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1 The map is attached to another copy of Document 185 in the Central Intelligence Agency, National Intelligence Council Files, Job 79-R01012A, Box 447.

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TRIP 24.000 Miles-45 Days


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Algeria Continued

Arab oil control strategies, 241, 263,
287, 316, 336, 341, 342

CIA assessment of U.S. access to
world oil, 8

Energy crisis responses, 280, 345
Oil producer power, 175
OPEC participation/ownership issue,
6, 91, 110

OPEC price negotiations, 362

Raw materials and development, 352
Allen, Arthur P., 91, 139
Allende, Salvador, 173

American Independent Oil Company of
Iran, 110

American Selling Price System, 4
Amin, Idi, 295, 314

Amouzegar, Jamshid, 74, 79, 82
Anderson, Jack, 230

Anderson, Robert O., 24, 104, 230, 243,

Annenberg, Walter, 58, 81, 113

Anti-trust issues. See under U.S. oil

Arab-Israeli conflict (see also Arab-

Israeli war of 1973; Arab oil control
strategies; Israeli occupied
territories withdrawal demands;
individual Arab countries), 24, 61
Bahr-Kissinger meetings, 295
CIA assessments, 178, 209, 215, 221,

Faisal-Kissinger meetings, 332
Faisal-Nixon communications, 154,
181, 198

Helms assessments, 166

Israeli procedure proposal, 319
Jerusalem, 241

Kissinger future war belief, 362
Kissinger-Levy meetings, 190
Kissinger-Love meetings, 191
Kissinger-oil industry executives
meetings, 345

Kissinger-Saunders meetings, 154
Kissinger-Yamani meetings, 176
Munich massacre, 176

NIAM 3-73, 185

NSC alternative approaches paper,


NSSM 174, 171, 191, 192

Odeen assessments, 193

Sadat on, 178

Saudi boycott participation, 176, 178,


Arab-Israeli conflict-Continued

Saudi Embassy in Sudan attacked,

Saunders assessments, 183

UN Resolution 242, 176, 218, 224, 239,
251, 258, 263, 264, 267
U.S. economic/political interests
impacted by, 24

U.S. embargo concession demands
and, 241, 285, 296, 297, 300
U.S. policies, 199, 244

Washington Energy Conference, 319
Arab-Israeli war of 1973:

Alaskan pipeline and, 219

Casey-British officials meetings, 221
Casey-oil industry executives

meetings, 210

CIA assessments, 228

Consumer country oil supply sharing
plans, 219, 222

Consumer union/cartel and, 213
Critchfield assessments, 210, 212
Europe, 210, 212, 214, 215, 219, 221
Fahd-Kissinger communications, 216,

Kissinger-Colby communications, 228
Oil cutoff emergency plans, 209, 214,
215, 217, 219, 221, 226
Organization for Economic

Cooperation and Development,
220, 222, 226

Rogers-Jobert meetings, 211
Saudi-Egyptian oil production
cutback agreement, 218

Six-point cease-fire agreement, 259,

U.S.-Canadian relations and, 93, 222
U.S. cease-fire stabilization efforts,
238, 274

U.S. military aid to Israel, 216, 217,

U.S.-NATO relations, 236

WSAG meetings, 209, 214, 215, 217,

219, 221

Arab League Summit (Algiers, 1973),
246, 257

Arab League Summit (Khartoum, 1967),
61, 134

Arab oil control strategies:

Adham defends Faisal's promise, 302
Akins assessments, 258

Akins-Saqqaf meetings, 298

Algiers Oil Producers Summit (Feb.
15, 1974), 325

References are to document numbers

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