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" And I do hereby also make known that whosoever of the citizens of the United States shall render himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the law of nations by committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by carrying... "
Documents Relative to Central American Affairs, and the Enlistment Question ... - Page 347
by United States. Department of State - 1856 - 485 pages
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State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States from the Accession ...

United States - 1815 - 508 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the law of nations, by committing, aiding or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by...forfeiture : and further, that I have given instructions to those officers, to whom it belongs, to cause prosecutions to be instituted against all persons, who...
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Annual Register, Volume 35

Edmund Burke - History - 1821 - 754 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the law of nations, by committing, aiding or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by carrying to any of P 1 them them those articles which are deemed contraband by the modern visuage of nations, will not...
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The Diplomacy of the United States: Being an Account of the Foreign ...

Theodore Lyman (Jr.) - United States - 1826 - 432 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the laws of nations, by committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by...of nations, will not receive the protection of the U. States against such punishment or forfeiture ; and farther, that I hare given instructions to those...
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The Diplomacy of the United States: Being an Account of the Foreign ...

Theodore Lyman (Jr.) - United States - 1826 - 406 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the Jaws of nations, by committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by...of nations, will not receive the protection of the U. States against such punishment or forfeiture ; and farther, that I have given instructions to those...
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The Diplomacy of the United States: Being an Account of the ..., Volume 1

Theodore Lyman (Jr.) - Diplomacy - 1828 - 494 pages
...which are deemed contraband by the modern usage of nations, will not receive the protection of the U. States against such punishment or forfeiture ; and further, that I have given instructions to those officers to whom it belongs, to cause prosecutions to be instituted against all per" This measure...
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The Diplomacy of the United States: Being an Account of the ..., Volume 1

Theodore Lyman - United States - 1828 - 500 pages
...contrahand hy the modern usage ofna'ions, will not receive the protection of the U. States agninst such punishment or forfeiture ; and further, that I have given instructions to those officers to whom it helongs, to cause prosecutions to he instituted against all per" This measure...
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The American Diplomatic Code Embracing a Collection of Treaties and ...

Jonathan Elliot - Diplomatic and consular service, American - 1834 - 778 pages
...punishment or forfeiture under the laws of nations, by committing, aiding, or abetting hortilitiea against any of the said powers, or by carrying to...articles, which are deemed contraband by the modern usages of nations, will not receive the protection of the U. States against such punishment or forfeiture;...
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The Writings of George Washington: pt. IV. Letters official and private ...

George Washington, Jared Sparks - Presidents - 1836 - 590 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the law of nations, by committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by...forfeiture ; and further, that I have given instructions to those officers, to whom it belongs, to cause prosecutions to be instituted against all persons, who...
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The Writings of George Washington: pt. IV. Letters official and private ...

George Washington, Jared Sparks - Presidents - 1836 - 590 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the law of nations, by committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by...forfeiture ; and further, that I have given instructions to those officers, to whom it belongs, to cause prosecutions to be instituted against all persons, who...
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The Writings of George Washington: pt. IV. Letters official and private ...

George Washington, Jared Sparks - Presidents - 1836 - 584 pages
...himself liable to punishment or forfeiture under the law of nations, by committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by...forfeiture ; and further, that I have given instructions to those officers, to whom it belongs, to cause prosecutions to be instituted against all persons, who...
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