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Abolition of Slavery, 918, 968, 1076

Criminal Laws, Consolidation

Address on the King's Speech at the Opening of Currency, 358, 1112

the Session, 22, 91

Army Estimates, 1082, 1119, 1192, 1284

Bank of England Balances, 158

Bank of England Deposits Bill, 1198
Bank Charter, 165, 245, 368, 1258

Bear-baiting and Dog-fighting Bill, 647

Bribery and Corruption at Elections, 1003, 1305

Brogden, Mr. 90

Bubble Act, 416

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Commissioners of Bankrupts, 1371

Contempt of Court, Commitments for, 11, 78

Corn Laws, 157, 1000, 1113, 1210

Country Bankers Notes, 126, 358

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Ireland, Election Laws in, 12

Ireland, Church Rates in, 423

Ireland, Tolls and Customs a

in, 439

Country Banks-that have become Bankrupts, 145 Ireland, Education in, 1175

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Promissory Notes Bill, 165, 245, 368, 537, 570,
572, 859, 878, 963, 1184

Scotch Representation, 1208
Scotch Banking System, 1358, 1379
Silk Trade, 152, 356, 733

Slavery, Abolition of, 918, 968, 1076
Slaves at Jamaica, Trials of, 1007

South America, Treaties with, 359, 689, 809
Spain, Evacuation of by the French, 1283
Stamping of Small Country Notes, 126
Steam Vessels in Scotland, 1244

Tobacco and Snuff, Duties on, 696

Tolls and Customs at Fairs and Market Towns in
Ireland, 439

Treaties with South America, 359, 689

Usury Laws Repeal Bill, 409

Westminster Abbey, 1388

Writers to India, Appointment of, 1374


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Lansdown, Marquis of, 14, 128, 132, 480, 560,
565, 866, 867, 872, 874, 876, 1167, 1373
Lauderdale, Earl of, 21, 142, 466, 563, 866, 873,
875, 1356, 1395, 1398

Limerick, Earl of, 407, 466, 562,866, 918, 1346,

Liverpool, Earl of, 15, 102, 125, 128, 131, 140,
450, 498, 558, 561, 562, 564, 866, 870, 872,
876, 916, 1152, 1201, 1347, 1353, 1374, 1392,


Darnley, Earl of, 131, 407, 408, 915, 1200, 1204, Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1155


Dudley and Ward, Viscount, 1160

Eldon, Earl of, See Lord Chancellor

Melville, Lord, 1394

Redesdale, Lord, 1159,

Ellenborough, Lord, 130, 131, 496, 565, 1149, Roseberg, Earl of, 561, 864

1344, 1399

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Bernal, Ralph, 1111, 1134, 1210, 1287

Blake, Sir Francis, 392, 422, 993, 1186

Bourne, Right Hon. Sturges, 365, 505, 1372

Bradshaw, Captain, 1377

Bridges, Alderman, 392, 731, 1243

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Bright, Henry, 409, 418, 523, 538, 719, 877, Gascoyne, Isaac, 1122


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Calvert, Nicholson, 1116, 1240, 1366, 1367
Canning, Right Hon. George, 68, 318, 353, 509,
524, 599, 724, 851, 907, 911, 927, 973, 983;
1066, 1284, 1287, 1403, 1408

Chancellor of the Exchequer (Rt. Hon. Frederick
Robinson), 45, 76, 146, 151, 152, 161, 162, 163,
166, 168, 354, 355, 384, 522, 537, 554, 573,
599, 600, 706, 860, 861, 881, 893, 896, 901,
902, 907, 914, 915, 920, 922, 923, 924, 929,
941, 965, 967, 1113, 1125, 1135, 1189, 1278,
1305, 1340, 1360, 1379

Chetwynd, Sir George, 1243
Clerke, Sir George, 526, 535, 1209
Cockburn, Sir George, 682, 688
Colborne, N. R. 650

Cole, Sir C. 684, 688, 877

Copley, Sir John, See Attorney-General

Cripps, Joseph, 65, 543

Croker, John Wilson, 684

Curteis, E. 732

Curwen, John Christian, 92

Daly, James, 448

Davenport, D. 155, 409, 830, 1110

Davies, Colonel, 412, 522, 597, 686, 1082, 1115,
1120, 1126, 1139, 1367

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Grossett, J. R. 993

Gurney, Hudson, 86, 148, 316, 354, 356, 365, 371,
406, 542, 862, 897, 898, 903, 912, 967, 1130,
1189, 1191, 1259, 1359, 1366, 1381

Hamilton, Lord Archibald, 572, 905, 908
Hardinge, Sir H. 1121, 1124, 1131, 1136, 1258
Heathcote, G. 361

Heron, Sir Robert, 1109, 1185

Herries, J. C. 126, 422, 685, 895, 1271, 1285
Heygate, Alderman, 276, 393, 395, 903, 913, 965,


Hobhouse, John Cam, 416, 644, 686, 863, 884,
1110, 1137, 1139, 1188, 1192, 1367, 1370, 1390

Holford, G. P. 568

Hope, Sir A. 1120, 1124, 1125

Horton, Wilmot, 989, 1022, 1076, 1080, 1081,

1125, 1127, 1286, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1360, 1409
Hume, Joseph, 57, 98, 145, 161, 361, 363, 394,
417, 419, 420, 520, 523, 525, 529, 580, 642,
678, 688, 862, 864, 878, 892, 897, 902, 904,
906, 907, 909, 914, 930, 993, 1000, 1081,
1091, 1106, 1112, 1113, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123,
1124, 1125, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1136, 1137, 1179,
1187, 1191, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1245, 1258, 1281,
1284, 1288, 1291, 1292, 1336, 1364, 1370, 1376,
1388, 1400, 1408, 1410

Huskisson, Rt. Hon. William, 83, 155, 157, 229,
357, 359, 361, 362, 400, 539, 638,763, 829, 861,
886, 892, 909, 910, 1198, 1342

Hutchinson, C. H. 93, 128, 422, 436, 523, 1253,

Denman, Thomas, 87, 364, 367, 501, 502, 505, Inglis, Sir R. H. 428, 439, 610

Denison, W. J. 364, 510

658, 677,967, 1007, 1071

Dickenson, William, 846

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Johnson, Colonel, 571, 903, 1139, 1303, 1359

Irving, John, 410, 418, 420, 629, 900

Knatchbull, Sir E. 1116

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Martin, J. 912, 1185, 1251

Sebright, Sir John, 1242

Smith, John, 63, 146, 262, 413, 714, 963, 1295
Smith, William, 399, 649, 984, 1057, 1303, 1367,


Solicitor General (Sir C. Wetherell) 1052, 1371,


Speaker, The (Rt. Hon. C. M. Sutton) 500, 501,
502, 567, 642

Stuart-Wortley, J. 507

Stuart-Wortley, J. jun. 22

Sumner, Holme, 721, 1210

Martin, Richard, 127, 438, 448, 449, 647, 651, Sutton, Rt. Hon. C. M. See Speaker.
653, 906, 1391

Milton, Lord, 908, 1001, 1089

Sykes, Daniel, 410, 883, 913, 992, 1243, 1289

Monck, J. B. 162, 164, 412, 437, 633, 864, 891, Thompson, Alderman, 253, 863

898, 903, 905, 914, 1122

Monteith, Henry, 722

Moore, Peter, 848, 961

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Trant, W. H. 1379, 1392

Newport, Sir John, 274, 423, 438, 443, 447, 631, Tremaine, J. H. 686

901, 1175, 1247, 1253, 1339

Ommaney, Sir F. 678
Onslow, Mr. Serjeant, 409

Palmer, C. F. 525, 850, 965, 1369

Palmerston, Viscount, 918, 1084, 1101, 1106,
1120, 1123, 1128, 1129, 1131, 1195, 1303
Parnell, Sir Henry, 128, 390, 431, 442, 1245
Pearse, John, 67, 151, 160, 162, 340, 398, 405,
419, 717, 731, 862, 897, 900, 922, 1367

Peel, Rt. Hon. Robert, 286, 356, 364, 366, 415,
435, 443, 501, 502, 504, 568, 569, 570, 626,
651, 657, 898, 919, 985, 1107, 1112, 1138, 1178,
1189, 1211, 1213, 1244, 1389, 1390

Philips, George, 988, 1001

Phillimore, Dr. 1379

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Plunkett, Rt. Hon. W. C. 432, 436, 444, 1177, Wrottesley, Sir John, 148, 245, 541,860, 910


T. C. Hansard,

Paternoster-row Press.

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