THE 32 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES: FORMING A CONTINUATION OF THE WORK ENTITLED "THE PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1803." PUBLISHED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF T. C. HANSARD. New Series; COMMENCING WITH THE ACCESSION OF GEORGE IV. VOL. XIV. COMPRISING THE PERIOD FROM THE SECOND DAY OF FEBRUARY, TO THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF MARCH, 1826. LONDON: Printed by C. C. Hansard at the Pater-noster Row Press, FOR BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY; J. BOOKER; LONGMAN, REES, ORME, AND CO.; 1826. Feb. 23. Mr. Ellice's Motion for a Select Committee on the State of the Page Consolidation of the Criminal Laws Steam Vessels in Scotland............. Local Jurisdictions in Ireland ...... Non-Resident Burgesses in Ireland Episcopal Unions in Ireland.... Bank Charter Amendment Bill..... 10. State of Exchequer Bills, and Transactions of Government with ............... 1370 IV. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Communications between the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, relating to an Alteration in the Exclusive Privileges enjoyed by the Bank of England.. 103 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between his Ma- jesty and the State of Columbia. Signed at Bogota, April 18, Convention of Commerce between his Majesty and the Free Feb. 13. LIST of the Minority, in the House of Commons, on Mr. Bar- ing's Amendment to the Resolution moved by the Chan- |