO." Notes. Portugal and United States. Use of Term. PORTUGAL. Decree. Naturalization of Foreigners in Portugal. Washington, 28th June, 1910. 994 Order in Council (British). Lisbon, 2nd December, 1910. 619 of Distress. Regulations. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with London, 13th October, 1910. 165 Treatment. Subjects, Goods, Vienna, 22nd May (4th June), 1910. 398 France. Notes. Guinea Boundary. Paris, { 29th October, Do. 4th November }1904. 976 Slave Trade. Modify- nexed to Brussels Act, Brussels, 15th June, 1910. 255 Brussels, 23rd September, 1910. 434 United States. Notes. Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Use of Terms "Porto" and "Madeira." Subsidized Line of Steamers. Washington, 28th June, 1910. 994 Not ratified by Peru (November 1913). Page POSTAL CONVENTIONS, &C. Agreement. Great Britain and France. Insured Letters. Southern Porto Novo, 1st October, 1910. 459 See also MONEY ORDERS. PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. Declarations. Luxemburg and Nor- Christianis, 1st June, 1910. 615 Declaration. Norway and Sweden. Christiania, 20th October, 1910. 618 PROBATE, &C. Order in Council (British). Ottoman Dominions. PROCLAMATIONS. See EGYPT. London, 7th November, 1910. 216 Brussels, 22nd March, 1910. 531 PROPERTY. Convention. Germany and Greece. Succession Duties. ... Movable Property. Notification (Great Britain). 1910. 545 Deceased Subjects. De- London, 30th July, 1910. 460 (Japan). Deceased Subjects. Denunciation by Japan of Convention of 1900. Tôkio, 17th July, 1910. 571 PROTECTORATE. Agreement. Great Britain and Trengganu. British Protectorate over Trengganu. Singapore, 22nd April, 1910. 987 Treaty. France and Wallis Islands. French Pro- tectorate over Wallis Islands. Matautu, 19th May, 1910. 544 PROTECTORATES (BRITISH). List of Proclamations (United States). Applying Minimum Tariff to various. January-March, 1910. 1039 PUTUMAYO. Agreement. Colombia and Peru. Settlement of Claims 1909. R. RAILWAYS. Convention. Austria-Hungary and Italy. Primolano- Vienna, 26th November, 1910. 358 Japan and Russia. Manchuria. See also EXHIBITIONS. St. Petersburg, 4th July, 1910, 586 REGISTRATION. Order in Council (British). Ottoman Dominions, London, 7th November, 1910. 230 REGULATIONS. See GERMANY. GREAT BRITAIN. Page RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS. Notes. Bulgaria and France. Catholic REPORT. See CANADA. NETHERLANDS. RIFF (THE). See PERSIA. Religious Establishments in Sofia, 2nd (15th) April, 1910. 388 Morocco and Spain. Administration of Madrid, 16th November, 1910. 593 RIVERS. See PLATE AND ST. MARY'S RIVERS. ROUMANIA. Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals London, 13th October, 1910. 165 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Berlin, 18th February (3rd March), RUSSIA. Correspondence. Affairs of Persia (Anglo-Russian Conven- 1910. Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals of 644 Distress. Regulations. [1909-10. CII.] 4 B |