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partisans. On voit que la nation Napolitaine est sur | AH! LE BEAU JOUR, QU'UN JOUR DE BAL. le point d'être isolée, et que les intérêts du roi Joachim ne peuvent sympathiser avec ceux des grands souverains de l'Europe. En vain le roi parcourt les rues, affecte de se montrer populaire; cela ne produit plus qu'un effet médiocre : les lazzaronis même paroissent assez froids aux avances qu'on leur fait. La police, d'une autre côté, est très-sévère. On a arrêté plusieurs individus, quelques-uns entr'autres qui arrivoient de Palerme. On prétend avoir découvert une conspiration.ed, anticipating the pleasure, which it was about to


Le refus du curé de St. Roch de recevoir dans son église le corps de Mademoiselle Raucourt, actrice du Théâtre François, avoit indisposé tout Paris contre le clergé, qu'on avoit plaint lorsqu'il étoit persécuté, et auquel on ne pardonnoit pas d'être intolérant à son tour. Malheureusement, le curé de Ste. Marguerite, vient de donner au faubourg Saint Antoine un scandale, qui ne raccommode pas les affaires du clergé. Un tapissier, nommé Vatrin, l'a trouvé à minuit, bloti dans l'aleove de sa femme, dont l'âge (52 ans) sembloit devoir la mettre à l'abri des entreprises même du froc. Vatrin est tombé à coups de pied sur le curé qui s'est sauvé en chemise dans la cour, où, pour comble de mal-encontre, un gros chien déchaîné, se joignant à son maitre, a mis le pauvre curé dans un tel état, qu'on l'a rapporté à son presbytère plus mort que vif. Il est mort, peu de jours après, de ses blessures. La police l'a fait enterrer à cinq heures du matin pour prévenir les rassemblemens du peuple, qui devoit l'accompagner au cimetierre avec des huées.

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La Quotidienne a eu l'impudente audace d'affirmer dans un article daté de Milan, "que des livres et des pamflets étoient sans cesse envoyés de Genève en Italie dans le dessein de troubler l'église: qu'il y avoit dans cette ville un foyer de mauvais esprit qui fait sévèrement sentir tous les inconvéniens de la position incertaine de cette ville; que Genève étoit le point central des agitateurs dispersés dans toute la Suisse, que 8,000 mousquets sortis de ses ateliers avoient été nouvellement saisis dans les montagnes de la Suisse &c."

Dans tout ceci il n'y a pas un mot de vrai, ni même de probable. Tout le monde sait qu'il n'y a pas une seule manufacture d'armes dans Genève; et que nos mousquets au nombre de plus de 6000, furent enlevés de nos arsenaux par ordre de Bonaparte. On sait également que notre gouvernement n'en a point en sa possession plus de 150, achetés dernièrement, et insuffisans pour armer notre petite garnison, et que nous en attendons 400 de plus du déhors. Nos principes de modération sont bien connus, et l'on sait aussi combien nous sommes loin de désirer de troubler la paix de l'église Ce prétendu foyer de mauvais esprit est une calomnie. Les Genevois sont attachés à l'Auguste maison de Bourbon, et notre gouvernement fera toujours tous ses efforts pour mériter la bienveillance et la protection de Louis XVIII.

(Extrait du Times.)

On Monday last, a most brilliant fête was given by His Excellency Sir JoHN DOYLE, Bart. G. C. B. and K. C. Lieutenant-Governor of this island, and commander in chief of the forces therein, to the military, and fashionables, in honour of the gallant conduct of his regiment on the plains of Barrosa. Many a female heart beat high, with expectation, as the day approach

experience. Nor could it have suffered disappointment even though its wishes had shot beyond the bounds of moderation. The doors were thrown open at an early hour, but the avenues were so crowded, that it was with great difficulty, the carriages could reach them, without endangering the lives of the spectators. As soon as a sufficient number of the party had arrived, the dancing commenced. The ball room was extremely well lighted, having at the head of it a transparency displaying the Prince Regent's plume, and the names of have most distinguished themselves. To afford a greater those places where the two battalions of His Excellency degree of accommodation, a communication was formed by means of various colors to the billiard room, the sides and roof of which were also fantastically decorated in the same way. The pleasing hand of art was only surpassed by the fascinating powers of nature. We almost conceived ourselves among the Heathen Deities. In one part stalked a Juno, here gracefully moved a Venus, and there firmly trod a Mars.

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As soon as the clock struck twelve the supper rooms were thrown open; when about three hundred sat down to the most choice delicacies. It might truly he said, that "the tables they groaned with the weight of the feast." When hostilities had ceased against the fowls, cakes and jellies; His Excellency, after a very elegant speech, gave the Island of Guernsey and 'lest" said he, the custom of huzzaing should prove too much let the gentlemen clap their hands, and the ladies wave their fair arms over their heads. After this, His Excellency's health was drank, when the assembly, forgetting his injunctions, simultaneously broke out into the most was then drank; when Sir Milley Doyle, with much rapturous applause, Lieutenant-colonel Gough's health. judgment and taste, introduced the following stanzas, in a song, in compliment to the gallant conduct of the Prince's Own, at the battle of Barrosa,

But we cannot refrain,

Of Barossa's fam'd plain

To rehearse, where great valor was shewn,
For there Graham's small band,
Beat the Moupseer's offhand,
Who were charg'd by the brave Prince's Own.

And 'twas there in dismay
That the French ran away,...

For resistless Gough march'd to conquest,
When he chain'd down from flight,
With a true hero's might
The proud Eagle he wears on his breast.

This was received with considerable applause. Major Kennedy, assistant quarter-master-general, sang several songs, in beautiful style; which evinces, that he is no tyro in musical and vocal proficiency. Mr. Curtis next sang the comic song of the "Humours of Bartlemy Fair," (if we may use the colloquial phrase) which was was encored, and he retired from the door way, (where he stood for the convenience of all parties hearing him) amidst reiterated plaudits. Two hours having passed in this rational manner, the compar returned to the ball room, where the dancing was keptup to a very late hour on Tuesday morning.

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"Let us rehearse' bawls out with lungs stentorian · To his fair rib, fam'd Berry the historian;

* This is said to be an absolute fact, viz: that Mr. B. puts on a gown and wig and rehearses his introductory speech to the Regent five or six times every day.

Jeudi Vendredi

11 6 33 12 55

2 6 21 45 92 33

4 8 57 3 21 5.8 45 3 9 6 9 331 4 57

Ce journal est publié tous les Samedis, à 7 heures du matin, à l'Office du MIROIR POLITIQUE,, No. 185, aur bas du Pollet; et à la maison occupée par capt. Champion au Marché. On le porte, avant midi, chez les différens souscripteurs des environs de la ville. Tous avis, annonces, &c. qu'on désire y insérer, sont reçus à l'imprimerie seulement, jusqu'au Vendredi matin de chaque semaine. Le prix de l'abonnement est des six schellings par an, et pour la feuille détachée trois pennys.


Miroir Politique,

No. 111.]


Journal Hebdomadaire.





CAPITAL, £1,200,000.


ENTLEMEN IN THE LEARNED PROFESSIONS, or in Public Offices, Officers in the Army and Navy, and all persons enjoying an Income during their Lives, are, by LIFE ASSURANCE, afforded an opportunity of making suitable provisions for their Families.

A creditor may also assure the Life of his debtor for the amount of his debt; and arrangements in the cases of Loans, may, by such means,' be made highly conve nient to the borrower, and afford security to the lender.

Peculiar facilities are given at this Office in effecting ASSURANCES ON LIVES, and a Commission of 5 per cent, on the first Year's Premium, will be allowed to any person introducing Life assurances.

Example. By paying annually the sum of £2. 15s. 5d. a person aged thirty may assure £100 at his death, to his Wife, Relation or Friend.

Or. By paying annually the sum of £ 1. 19s. 10d. a person aged sixty may assure £100, or an Annuity of £13, for the remainder of his life, in case he survives a person aged thirty.


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Health is the only Riches a man can set a value upon; without it all men are poor, let their estate be what it will."—Moore.

CLOMON'S CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD is recommended to the afflicted with nervous disor. ders, to those suffering from heal or change of climate, and to those who labour under weakness and relaxations, originating in a variety of other causes, and to thousands of people, growing old before their time, by having unguardedly plunged themselves into the commissiou of a solitary and deluding vice. It has happily been the means of recovery of the mind as well as the body, and exalted them from a state of melancholy and despair, to that of health, peace and happiness. The delusive habit here alluded to, is not confined to the gay, the

Assurances may be effected to the amount of £5000 on one Life. Persons entering into Life Policies with this Com-giddy, and the vain-for, alas! the rich, the poor, the pany, whose pecuniary circumstances should so far change as to prevent parties-making good their annual payments, it will be a great satisfaction in the first justance to know, that this difficulty may be removed by assuring with the ATLAS COMPANY, it being a condition in their Life Policies, that the Interest of the Assured will at any time be purchased at an equitable


Persons desirous of purchasing ANNUITIES on their own Lives, or on the Lives of others, may receive the same Quarterly, Half Yearly, at their own option.


This Company, in soliciting the attention of the Public, offer the following advantages, viz:

To pay Rent in case of Fire, without any additional Premium.

To Assure Farming Stock, without an average Clause, at 2s. per Cent. per annum. To make good Damage by Lightning. And, to issue Policies, make Endorsements and. Surveys, free of expence, to the assured.

young, and those of riper years, even those of a serious and religious disposition, are often drawn by an unaccountable infatuation to the commission of the melancholy crime. All such should have recourse to this noble medicine, and seriously attend to the observations and the cases described in "Dr. Solmon's Guide to Health," price 3s. In that mirror they will behold the dreadful consequences they are procuring to themselves, that road, which, though strewed with flowers, is sure and may then, perhaps, be persuaded to retire from to lead them only to destruction.

Sold at S.M. Taylor's Patent Medicine Warehouse, bottom of High-street, in bottles 11s. 6d. each, or four in one Family bottle, at 25s. by which 11s. are saved, with the words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp.--Round each bottle is wrapped a copious bill of directions, in the English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese Languages, contain ing select illustrations of its efficacy.

Dr. Solomon expects, when consulted by letter, the usual compliment of a one pound note to be inclosed, addressed," Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead-House, near Liverpool.-Paid double postage."

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LIAS GUERIN, HAS FOR SALE, SWEDISH deals, of different lengths and thicknesses, and Swedish iron of different sizes, wine and porter boxes, Russia cordage of various sizes; also sail cloth, at his store, Bordage.

The above has also good upland hay for sale.

COLLINGS AND Betts, have the following goods for sale, at their


brewery, Country Mansell.

A parcel of fine Hollaud Geneva.

A small quantity of lump sugar.

A few tons of cordage, and about ten thousand Dutch hoops.

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TO BE LET, AT PRESENT, TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, at James Le Lievre's, at the Carrefour-au-Lievre, bordering the New-Road, at Fort George. Apply at the above place.


Street, except the shop; the house is very large with every convenience, and well calculated for an hotel or large families; for particulars, apply on the premises.


60 Pipes of oil proof Spanish brandy.

47 Do. of best Alaque red wine, (Spanish)

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Newcastle coals for sale, at 15s. per quarter.

NO LET, A GENTEEL DWELLING HOUSE, at the top of Bosq-Lanc, at present occupied by Capt. W. Shepheard, R.N.; possession may be had on the 5th of April; apply to Mr. Peter De Lisle, New-Town.


sale, Geneva by the pipe and hogshead, packing paper and a few bags coffee.


Tuition of Music and the German Language. WALTHER, GRATE ULLY ACKNOWLEDGING the distinguished patronage he has

J. AND W. COLLINGS AND BROTHERS, been favoured with since his arrival in this island, begs

have for sale;

5 Hogsheads of lump and loaf sugar.

30 Bales of best cut corks.

15 Pipes of white wine.

30 Pipes of Spanish red wine.

3 Cases of English soap.

4 Barrels of Starch.

A few tons of various size cordage.

APT. POWER, HAS ABOUT FOUR TONS of fine upland and meadow hay, for sale, at a reasonable price.

leave to inform his friends and the public, that his 6th quarter will commence on the 25th inst.

For terms or any orders for tuning piano fortes, apply at J. G. Hick's library, Smith-street.

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To His Majesty's land forces iu cantonments, quarters, and barracks, in the under-mentioned counties and islands:

Alderney, Anglesea, Bedford, Berks, (including the town of Hungerford,) Berwick, Brecon, Bucks, Combridge, (including the town of Newmarket,) Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnavon, Chester, Cornwall,

(including Scilly,) Cumberland, Denbigh, Derby,
Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Flint, Glamorgan,
Gloster (including the city of Bristol), Guernsey, Hants,
Hereford, Hertford, Hunts, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight,

Jersey, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Merioneth,

Middlesex, Moumouth, Montgomery, Norfolk, Nor-
thampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford,
Pembroke, Radnor, Retland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford,
Suffolk, Surry, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland,

Wilts, Worcester, York.

And in the several counties in North Britain.

To his majesty's cavalry


cantonments, and quarters, in the under-mention counties and islands:

Anglesea, Bedford, Berwick, Brecon, Bucks, Cambridge, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, Chester, Cumberland, Denbigh, Derby, Durham, Flint, Glamorgan, Gloster, Hereford, Hertford, Hunts, Leicester, Lincoln, Merioneth, Monmouth, Montgo mery, Northumberland, Oxford, Pembroke, Radnor, Rutland, Salop, Stafford, Westmoreland, Worcester. FORAGE, viz.

Oats, Hay, and Straw, to His Majesty's cavalry, in barracks, and Oats in cantonments and quarters, in the under-mentioned counties in South Britain:

Berks, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Hants, (including the Isle of Wight), Kent, Lancaster, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northampton, Nottingham, Somerset, Suffolk, Surry, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, York.

in counties in North Britian,

And the diveries are to commence on and for the twenty-fifth day of April next; that proposals in writing, sealed up and marked, Tender for Army Sup. plies, will be received at this office on or before Friday the twenty-fourth day of March (but none will be received after 12 o'clock on that day) and, if sent by post, the postage must be paid.


ground, situated between the Profonde-rue, and the upper end of Berthelot-street, are to be sold, or given to rent

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A neat child's sociable, or coach, for sale.

DE JERSEY, GIVES NOTICE, THAT HE iron of all dimensions, clover seel, and mahogany at a reasonable price.



APARTMENTS TO LET, IN High-street, for Easter; apply to T. De La Rue,


Proposals must be made separately for each county and island, except for the counties comprising North | and South Wales, all of which must be included in one tender; as also must the several counties in North Britain; and each proposal must have the letter which is annexed to the tender properly filled up, by two persons of known property engaging to become bound with the party tendering in the amount stated in the printed particulars, for the due performance of the TO contract; and no proposal will be noticed unless made on a printed tender, and the prices expressed in words at length; and should it so happen that during the continuance of the contract? no troops should be stationed or supplied in the county, the expence of the contract and bond, paid in the first instance by the contractor, to be refunded to him by the commissary in chief.

Particulars of the contracts may be had upon application at this office between the hours of 11 and 5; at

O BE LET, IMMEDIATELY, A WINE Vault, in Truchot-lane; apply to Edward Collings.


RS. PAINT'S HOUSE, SITUATE AT Vauvert, occupied by Mr. Bardel, is to be let, for Easter next.

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TWO ROOMS TO LET, FOR EASTER next, in the house now occupied by John Champion, near the Market pumps.

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