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Majesty's Minister at Tôkiô that the words "obey all Decrees and Regulations," &c., are not intended to impair rights of extraterritorial jurisdiction conferred by existing Treaties.

ITALIAN NOTIFICATION relative to the Inquiry, by the Prize Court at Rome, into the Seizure of the Ship Doelwjk. -August 24, 1896.*

Foreign Office, September 12, 1896. THE following Notification is published at the request of the Italian Ambassador:


THE Prize Court, sitting at Rome at the Ministry of Marine, in accordance with the terms of Article 8 of the Regulations on the subject, notifies to all whom it may concern :

1. That the documents relative to the seizure of the ship Doelwjk which may interest the parties, will be deposited at the office of the Secretary of the Court for a period of thirty days, during which time it will be open to them to examine them, either in person or by proxy, upon proof that they are interested parties, and that they have chosen legal domicile at Rome.

2. That the parties may, during the same period, address to the President memorials in Italian, French, or English, which will be deposited at the office of the Secretary of the Court, together with the other documents.

3. That the period of thirty days shall be counted from the fifteenth day after the publication of the present notice in the "Official Gazette" of the Kingdom of Italy (the 5th September, 1896).

Rome, 24th August, 1896.






R. GAROFALO, Government Commissioner.

B. BERIO, Secretary.

* "London Gazette," September 15, 1896.

BRITISH NOTIFICATION of the Accession of Queensland to the International Telegraph Convention of July 22, 1875.* -April 9, 1896.


Paris, April 9, 1896.

THE Colony of Queensland has expressed to Her Majesty's Government a desire that steps may be taken for its admission to the International Telegraph Union as an adherent State of the 4th class, under Article LXXXI of the Revised Regulations of 1890.+

I have, therefore, been instructed by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to notify to the French Government through your Excellency the accession of that Colony to the International Telegraph Convention of the 22nd July, 1875. I have, &c.,

M. Bourgeois.


BRITISH NOTIFICATION respecting Territories in East Africa included in the East Africa Protectorate.—London, August 31, 1896.‡

Foreign Office, August 31, 1896.

Ir is hereby notified for public information that all the territories. in East Africa, now under the Protectorate of Her Majesty, except the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba and the Uganda Protectorate, are for the purposes of administration included in one Protectorate, under the name of the East Africa Protectorate.

This Protectorate includes the territories bounded on the north by the River Juba, on the east by the Indian Ocean, on the south by the German sphere, on the west by the Uganda Protectorate, and also all adjacent islands between the mouths of the Rivers Juba and Umba.

* Vol. LXVI, page 19.

† Vol. LXXXII, page 869.

"London Gazette," September 1, 1896.

BRITISHI NOTIFICATION of the Territory of Unyoro, &c., being placed within the Limits of the Uganda Protectorate.— London, June 30, 1896.*

Foreign Office, June 30, 1896.

THE territory of Unyoro, together with that part of the British sphere of influence lying to the west of Uganda and Unyoro which has not hitherto been included in the Uganda Protectorate, is placed within the limits of that Protectorate, which includes, also, Usoga and the other territories to the east under the administration of Her Majesty's Commissioner and Consul-General for the Protectorate.

WITHDRAWAL of certain British Colonies from the International Convention for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, signed at Brussels, July 5, 1890.†-December 19, 1896.

THE following British Colonies, in December 1896, signified their intention, in conformity with Article XV of the International Convention for the publication of Customs Tariffs, of withdrawing from the operation of that Convention from the 31st March, 1898:

Cape of Good Hope;



BRITISH NOTIFICATION of the Denunciation by the Dominican Republic of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Great Britain of the 6th March, 1850.— London, August 19, 1896.‡

Foreign Office, August 19, 1896. THE Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic a note, dated the 14th ultimo, denouncing the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, signed between Great Britain and Dominica

* "London Gazette," July 3, 1896.
+ Vol. LXXXII, page 340.
"London Gazette," August 21, 1896.

on the 6th March, 1850. This notice of denunciation, which is in conformity with the provisions of Article X of that Treaty, as supplemented by the terms of the subsequent Declaration of the 7th September, 1860,† has been accepted by Her Majesty's Government, and the stipulations of the Treaty, except those relating to peace and friendship between the two countries and their subjects and citizens, will cease and determine accordingly on the 14th July, 1897.

BRITISH NOTIFICATION of the Denunciation by Costa Rica of Articles V, VI, and VII of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Great Britain of the 27th November, 1849.-London, December 7, 1896.

Foreign Office, December 7, 1896. THE Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs received, on the 26th ultimo, from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Costa Rican Republic a note, dated the 4th ultimo, denouncing Articles V, VI, and VII of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Republic of Costa Rica concluded on the 27th November, 1849.§

This notice of denunciation, which is in conformity with the provisions of Article XV of that Treaty, has been accepted by Her Majesty's Government, and Articles V, VI, and VII of the Treaty will cease and determine accordingly on the 26th November, 1897.

All the other Articles of the Treaty will remain in force.

DECREE by the French Resident-General in Madagascar, imposing a Tax on Residence upon Foreigners of Asiatic and African Origin.-Antananarivo, November 3, 1896.||

ART. 1er. A partir du 1er November, 1896, tout étranger d'origine Asiatique et Africaine qui voudra résider dans la Colonie de Madagascar et ses dépendances devra, dans les trois jours qui * Vol. XXXVIII, page 8.

+ Vol. LXIII, page 1032.

"London Gazette," December 8, 1896.

§ Vol. XXXVII, page 20.


Published in the "Journal Officiel" of Madagascar, of November 6,

suivront son débarquement, se présenter chez le Résident de la circonscription pour y faire une demande écrite d'autorisation de séjour.

Il sera tenu de donner tous les renseignements nécessaires pour établir son identité, de déclarer sa profession et la localité où il désire résider.

Il devra renouveler sa déclaration le 1er Janvier de chaque année et toutes les fois que pour un motif quelconque sa déclaration précédente sera devenue inexacte.

2. L'autorisation de séjour sera accordée par le Résident de la circonscription, qui délivrera au demandeur un permis de séjour valable pour une année.

3. La délivrance de ce permis est subordonnée au payement d'une taxe annuelle qui se composera—

(1.) D'un droit fixé de 25 fr., dû par tout étranger du sexe masculin âgé de plus de 18 ans, en représentation de la corvée à laquelle sont assujettis les indigènes ;

(2.) D'un droit supplémentaire, dû par tout étranger exerçant une profession ou un commerce imposable au tarif local des patentes, et fixé à 50 fr. pour les patentables des 1re et 2e classes, et à 25 fr. pour ceux des 30 et 4e classes.

4. L'impôt sera établi d'après les déclarations faites par l'étranger; toute déclaration inexacte ou incomplète ayant eu pour effet l'exonération de tout ou partie de la taxe sera punie d'une amende égale au double des droits fraudés.

5. Un délai d'un mois à partir du 1er Novembre, 1896, est accordé aux étrangers d'origine Asiatique et Africaine résident à Madagascar pour faire dans les formes prescrites par le présent Arrêté leur demande d'autorisation de séjour.

6. Le présent Arrêté n'est pas applicable aux militaires en activité de service, ni aux travailleurs engagés par les Services publics.

Fait à Tananarive, le 3 Novembre, 1896.


HOMBERG, Directeur des Finances et du Contrôle.


ACCESSION of the Orange Free State to the Brussels Slave Trade Act of the 2nd July, 1890.-February 10, 1896.

LE Président de l'État Libre d'Orange usant de la faculté que concède l'Article XCVIII de l'Acte Général de Bruxelles, du 2 Juillet,

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