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434. LIST OF PATENTS DELIVERED.-Placarded in the Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, and published in the "Post & Inrikes Tidningar."

435. SPECIFICATIONS PUBLISHED.-Three times within two months of the grant, in the "Post & Inrikes Tidningar."

436. ORIGINALS OF SPECIFICATIONS, (MODELS.)-In the records of the Chamber of Commerce, Stockholm.

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437. LAW, DATE, AND WHERE RECORDED.-Act 22 Vict., dated 5th November, 1858. (See Commissioners of Patents' Journal, vide supra 71, No. 860, An., 1862.)

438. KINDS OF PATENTS.-Letters patent and grants of privilege to the true and first inventor, under the seal of the colony; disclaimer and alteration; English patent granted before the 30th June, 1859, to be valid in the colony.

439. DURATION.-Fourteen years. Patents to expire at the end of the third or seventh year, if the required grant-fees are not paid. Letters patent for foreign invention not to continue after expiration of foreign patent. Extension for a term not exceeding fourteen years after the expiration of the first term.

440. GOVERNMENT FEES.-On depositing specification, £2 10s.; to the law officer for any appointment, £2 48.

6d.; on obtaining letters patent, £2 10s.; at or before the expiration of third year, £15; at or before the expiration of seventh year, £20; to the law officer with particulars of objection, £2 4s. 6d.; on presenting petition for extension or confirmation, £2 10s.; every search and inspection, 1s.; entry of assignment or license, 10s. ; certificate of assignment or license, 10s.; filing disclaimer or memorandum of alteration, £2 10s.; entering any caveat, £2 10s.; copy or extract of any writing, per common law folio, 18.

441. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AND WHERE TO BE LEFT.— Petition to the Government; declaration of being the first inventor, with annexed specification (and copy) of a certain size, and drawings, if any, for provisional protection of six months. Notice to proceed to be published in the Government gazette and two local papers. Warrant for letters patent issued by Attorney General after one month's notice. Letters patent bearing date of deposit of specification to be issued within three months after said warrant, and during the protection.

442. ASSIGNMENTS.-Registered as above, and legal copies thereof to be had.

443. ORIGINALS OF SPECIFICATIONS, DISCLAIMERS, DRAWINGS, &C.-To be filed at the end of six months, at a proper office, with indexes, registers, &c., for public inspection.

444. OTHER LEGAL PROVISIONS.-Letters patent may be repealed or withheld, and specifications canceled by writ of the supreme courts, in the nature of a writ of scire facias in England. Letters patent not to prevent the use of invention in foreign ships resorting to ports in the colony, (provided there be reciprocity in this

behalf.) Penalty for unauthorized use of word patent,

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445. LAW, DATE, AND WHERE RECORDED.-Separate ordinance. (See Commissioners of Patents' Journal, vide supra 71, No. 883, An., 1862.)

446. DURATION.-Fourteen years.

447. GOVERNMENT FEES.-On presentation of bill, $50; government printer's charge, $10-$60, (£12 10s.)

448. KINDS OF PATENTS.-Bill for granting for a limited time the exclusive benefit of a certain invention.

449. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AND WHERE TO Be Left.Petition to the Government. Specifications to be delivered within six months after the passing of ordinance to the Registrar General.

450. SPECIFICATIONS.-Recorded in the office of the Registrar General.

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Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Victoria, Anno Decimo Septimo Victoriæ Reginæ. Assented to 31st March, 1854. Repealed 11th March, 1857, and superseded by act Anno Vicesimo Victoriæ Reginæ. Dated 11th March, 1857. (See Commissioners of Patents' Journal, vide supra 71, Nos. 186 and 359.)

452. KINDS OF PATENTS.-Letters patent for inventions and for imported inventions granted by the Queen to the true and first inventor of manufactures. Letters patent granted in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on or before the 31st December, 1857, to be also valid in Victoria. (N. B. Letters patent not to prevent the use of inventions in foreign ships resorting to ports in Victoria, except reciprocal rights be denied to British ships in such foreign ports as they belong to.)

453. PREVIOUS EXAMINATION.-By the Law Officer, and, if required, by one or more competent person or persons appointed by him, in case of opposition raised within one month of the notice to proceed, inserted in the Government gazette and two other papers, both applicant and opponent being present.

454. DURATION.-Original inventions fourteen years. Imported inventions according to the duration of the foreign patent, or, if more than one, according to the shortest duration. Letters patent may be repealed by scire facias. Extension of term, not exceeding fourteen years, by petition to Government six months before the expiration of the patent.

455. GOVERNMENT FEES.-On depositing specification, £2 10s.; to the Law Officer for any appointment, £2 4s. 6d.; on obtaining letters patent, £2 10s.; at or before the expiration of the third year, £15; at or before the expi

ration of the seventh year, £20; to the Law Officer with particulars of objections, £2 4s. 6d. ; on presenting petition for extension or confirmation, £2 10s.; every search and inspection, 1s.; entry of assignment or license, 10s.; certificate of assignment or license, 10s.; filing memorandum of alteration or disclaimer, £2 10s.; entering any caveat, £2 108.; copy or extract of any writing, per common law folio, 18.

456. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED, AND WHERE TO BE LEFT.An instrument in writing (and copy) describing invention, (with drawing, if any,) and deposited at the office of the Chief Secretary at Melbourne for provisional protection for six months. Such specification, on parchment, twenty inches by fifteen, may be amended within said term. Notice to proceed within six months of deposit. Opposition open for one month, before the Law Officer appointed to hear applications and objections and to award costs. Warrant for letters patent issued by said Law Officer. Letters patent to be sealed within three months after the date of said warrant and during the term of provisional protection; said term may be prolonged for one month by the Governor. Disclaimer or memorandum of alteration entered with or without public notice.

457. ASSIGNMENTS.-Entered in the Register of Proprietors.

458. SPECIFICATIONS AND INDEXES TO SPECIFICATIONS. Open to the public at all reasonable times. Certified copies to be evidence.

459. LISTS OF PATENTS DELIVERED.-Applications published in the Government gazette; also in the Registry of Patents and Proprietors, open to the public.

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