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GERMAN IMPERIAL ORDER authorizing a Revised Tariff of Dues for the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal.—August 4, 1896.


UPON the Report presented to me on the 15th ultimo, and with the consent of the Federal Council, I hereby give my authorization, in accordance with the Law respecting the Tariff of Dues for the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal of the 27th May, 1896, and § 3 of the Law respecting the construction of the North Sea and Baltic Canal of the 16th March, 1886, to the annexed Revised Tariff of Dues for the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal.

This Order shall be published in the "Reichsgesetzblatt."
Wilhelmshöhe, August 4, 1896.


To the Imperial Chancellor.


Revised Tariff of Dues for the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal.


DUES according to the following rates will be charged upon all vessels passing through the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, with the exception of vessels belonging to the Imperial Navy and to the Canal Administration :

1. Vessels in cargo:

(a.) General through traffic

For the first 400 register tons net, 60 pf. per ton;

For tonnage exceeding the above and up to 600 register tons net inclusive, per ton, 40 pf.;

For further tonnage exceeding the above and up to 800 register tons inclusive, per ton, 30 pf.;

For all further tonnage exceeding the above, per ton, 20 pf. (b.) German coasting trade (Law of the 22nd May, 1881)— For vessels up to 50 register tous net inclusive, for each register ton net, 40 pf.

2. Vessels in ballast or empty

The same rates as above with a reduction of 20 per cent.

3. The minimum dues for one passage through the Canal under Nos. 1 and 2 shall be

For vessels coming within 1 (b), 6 marks;

For all other vessels, 10 marks. [1895-96. LXXXVIII.]

3 D

4. Towing fees will further be charged

On sailing-vessels using the regulation means of towing-
For the first 200 register tons net, per ton, 40 pf;

For tonnage exceeding the above, per ton, 30 pf. ;

On sailing-vessels coming under Nos. 1 (b) and 2 using the regulation means of towing

For the first 200 register tons net, per ton, 25 pf.;

For tonnage exceeding the above, per ton, 20 pf.

For assistance rendered to steamers by the tug-boats, or for supplying special tug-boats for sailing-vessels, the Canal Administration shall fix the dues according to the size of the tugs and the time for which they are required.

5. During the months of October to March inclusive the dues under Nos. 1 to 3 shall be increased by 10 per cent.

6. In calculating the total of the dues levied, fractions of a mark will be rounded off upwards to a whole mark.

7. The above rates include the charges for the use of all the navigating arrangements of the Canal, and for pilotage between the pilot stations of Brunsbüttel, Nübbel and Friedrichsort.

Elbe pilotage payable by vessels coming from or proceeding to the North Sea, for the distance between the North Sea and Brunsbüttel will be considered in calculating the canal dues.

8. The conditions and dues for the admission of vessels which begin or end their voyage within the Canal, for the use of the Government harbours and quays on the Canal, and for the taking up and discharge of pilots outside the pilot stations will be fixed by the Canal Administration.


The above Tariff will come into force on the 1st September, 1896. On the same day the Tariff of Dues for the North Sea and Baltic Canal of the 4th June, 1895,* will cease to operate.

DECREE of the Government of Peru, closing the Port of Iquitos.--Lima, May 29, 1896.


THE President of the Republic taking into consideration, that it is necessary to prevent the authors of the revolutionary movement in Iquitos from defrauding the National Treasury and appropriating to themselves the customs entries, and as a measure of security for the commerce of the Department of Loreto;

* Vol. LXXXVII, page 789.


Let the port of Iquitos be closed to all national and foreign ships; any ships which may infringe this Decree shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by Article 5 of the Commercial Code.

Let it be communicated to the Consuls of the Republic in foreign parts, so that they may abstain from certifying to invoices having that port for their destination.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs is charged with the carrying into effect of this Decree, and of making it public.

Given at the Government House at Lima, the 29th May, 1896. N. DE PIEROLA.

RICARDO ORTiz de Zevallos.

LAW of the Government of Peru, relative to Patents.—Lima, January 3, 1896.


THE Congress of the Republic of Peru taking into consideration that experience has proved the necessity of amending the Law regarding privileges of the 28th January, 1869,

Has passed the following Law:

ART. 1. Those persons or societies, who may desire to obtain a patent for an invention or an introduction, must address themselves directly to the Government. The Minister of the Exchequer and Commerce will carry out the necessary proceedings and issue the required patent.

2. The petition must contain:

(1.) The description in duplicate of the invention, or of the fact contained in the petition;

(2.) The plans, samples, or drawings also in duplicate, which may be necessary;

(3.) The invoice or description of the pieces or documents, which may be necessary;

(4.) A clear and precise description of the principal object, with all particulars belonging to it, and an indication of its application; (5.) The time for which, during the ten years fixed by Law it is intended to enjoy the privilege.

3. Since the Government does not guarantee the novelty, priority, or utility of the invention, the guarantee provided for by paragraph 6 of Article 7 of the Law in force regarding privileges is consequently suppressed.

4. The petition shall be passed to the Direction of Industries, which shall immediately and on the date of its presentation, give to the interested party so desiring it the corresponding certificate, and shall order to be published during thirty days, at the expense of the interested party, a notice announcing to the public the object of the privilege and the name of the interested party. Once this requisite has been fulfilled, it shall seek the opinion of two experts appointed for the purpose. If the report of these experts should be unfavourable to the privilege, the fact shall be made known to the interested party, and according as he may make explanations, a new report shail be sought from the experts, a third being named in conjunction with them. According to the decision given by them, the Direction of Industries will give its Report, and the Fiscal Officer being first consulted, the Minister of the Exchequer will issue the corresponding decision.

5. In the Decree granting the privilege, the respective patent shall be ordered to be issued, the interested party being required to pay into the Treasury the sum of fifty soles as Chancery dues without which preliminary no patent shall be issued.

6. The duration of the privilege shall be counted from the date of issue of the patent and its concession shall be valid for the whole of the Republic.

7. The Resolutions relating to the above contained in the Law of the 28th January, 1869, are modified by the present Law, and the supreme Decree of the 26th February of the same year, abolished. The models referred to in the same are to be preserved in the Ministry of the Exchequer.

8. The petitions for privileges which may be under consideration in the Prefecture of the Department, or before the Provincial Council, at the time of the promulgation of the present Law, shall be immediately transmitted, in whatever stage they may be, to the Minister of the Exchequer, who shall at once proceed to expedite them in conformity with these rules. The publication of the notices shall, however, be omitted.

Let it be communicated to the Executive.

Done at the Congress Hall, the 3rd January, 1896.

(Signatures of the Presidents of the Chambers.);



STATUTES of the Russo-Chinese Railway.-St. Petersburgh, December, 1896.*


THE Minister of Finances presented on the th December, 1896, to the Ruling Senate for publication a copy of the Statutes of the Chinese Eastern Railway Company, which were Imperially confirmed on the th December, 1896.

27th August
8th September'

Statutes of the Chinese Eastern Railway Company.

Formation of the Company.

§ 1. On the strength of the Agreement concluded on the 1896, by the Imperial Chinese Government with the Russo-Chinese Bank, a Company is formed under the name of the "Eastern Chinese Railway Company" for the construction and working of a railway within the confines of China from one of the points on the western borders of the Province of Wei-LunTsian, to one of the points on the eastern borders of the Province of Ghirin and for the connection of this railway with those branches which the Imperial Russian Government will construct to the Chinese frontier from Trans-Baikalia and the southern Ussuri lines.t

The formation of the Company shall be undertaken by the Russo-Chinese Bank.

With the formation of the Company all rights and obligations are transferred to it in regard to the construction and working of the line ceded in virtue of the above-named Agreement of the 27th August 1896.

8th September'

The Company shall be recognized as formed on the presentation to the Minister of Finances of a warrant of the State Bank certifying the payment of the first instalment on the shares. In any case such payment must be made not later than two months from the day of confirmation of the present Statutes.

11th 23rd

From the Official Gazette ("Bulletin des Lois") of the December, 1896, No. 137.

+ Observation.-The Company is empowered, subject to the sanction of the Chinese Government, to exploit, in connection with the railway or independently of it, coal mines, as also to exploit in China other enterprises-mining, industrial, and commercial. For the working of these enterprises which may be independent of the railway, the Company shall keep accounts separate from those of the railway.

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